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Greenpoint Çeviri İspanyolca

122 parallel translation
Me and the belle of Greenpoint.
Yo y la beldad de Greenpoint.
Late delivery over there in Greenpoint.
Una entrega a última hora en Greenpoint.
Yes, Greenpoint.
" My address is 642 Greenpoint Avenue.
Mi dirección es Avenida Greenpoint 642.
Hello, operator, would you be good enough to get me Greenpoint 7-9970?
Hola, operadora, ¿ sería usted tan amable de comunicarme con Greenpoint 7-9970?
When we met, Myrtle McGillicuddy, not more than 15 or 16... but already acclaimed as that year's Miss Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Cuando nos conocimos era Myrtle McGillicuddy, tendría 15 o 16 años... pero ya había ganado un concurso de belleza en Brooklyn.
Call Greenpoint Hospital.
Llamando al hospital Greenpoint.
- They're taking him to Greenpoint.
- Le están llevando a Greenpoint.
Yeah, I did the New York City Marathon. I got all the way over to Greenpoint Avenue, before I passed out.
Corrí el maratón de Nueva York hasta la avenida Green Point antes de desmayarme.
An apparent retaliation for the murder of a black youth... last week in Greenpoint. Police are said to be searching for two suspects.
THE PAPER por el asesinato de un joven negro la semana pasada.
Greenpoint, next stop.
Greenpoint, próxima parada.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
En Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Location remains the Greenpoint area of the East River.
El lugar es la zona Greenpoint del East River.
Grabbed from Greenpoint.
Fue raptada en Greenpoint.
I'm also supposed to hear from Greenpoint Press.
También tengo que estar pendiente de Greenpoint Press.
It's from Greenpoint Press.
Es de Greenpoint Press.
Looks like Greenpoint's first on the scene.
- Los de Greenpoint llegaron primero.
If it happens, your territory will be absorbed by Shoreline Station and Greenpoint.
Si eso pasa, los cuarteles Shoreline y Greenpoint absorberán tu territorio.
Yeah, nothing made Marc happier than kicking Greenpoint's butt.
- Sí. Sí, nada lo hacía más feliz que darle una paliza a Greenpoint.
So, next up... we have Sparky of Greenpoint, as he's handled by Jasmine "J.J." Presley, daughter of illustrious Fire Captain Jessie Presley.
Así que ahora tenemos a Chispa, de Greenpoint... con su adiestradora Jasmine "J.J." Presley... hija de la ilustre capitán de bomberos Jessie Presley.
Dad, she's Greenpoint.
- Papá, es de Greenpoint.
No, courtesy of Greenpoint.
- No, es de parte de Greenpoint.
This informant tipped me to some guys in greenpoint Selling ak's out the trunk of their car.
Este informante me aviso de unos tipos en Greenpoint... vendiendo ak's desde el maletero de su auto.
One's in Greenpoint, but I think we can skip it.
- Tres. uno es GreenPoint, pero creo que podemos saltarnoslo.
Developmental K next year, Greenpoint.
Desarrollo K el año que viene, Greenpoint.
It sure was different from Greenpoint, though.
Pero era muy distinta a la de Greenpoint, seguro.
{ \ It's just that } I haven't jumped around like that since I took trampoline at the Greenpoint Y.
Es que no había saltado así desde mis clases de trampolín en la Y de Greenpoint.
On Saturday my mother insisted on calling her doctor, and he had us meet him at his office in Greenpoint on a Saturday night.
El sábado, mi madre insistió en que llamara a su médico y nos hizo ir por la tarde a su consultorio en Greenpoint. La noche de sábado.
But I would leave early to walk to school. You know, it was Greenpoint, Brooklyn, everybody did that, then.
Pero yo me iba temprano para ir caminando a la escuela era en Greenpoint, Brooklyn, sabes y todos lo hacían entonces.
Aries T oy Company, it's a toy manufacturer in Greenpoint.
La compañía de juguetes Aries, es una fábrica de juguetes en Greenpoint.
Aries T oy Company, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Compañía de juguetes Aries, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
She's the flack for this new hip restaurant that's opening tomorrow out in Greenpoint, near you - It's close by.
Es la agente publicitaria de un nuevo restaurante que abre mañana en Greenpoint, cerca de donde tú vives.
Greenpoint, please.
Greenpoint, por favor.
They located the car in Greenpoint.
Localizaron el carro en Greenpoint.
They found the shooter car over in Greenpoint, but nobody claimed responsibility yet.
Encontraron el auto del que disparó en Greenpoint pero todavía a nadie se le atribuye responsabilidad.
- They're in Greenpoint.
- Están en Greenpoint.
So you never go out in Greenpoint?
¿ Así que nunca sales en Greenpoint?
Next stop, Greenpoint. Come on, I'll take you to my place, but hurry. Ugh!
Próxima parada, Greenpoint.
That deal your brother Grant made, greenpoint, bunch of land out in Brooklyn ruined by an oil spill.
El trato que hizo tu hermano Grant, Greenpoint, unos terrenos en Brooklyn todo arruinado por un derrame de petróleo.
Grant, he swore that greenpoint was gonna be the big one.
Grant, jura que Greenpoint iba a ser el mas importante.
I went to a cheap bakery supply store in Greenpoint and got us some supplies.
Fui a una tienda de suministros de panadería barata en Greenpoint y he comprado unos suministros.
We're about to pull up on the intersection of Greenpoint and Henry.
Estamos a punto de detenernos en la intersección de Greenpoint y Henry.
He was the guy who had that show in Greenpoint where he hung himself from a flagpole by his nipples, remember?
¿ Él fue el tipo que hizo una exposición en Greenpoint... donde se colgó de sus pezones en un asta de bandera, lo recuerdas?
I'm sorry. Was he talking about the greenpoint towers complex?
Lo siento. ¿ Estaba hablando del complejo de las torres greenpoint?
Look, while I abhor your chosen profession, our unholy union may be the only thing keeping Neal from washing up in Greenpoint.
Mira, yo aborrezco la profesión que has elegido, nuestra profana relación puede ser lo único que mantiene a Neal lejos de la lavandería de la prisión de Greenpoint.
Diana, I need local backup in Greenpoint.
Diana, necesito refuerzos en Greenpoint.
It's, uh, 402 Humboldt in Greenpoint.
Está en el 402 de Humboldt, en Greenpoint.
- No, I live in Greenpoint.
- No, vivo en Greenpoint.
- You know, big difference, Williamsburg and Greenpoint.
- Nada que ver Williamsburg y Greenpoint.
Because voters are mad about the rezoning in the greenpoint district.
Porque los votantes están como locos por la rezonificación del distrito de Greenpoint.

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