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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Happily married

Happily married Çeviri İspanyolca

763 parallel translation
" I am happily married and yet... yesterday evening I was overcome with an almost irresistible urge to kill my wife...
Estoy felizmente casado pero... anoche fui dominado por... el impulso casi irresistible de matar a mi esposa, ¿ no es una locura?
And you know that before that kid came into our house... we were a pretty happily married couple, weren't we?
Y sabes que antes de que ese chico viniera a nuestra casa éramos una pareja felizmente casada, ¿ verdad?
My little daughter happily married, I on my way to greater triumphs.
Mi pequeña hija felizmente casada y yo en camino al éxito.
You're supposed to be happily married.
Se supone que felizmente casados.
Now, remember, we're a happily married couple.
Ahora, recuerda, Somos una pareja felizmente casada.
Well, all I can say is, it was nice knowing you... while you were happily married, and I'll be seeing you.
Sólo puedo decirte que fue un gusto conocerte... mientras estuviste felizmente casada.
So happily married, his succession assured.
Felizmente casado. Su sucesión asegurada.
If you hadn't botched things up, I'd be a happily married man.
Si no fuera por ti, estaría felizmente casado.
Breaking up a happily married couple, lying to save your own neck.
Rompiendo una feliz pareja casada, mintiendo para salvar su cabeza.
- And so happily married.
Felizmente casada.
I'm happily married.
Soy un hombre feliz.
Very happily married.
Felizmente casado.
You see... we're a happily married couple... and must never forget that.
Ya ves... Somos una pareja felizmente casada y no debemos olvidarlo jamás.
I am a happily married woman... or I was until a few weeks ago.
Soy una mujer felizmente casada o lo era hasta hace unas semanas.
Once upon a time, there was a charming country house... in which lived a very happily married couple.
Érase una vez una encantadora casa de campo... en la que vivía una pareja, cuyo matrimonio era muy feliz.
Tell him you thought if you invited me to the house, and I saw how happily married you were, then the horrid passion I have for you might be torn out of me.
Dile que pensaste que si me invitabas a la casa y veía que están felizmente casados dejaría de sentir esa horrible pasión que siento por ti.
And I've been happily married for 26 years.
llevo 26 años felizmente casado.
Like some other people we both know, I'm not very happily married.
Como tantas personas que conocemos, yo no soy feliz en mi matrimonio.
And, uh, when you're happily married, Pray sometimes for Todos Santos. That it too may live again.
Y cuando estéis felizmente casados, rezad por Todos Santos, para que viva de nuevo.
A man like that's got to get married, stay married, happily married.
Y un hombre así tiene que casarse, y permanecer felizmente casado.
I take it from your unpolicemanlike blushes that you're... a happily married man?
Si un policía como usted se ofende es porque.. Se trata de un hombre felizmente casado?
Seems the male half of America's most happily married couple is down here making a fool of himself with a dame.
Parece que el hombre del matrimonio más feliz de EE.UU está aquí haciendo el papel de tonto con una dama.
- Who's happily married?
- ¿ Quién está felizmente casado?
I am married. Happily married.
Si, estoy casada.
Do you know anybody that's happily married that hasn't got plenty of it?
¿ Conoces algún matrimonio feliz que no tenga dinero?
But a father's life can't be successful if his children are not happily married.
Pero la vida de un padre no puede ser exitosa si sus hijos no están felizmente casados.
If you were happily married there could be no danger, and if you weren't, it could make no difference.
Si estaba felizmente casado no corría peligro, y, si no lo estaba, eso no cambiaría nada.
Since I'm old-fashioned we've been happily married ever since, like in the storybooks.
Dado que soy anticuado hemos vivido felices desde entonces, como en los cuentos.
I'm a happily married man.
¡ Soy un hombre casado y feliz!
Gustaf Meyerheim, happily married for seven years suddenly... " Seven years!
Gustaf Meyerheim, esposo feliz durante 7 años... ... de pronto... " ¡ 7 años!
Here I was, happily married to the loveliest creature in New York. And here I was, shacked up in a hotel with a punchy ex-middleweight.
Estaba casado con la chica más bonita de Nueva York, pero me encontraba en un hotel con un ex boxeador sonado.
We are really very happily married. We don't often mention Lori Shannon in our household though I understand she's quite happy, too.
No solemos mencionar a Lori Shannon.
They're very happily married.
Están felizmente casados.
You'd say then that your sister was a happily married woman eagerly anticipating the return of her husband.
Entonces, según usted, su hermana era una esposa feliz que esperaba el regreso de su marido. Sí.
Mr. Duckworth, I was very happily married once, and I have no intention of getting married again.
Sr. Duckworth, he estado felizmente casada una vez, y no tengo intención de volver a casarme.
I just wanted to see you happily married.
- ¿ Qué haces aquí?
We're supposed to be happily married, aren't we?
- Dejaría a su esposa... - Sí.
We'll get married properly and... live ever after happily.
Nos casaremos adecuadamente y... viviremos felices para siempre.
Well, I appreciate the honor, naturally... but I happen to be married, and happily, and would like to remain so.
Agradezco el honor, naturalmente... pero estoy felizmente casado y quisiera seguir así.
We'd been married happily 10 years.
Estuvimos felizmente casados 10 años.
When a suitable man comes along, I'll happily see you married.
Cuando se presente un chico que te convenga, te casaras.
I suppose they'll get married and live happily ever after.
Pero bueno, se casarán y serán felices.
The got married and lived happily ever after.
Se casaron y vivieron felices para siempre.
If I was happily married to a girl like you,
Felizmente casada.
Yep, we were married and lived happily ever...
Sí, ya estábamos casados y viviríamos felices para -
"Gennaro married her Marietta and they lived happily ever after'."
Gennaro se casó con su Marietta y vivieron felices corazón con corazón.
A lot of people say that and the first thing you know is they get married and live happily ever after.
Mucha gente dice eso, y después se casan, y viven felices juntos.
I know lots of girls who've been married at 16, and very happily too,
Muchas mujeres casadas a los 16 años son muy dichosas.
On'mercredi " we got married and happily we left.
El "mercredi" nos casamos y nos fuimos contentos.
I'm already married happily to 738 Madison Avenue, Therese Originals...
Ya estoy casada con el 738 de la Avenida Madison, Confecciones...
- We were married and lived happily.
- Nos casamos y vivimos felices.

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