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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I beg of you

I beg of you Çeviri İspanyolca

1,393 parallel translation
Come out, my child, I beg of you. "
Sal de ahí, hijo mío. ¡ Te lo imploro! "
- Julia, I beg of you...
- Julia, te suplico...
My friend, my friend, do not leave me, do not die, I beg of you.
Amado mío. No se muera, se lo suplico.
- That one really came close. - I beg of you!
Ésta no te ha dado por poco.
Drench me, wet me all up, I beg of you.
- Empápame, mójame todo, te lo ruego
I beg of you not to referto it as a tin pot little African country.
Le ruego que no lo llame miserable y pequeño país africano.
I beg of you. You can hardly believe, sir, the pleasure that...
No puede imaginarse el placer que tendrá a verlo, Señor...
Master Jacques, don't get into a passion, I beg of you.
No se enfade, Maître Jacques, se lo ruego.
No, father they will never change and I beg of you, Madam, to believe me.
No, padre... no soy capaz de cambiar, y pido a Madame de creerlo.
I beg of you not to tell him that it was I who let it all out.
No haya a decirle que fui yo el que reveló.
But, as this is no longer possible, I beg of you to hear my motives.
Pero, si aquí estamos, le ruego de escuchar mis razones.
You will do as you please, and I am ready to suffer all your violence but I beg of you to believe that if there is any harm done, I am the only one guilty and that your daughter has done nothing wrong in all this.
Hará lo que quiera, estoy listo para todas sus violencias, pero le ruego de creer que, si hay mal, el acusado soy yo, y vuestra hija no es en nada culpable.
I have failed you, Melkur, but spare my husband, I beg of you.
Te he fallado, Melkur, pero perdona a mi marido, te lo ruego.
I beg of you.
Se lo ruego.
I beg of you... talk to me, Stephen.
Te lo suplico... háblame, Stephen.
I beg of you, please...
Se lo ruego, por favor...
Teachers, I beg of you not to spare her if she is to be saved.
Maestras, les pido no la perdonen si es que quieren salvarla.
Mother, I beg of you, use whatever power you have to help me.
Madre, te lo suplico. Utiliza todo el poder que tengas para ayudarme.
Time Lords, I beg of you, think what you're doing.
Señores del Tiempo, les ruego que piensen en lo que están haciendo.
I beg of you, don't kill me!
Se lo pido por favor, no me mate.
Please, I beg of you, just come away with me now, before it's too late!
Por favor... Vamos ahora antes que sea demasiado tarde.
Please, I beg of you, in God's holy name, grant us this one moment of time.
Por favor, se lo suplico en nombre de Dios concédanos este momento único.
Please, I beg of you!
Se lo imploro. - Sr. Corrigan...
I beg of you.
Le imploro.
Pauline, I beg of you, don't see him anymore.
Pauline, te ruego, no te encuentres más con él.
Please, I beg of you.
- Te lo pido por favor.
Oh, no, no, please, please don't, men, please, I beg you, please I beg of you!
Oh, no, no, por favor, por favor no lo hagan, ¡ por favor, les suplico... por favor les suplico!
Don't be deceived by my gentle manner, I beg of you.
No se deje engañar por mi amabilidad se lo ruego.
- [Gavel Rapping] - Claude! Claude, I beg of you!
Claude, por favor diles tú.
I beg of you, Mrs. Hammond, please let me stay with you.
Le ruego, Sra. Hammond, por favor déjeme quedarme.
I beg of you!
¡ Se lo ruego!
- I've never been too fond of a guy who would bring you... a wounded prisoner and beg you to fix him up, so he could take him out and shoot him.
No me agrada alguien que traería a un prisionero herido... para que lo curemos para poder fusilarlo.
I beg you, creation of my father open your legs.
Te pido, creación de mi padre abre tus piernas.
If now to provide for my daily maintenance I get into debt on every side. If both you and I are reduced daily to beg the help of tradespeople in order to have decent clothes to wear?
Tengo que hacer promesas hasta para vestirme, y tengo, como Vd., que pedir ayuda para poder tener ropas sensatas.
Well, I beg you to forget the lyrics of this young author.
Bueno, le ruego que olvide la letra que compuso este joven autor.
If I may beg a favor of you...!
¡ Les suplico por favor...!
Before leaving, Governor,... I beg you to close the shutters of the window.
Antes de irse, señor gobernador, le suplico que cierre los postigos de la ventana.
In the name of the patriots who pray for the well-being of the crown, I beg you to chase him out.
En nombre de los patriotas que desean la prosperidad del trono, os lo suplico, expúlsele
I beg you, Alexandra. I've reached the end of my patience.
Reina de los cielos, dame fuerzas, guíame e ilumíname...
Don't think of such things, I beg you.
No pienses en tales cosas, te lo suplico.
I beg you, Mr. Walker... on behalf of our people... your young son... and all the children of our race... I beg you to give yourself up. Bring your men and follow me now.
Le ruego, señor Walker en nombre de nuestra gente, de su hijo y de todos los de nuestra raza le ruego que se entregue que retire a sus hombres y salga conmigo.
Mr. Kinnoch I beg you to accept that there is no people who would not prefer their own bad government to the good government of an alien power.
Todo pueblo prefiere un mal gobierno propio a un buen gobierno extranjero.
I beg you, Jodl, make this the first item of the conference.
Le ruego, Jodl, haga de éste el primer tema de la conferencia.
I humbly beg pardon of God and penance and absolution from you Father
Humildemente pido perdón a Dios y su penitencia y absolución, Padre
I beg of you.
No suplique.
Oh, uh, I beg your pardon, the three of you.
Perdón, por los tres.
- With lots of reasons, and to answer to no one I was always on the verge to kill someone, don't let it be you, I beg you!
Tengo montones de motivos... para estar siempre al borde de cometer un asesinato. Que no sea el suyo, se lo ruego.
And, Begum Sahiba, I beg you once more not to drink water out of a tap.
Begum sahiba, le ruego una vez más que no beba agua del grifo.
No, I beg you... to look at the practical operation of the slave trade... the American slave trade... sustained by American politics and American religion.
No, les suplico... ... que se fijen en la operación práctica del comercio americano de esclavos... ... sostenida por la política americana y la religión americana.
I beg you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.
Te lo ruego, en nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, amén.
" Sir, in answer to your advertisement of today's date, I beg to inform you that I know the young lady in question very well.
" Señor, en respuesta a su anuncio de fecha de hoy, le informo de que conozco a la joven en cuestión muy bien.

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