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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Guilty or not guilty

Guilty or not guilty Çeviri İspanyolca

465 parallel translation
And do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty? Guilty.
Esto es totalmente absurdo.
Do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty?
¿ La acusada es culpable o inocente?
Charged with vagrancy? Guilty or not guilty?
¿ Inocente o culpable?
Are you guilty or not guilty?
¿ Eres culpable o inocente?
- Guilty or not guilty?
- ¿ Culpable o inocente?
- Harold Carron, guilty or not guilty?
- Harold Carron, ¿ culpable o inocente?
- Andrew Baynes, guilty or not guilty?
- Andrew Baynes, ¿ culpable o inocente?
- Jeremy Pitt, guilty or not guilty?
- Jeremy Pitt, ¿ culpable o inocente?
- John Wolverstone, guilty or not guilty?
- John Wolverstone, ¿ culpable o inocente?
Uriah Ogle, guilty or not guilty?
Uriah Ogle, ¿ culpable o inocente?
Henry Hagthorpe, guilty or not guilty?
Henry Hagthorpe, ¿ culpable o inocente?
- Lord Chester Dyke, guilty or not guilty?
- Lord Chester Dyke, ¿ culpable o inocente?
Peter Blood, guilty or not guilty?
Peter Blood, ¿ culpable o inocente?
Are you guilty or not guilty?
¿ Es culpable o inocente?
Is he guilty or not guilty?
¿ Es culpable o inocente?
Guilty or not guilty?
¿ Culpable o inocente?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, how do you find the defendant - guilty or not guilty?
Damas y caballeros del jurado, ¿ cómo declaran a la acusada? ¿ Culpable o inocente?
Are you guilty or not guilty?
¿ Se declara culpable o inocente?
Now, prisoner at the bar, the charge against you is... that you up and blowed the head plumb off of Gus Modesto... in consequence of which said shooting, said Gus is deader than blazes. Are you guilty or not guilty?
A ver, se acusa al reo... de coger y volarle la tapa de los sesos a Gus Modesto, quien, a consecuencia de los disparos, está criando malvas.
Do you find the prisoner at the bar, Leslie Crosbie, guilty or not guilty?
¿ Encuentran a la prisionera, Leslie Crosbie, culpable o inocente?
All right. You plead guilty or not guilty?
¿ Se declaran culpables o inocentes?
You plead guilty or not guilty?
¿ Se declara culpable o inocente?
You're charged with stealing a horse. Guilty or not guilty?
Se lo acusa de robar un caballo. ¿ Es culpable o inocente?
- Do you plead guilty or not guilty?
¿ Se declara culpable, o inocente?
Guilty or not guilty to trespass and atrocious assault with a rock upon the employee of the railroad.
¿ Culpable, o inocente de allanamiento y lesiones ocasionadas con una piedra a un ferroviario?
Guilty or not guilty?
¿ Culpables o no?
You told us just a minute ago it's none of our business to say guilty or not guilty.
Acaba de decirnos que no tenemos que decir si es o no culpable.
Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty of the charge?
¿ Declaran al acusado culpable o inocente del crimen imputado?
Do you find the prisoner guilty or not guilty?
- ¿ Es la acusada culpable o inocente?
To count one, murder of Nicholas Smith, how do you plead, guilty or not guilty?
Cargo uno, asesinato de Nicholas Smith, ¿ cómo se declara?
How find you? Are the defendants guilty or not guilty?
¿ Declaran culpables o inocentes a los acusados?
Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
¿ Encuentran a la acusada culpable o no culpable?
Do you plead guilty or not guilty?
¿ Se declara culpable, o inocente?
A woman suspected of witchcraft is thrown into the water to find out whether she is guilty or not.
Una mujer sospechosa de brujería es lanzada al agua para averiguar si es culpable o no.
It is your duty to inquire whether she is guilty or not. I need not remind you that in the eyes of the law, men and women are equal.
Necesito recordarles que a los ojos de la ley... hombres y mujeres son iguales.
Either we've got to let her go free- - that's not fair to the rest of the world if she's guilty- - or we got to hang her
- ¿ Y si recomendamos clemencia? - ¿ Clemencia? ¿ Así la llama?
Your task, ladies and gentlemen, will be to determine whether she is guilty or not.
Su tarea será determinar si ella es culpable.
Well, I don't care whether he's guilty or not.
Eso no me importa.
Guilty or not guilty?
Culpable o inocente.
Or not guilty!
¡ O de inocencia!
Guilty or not guilty?
¿ Culpable o no?
I don't care whether he's guilty or not.
No me importa si es culpable.
Well, I thought it out this way. Guilty or not,
Yo lo considero así.
Guilty or not guilty?
¿ culpable o no culpable?
Or do I have to learn how to say "not guilty" in Portuguese?
¿ O voy a tener que aprender a decir "no culpable" en portugués?
I don't know if he's guilty or not... but we don't want this police force persecuted anymore.
No sé si lo sea o no... pero no queremos que persigan a la policía.
Are you guilty of the felony with which you are charged or not guilty?
¿ Es culpable de la felonía de la que se le acusa o no culpable?
Is the prisoner guilty of the felony whereof he stands indicted or not guilty?
¿ Es culpable el acusado... de la felonía de la que se le acusa... o no culpable?
Guilty or not, she must confess.
Culpable o no, ella tiene que confesar.
Makes no difference if you're guilty or not, they'll hang you sure, Choya.
No importa que seas culpable o no, te colgaran de todas formas.
First of all, because we're not grateful to God in the slightest. Secondly, because we have little or no love for our neighbor. And we would be even more vile and guilty if God in his mercy didn't assist us.
segundo, porque poco o nada amamos a nuestros semejantes y más viles y culpables seríamos si Dios misericordioso no nos asistiese.

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