He's all i have Çeviri İspanyolca
888 parallel translation
I have to go check in on Larry, make sure he's all right.
Tengo que ir a ver en el Larry, asegurarse de que está bien.
If there's one thing I've learned, Lieutenant, it's that we all have a cross to bear.
Si hay una cosa que he aprendido, Teniente, Es que todos llevamos una cruz.
I have suffered all I am going to for other people's sins, Letty.
Ya he sufrido de sobra por los pecados de los demás, Letty.
All I have to do is give $ 50 to the general's bodyguard.
Todo lo que he de hacer es darle $ 50 al guardaespaldas del general.
that's what I'm asking you, Seydlitz his majesty thinks it's his personal war he thinks he's waging this war all alone and we were just to obey well, we're the marionettes do you have something to drink, gentlemen?
¿ Qué pasa? Sí... qué pasa le pregunto a Ud., Seydlitz Su Majestad cree que es su guerra... que la hace él solo... y nosotros tenemos que obedecer.
He's all I have, judge.
Sólo lo tengo a él.
I have to slap him he's totally drunk but he can't be that drunk but I'm not drunk at all
¡ Tengo que darle una bofetada! ¡ Está totalmente borracho! ¡ Pero no puede estar borracho!
If he's all you say he is at least I can do as much for him as you have done.
Si es como dicen estoy a tiempo de hacer lo mismo que ustedes.
- I mean, if me and Claff Owen and the boy have to look after the light and take on his nibs in all his resting as well. He's not to be moved, Higgins.
Claft Owen con el chaval debemos vigilar el faro y hacer niñeras.
It's all right, children. ... I have lived with debts for years and where the most important things are concerned on credit...
Muy bien, niños Yo he vivido con dudas varios años y lo más importante en cuanto al crédito...
I can't go on like this without her knowing something about Margaret... and I haven't got the nerve to come out and tell her, that's all. You don't have to go back to Margaret unless you get $ 25,000.
Es una mujer muy dulce y aparte de eso no puedo seguir así sin que sepa algo sobre Margaret no he tenido el valor para contárselo, es todo.
After all, I have no dowry, and he's a gentleman and educated.
No tengo dote y es muy educado.
I suppose I have been monopolizing Dick's company... but I am so interested in all you athletes.
Supongo que he monopolizado a Dick... pero me interesan todos ustedes, los atletas.
I understand and sympathize with you, but I have judged it consistent with the good of His Majesty's service to order all available troops westward to meet the Indians on their own grounds.
Yo lo entiendo y me solidarizo con ustedes, pero he considerado adecuado, en servicio a Su Majestad, ordenar a las tropas que van al oeste que se reúnan con los indios.
All the girls that have been discovered stealing, and I've seen a few in my career they always justify their actions in the same way : there's need there's vanity, there's love...
Las chicas que son descubiertas robando, y he visto algunas en mi carrera siempre se justifican de la misma forma : Es la necesidad es la vanidad, es el amor...
Facts are the facts and that's all I have to go by
Los hechos son los hechos y yo me he de basar en ellos.
He's all right, and I still have 3-1 to bet on Jess Willard to win.
Él está bien, y aún tengo un 3-1 para apostar en Jess Willard para ganar.
- That's all very interesting, but are you going to move this wagon, or shall I have it moved for you?
- Eso es muy interesante, pero ¿ quiere apartar el carro o he de apartarlo por usted?
I thank God with all my heart, you can believe me that He let me have such a daughter and she's clever and quick and educated she can read better than I can but you old crook, you told me yesterday you couldn't read at all!
Excelencia, estoy agradecido a Dios de corazón, puede creerme. Que me haya regalado algo así... ¡ Y es inteligente!
Maybe he could have waited a little while about the kid, though, but I guess it's all right.
Podría haber esperado un poco. Pero no pasa nada.
He's all that I have, nothing else.
Es todo lo que tengo, nada más.
I've decided not to have one, if it's all right.
He decidido no tenerla, si no le importa.
Ladies of the ensemble, I have decided to personally guarantee the money that's coming to you all.
Señoritas coristas... he decidido garantizar personalmente el dinero que les corresponde.
Let's just say I know the winds, I know the storms, I have sailed all the seas.
Digamos que conozco los vientos, las tormentas, he navegado en todos los mares.
I know it's high spirits but all my life, I've tried to avoid the world and now it seems to have rushed in on me.
Se que está exultante pero, durante toda mi vida, he tratado de... evitar el mundo y ahora parece que se me ha venido encima.
Some men in uniform have tried to sway me They all fall because he's always on my mind And I'm saving most of what they pay me
Algunos hombres de uniforme intentan convencerme, pero fracasan porque siempre pienso en él, y ahorro casi todo lo que me pagan para el chico que dejé al marchar.
He'd move in and I'd have to support him. That's all.
Se metía en la casa e iba a tener que mantenerlo.
At last I got it through my thick skull that I'm not going to get one so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest.
Al fin, me he dado cuenta de que no voy a conseguir ninguno. Tendremos que olvidar el "Club de Jackie"... el "Diablo Azul" y todos los demás.
He's all the family I have left.
Es el único pariente que me queda.
It's all I've had to do lately... just sit around studying what little facts we have... trying to figure out who he might be.
Es todo lo que hago últimamente... sólo estudio los pocos hechos que tenemos... tratando de descubrir quién puede ser.
I have to wake the sun up He's liable to sleep all day
Tengo que despertar al sol Es propenso a dormir todo el día
Pinky, I've lived in this world a long time... long enough to know for sure if it's somethin white folks don't want you to have... or somethin'they want for their self... you might as well forget all about it.
Pinky, he vivido mucho tiempo, el suficiente tiempo para saber... que si es algo que los blancos no quieren que tengas... o es algo que quieren para sí mismos, será mejor que lo olvides.
But all these years I have been his family. He's been mine.
Pero en estos años yo he sido su familia.
All my life I've wanted this and thank heaven it's a Campbell have done it on
Era mi sueño, y gracias a Dios he vencido a un Campbell.
- It's all I have, and I had to raise the rent.
- La única que tengo y no he tenido más remedio que subir el precio.
He needled me, he begged for it and I let him have it, that's all.
Me molestó, me lo pidió a gritos y se lo di, eso es todo.
I know you have been antagonistic toward Farrell's claims, but he has been most straightforward with me and this memorandum will end all further discussion of his qualifications.
Sé que es contrario a la reclamación del Sr. Farrell, pero él ha sido completamente claro conmigo, y este memorándum terminará cualquier otra discusión sobre sus cualificaciones.
- I felt ashamed for not knowing. - Manderley is beautiful. To me, it's just the place where I was born... and have lived in all my life.
- Manderley es preciosa... pero para mí, sólo es donde nací... y he vivido toda mi vida.
You see, I have been in swimming competition all my life, and the only way I've been able to compete successfully is by wearing a man's one-piece racing suit.
Verá, he estado en competencias de natación toda mi vida, y el único modo en que fui capaz de competir es usando un traje de baño masculino de una sóla pieza.
And I have that china, and linen, and 50 pounds in gold my father left me, and my mother's rings, brooches, my grandmother's veil, her silver comb... Thirty pounds odd in notes and silver I've earned these past 15 years, that's all.
Y también esa vajilla de porcelana, y sábanas de lino,... y cincuenta libras en oro que heredé de mi padre y los anillos de mi madre, broches, la mantilla de mi abuela, su peineta de plata y treinta libras en billetes y plata que he ahorrado a lo largo de quince años.
That's all I have been doing since I left the Army.
Es todo lo que he estado haciendo desde que me licencié. Ejercer.
I have no idea where he was or what he did but I'm perfectly sure it's all right.
No tengo idea de dónde estaba ni qué hizo. Pero estoy seguro de que está bien.
If I have any taste at all, it's because I've absorbed everything you've taught me.
Si tengo algo de gusto, es porque he asimilado tus enseñanzas.
They have another banquet, it's not like I've rented the place all day. What shall we do?
Hay otro banquete, no he alquilado el local para todo el día.
If he weren't so bullheaded about coming back on course 140, he could have kissed us goodbye a long time ago, that's all I know.
Si no estuviera tan obcecado en seguir con rumbo 140, nos habría volado hace mucho tiempo.
Buy everyone, I'll spend all I have... I don't want it proved he's Vijay.
Compre a todos, gastaré lo que tengo no quiero que se pruebe que es Vijay
The way I figure, Colonel Kim must have been getting impatient. You know, all that time had gone by, nobody cracked or anything, so he's getting ready for his showdown.
Según yo entiendo, el coronel Kim empezaba a impacientarse... como pasaba el tiempo y ningún prisionero se rendía, pensaría tomar otras medidas.
But he's all that I have!
¡ Pero es todo lo que tengo!
In all my years on the bench. I have never seen a jury so flagrantly defy the court's instructions.
En toda mi carrera jamás he visto un jurado mofarse tan abiertamente de la justicia.
He's all I have. And should you see how scarce sweethearts are in this town!
Yo no tengo más que a él. ¡ Y si viera usted cómo están los novios en este pueblo!
Look, honey, for all I know, he's another Casanova. I just don't think I'm gonna have to worry about you at Hegewisch Park.
Amor, hasta donde sé, podría ser un donjuán... pero no tengo que preocuparme de que vayan al parque Hegewisch.
he's all 26
he's all yours 283
he's all right 417
he's all alone 31
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
he's all yours 283
he's all right 417
he's all alone 31
i haven't heard from you 21
i haven't seen you in a while 35
i have a boyfriend 155
i have a gun 76
i have no idea what i'm doing 30
i have nothing to do 23
i have to go to school 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23
i have a wife 82
i have to tell you something 352
i haven't 1248
i haven't got it 40
i have nothing to do with it 22
i have no idea 2703
i haven't yet 29
i have to go now 300
i haven't seen it yet 23
i have a wife 82
i have to tell you something 352
i haven't 1248
i haven't got it 40
i have nothing to do with it 22