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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ E ] / Extravagant

Extravagant Çeviri İspanyolca

618 parallel translation
The extravagant revues...
Las revistas de gran espectáculo...
Ted, you adorable, extravagant wretch, you.
Ted, tú, adorable y extravagante granuja.
Tonight I'm in the mood for something extravagant.
Esta noche tengo ganas de algo extravagante.
I don't mean to be extravagant, Jeffrey.
No es mi intención derrochar, Jeffrey.
I'll let you be extravagant just for today.
Dejaré que seas extravagante sólo por hoy.
Gray, you shouldn't have been so extravagant.
Gray, es demasiado.
Serves me right for being so extravagant.
Me está bien empleado por ser tan derrochadora. Son las 10 : 00.
How extravagant today!
¡ Que estravagante!
Oh, dear. Now he'll think I'm extravagant.
Ahora creerá que soy una manirrota.
Digo que es extravagante, coger un taxi por media milla.
And don't be too extravagant.
Y nada de locuras.
Extravagant praise.
Extravagante elogio.
You shouldn't have been so extravagant.
Pero no debería haber gastado tanto.
- Exageras.
He's a man a little outside our world,.. a little shy, somewhat extravagant, but after all, he's so cute.
Es un hombre un poco fuera de nuestro mundo... un poco tímido, algo extravagante, pero tan simpático.
He doesn't mind our being extravagant about anything else but he won't let us change one single thing about his precious little house.
No le molesta en absoluto nuestro carácter derrochador pero no nos dejaría cambiar nada de su preciosa y pequeña casa.
For the prosecution making extravagant and maligning charges against my client without any substantiation other than his own imaginings.
La acusación está haciendo extravagantes y maliciosos cargos contra mi cliente sin ninguna base más que su propia imaginación.
Yes, I know, but Santa Claus was far too extravagant.
Sí, un Santa Claus muy extravagante.
A picture of a life extravagant, romantic, and useless.
Un ejemplo de una vida extravagante, romántica, e inútil.
And she has a reputation of being one of the most extravagant girls in Paris as well as one of the most insincere.
Y tiene la reputación de ser muy extravagante y de no ser sincera.
You see, I didn't want you to know that I was so extravagant, and I suppose it was awfully foolish of me to try to tell you...
¿ Sabe? No quería que supieran que soy muy extravagante y supongo que fue estúpido por mi parte decírselo.
He's greatly appreciated, as if he were one of us, because he's a serious, modest and simple guy, not extravagant, but with very clear ideas, in his head and he's a great worker : home, newsstand, newsstand, home...
Vive con nosotros, en familia. Y cuando se quiere entretener, viene aquí.
The high court of parliament will brand the queen of France a loose and extravagant woman who stoops to midnight rendezvous...
La Alta Corte del Parlamento declarará a la reina de Francia una mujer suelta y extravagante que tiene encuentros nocturnos...
I hope you weren't too extravagant.
Espero que no te haya costado demasiado.
I didn't tell you before because I was afraid you might do something extravagant.
No te lo dije antes porque temía que hicieras algo extravagante.
We know he's extravagant.
Sabemos que es un extravagante.
Naturally, you can't be extravagant.
Claro que deberá vivir con sencillez.
You're extravagant, you're a woman of the world, a public figure.
Tú eres extravagante, una mujer de mundo, una celebridad.
I've cured you of those extravagant ideas, haven't I? Takes the daughter of a millionaire... to teach economy to a penniless professor of Greek. Yes.
Ya te he curado de esas ocurrencias derrochadoras, ¿ verdad?
Oh, Papa, you're too extravagant.
Oh, papá, eres un derrochador.
Whatever made you take this extravagant house?
¿ por qué tomaste esta casa tan grande y cara?
Extravagant fellow.
Es un tipo raro.
I heard myself being so extravagant, I was sure he'd laugh but he didn't laugh. He was taken in.
Me oía tan extravagante que pensé que se reiría, pero no, se dejó engañar facilmente.
Oh, the meals here not at all extravagant.
Los platos que nos sirven no son lujosos en absoluto.
They're not extravagant but we don't complain about them.
No son muy profusos pero no nos quejamos de ellos.
How extravagant you are, throwing away women.
¿ Cómo puedes desechar a las mujeres?
I know it's foolish and extravagant but I've simply got to have it.
Sé que es algo imprudente y un gran derroche pero ha de ser mío.
- He has a very extravagant wife.
- Tiene una esposa muy derrochadora.
I was afraid you'd think I'd been a bit too extravagant.
Temía que pensaras que he sido demasiado derrochador.
Oh, all of us are extravagant now and then, don't you think?
Todos derrochamos de vez en cuando, ¿ no crees?
We haven't done anything very extravagant yet.
Aún no hemos hecho nada muy extravagante.
- Not that she's extravagant, Mr. Davis.
- No es que sea derrochadora.
And at nightfall, Corneille's masterpiece, "L'Illusion comique"... an extravagant romance in 5 acts.
"La ilusión Cómica", galantería en 5 actos.
It was extravagant but I'd committed the crime... and I felt reckless and gay.
Era excesivo, pero lo compré y me sentía temeraria y feliz.
It was very extravagant of you.
Ha sido una extravagancia por su parte.
I'll ask you something extravagant, but, as you know,
Quería pedirle un gran favor.
Here's to the flaunting extravagant queen
y extravagantes reinas.
And you're willing to pay an extravagant price for this.
Vd. está dispuesto a pagar una suma exorbitante por esto.
Oh, Charles was in one of his extravagant moods.
Charles a veces es un adulador.
You're much too extravagant on your pay.
Eres un poco desmesurado en tus gastos.
Scared I'd do something extravagant?
¿ Temes que haga alguna locura?

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