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Independently Çeviri İspanyolca

463 parallel translation
It was the sacred centre of the last of the civilisations to arise independently on the planet.
Era el lugar sagrado de la última de las civilizaciones, que se erigieron de forma independiente en el planeta.
Then the legs work more freely and independently of the arms.
Entonces tus piernas se mueven independientemente de tus brazos.
I shall work independently.
Trabajaré de forma independiente.
Fire independently.
- Disparen independientemente.
Follow plan "G." Fire independently. Fire independently.
Sigan el plan G. Disparen independientemente.
- Are you independently wealthy?
- ¿ Eres rico?
As chief resident, I have no more right to wax sentimental... over a bad doctor because he happens to be a Negro... than I have to discriminate against a good doctor... because he's white, Protestant and independently wealthy.
No tengo más derecho a ponerme sentimental con un mal médico por ser negro que a discriminar a uno bueno por ser blanco, protestante y rico.
You can take my word... of a man who is independently poor.
Te lo asegura... un hombre que es pobre por cuenta propia.
Take off independently and patrol base at Angels 1-2, 1-2.
Despeguen independientemente y patrullen la base en ángeles uno dos, uno dos.
From then on, they'll proceed independently.
De ahí en adelante seguirán por separado.
We are scientists, former statesmen, businessmen - all volunteers acting independently... for a common cause against a common enemy.
Somos científicos, hombres de negocios... Todos voluntarios. Luchando juntos por una causa común contra un enemigo común.
Each canoe will proceed independently to get to the objective at Deptford.
Cada canoa obrará independientemente hasta el objetivo en Deptford.
Independently, you mean.
Dirá, con independencia.
Dear my colleague. you are too young for it in order to think independently opposite the government yet.
- Querido colega es usted demasiado joven para tener una opinión particular.
I'm independently wealthy, you know.
Yo tengo mucho dinero.
"Prinz Eugen successfully detached and proceeding independently."
Prinz Eugen exitosamente separado... y procediendo independientemente.
And I started running the business independently.
Y empecé a hacer negocios por mi cuenta.
You gotta be independently wealthy to survive in this business.
Para sobrevivir en este negocio, hay que tener dinero.
Therefore I propose that each city deal with this problem independently.
Por ello, propongo que cada ciudad resuelva este problema de forma independiente.
But as of this moment, you are independently wealthy.
Pero desde este momento... es Ud económicamente independiente
went on as usual, independently and outside of the political issue of friendship or war with Napoleon Bonaparte.
con sus sentimientos de amor, amistad y odio, y con sus pasiones, se desarrollaba como siempre, independientemente de su simpatía o antipatía política con respecto a Napoleón Bonaparte.
And yet, some unfathomable and mysterious force led these men on and kept up the fearful work, which was done independently of their wills.
Mas una fuerza misteriosa Ios seguía dirigiendo. Y continuaba realizándose aquel acto terrible, que no respondía a Ia voluntad humana.
This man is operating independently.
Este hombre opera por su cuenta.
And so, quite independently, the next day, November 5th, you came into the café through this little swing door.
Y bien, de forma totalmente independiente, al día siguiente, 5 de noviembre, entraste en el Café atravesando esa puertecita batiente.
But we do exist, independently.
Pero nosotros existimos independientemente.
And yet, some unfathomable and mysterious force led these men on and kept up the fearful work, which was done independently of their wills.
Mas una fuerza misteriosa los seguía dirigiendo. Y continuaba realizándose aquel acto terrible, que no respondía a la voluntad humana.
This many androids cannot operate independently.
Tantos androides no pueden operar independientemente.
Our beliefs and our studies indicate that life on our planet Earth evolved independently.
Nuestros conocimientos y estudios indican que la vida en nuestro planeta Tierra evolucionó independientemente.
When a child is taught, it's programmed with simple instructions, and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently.
Cuando se le enseña a un niño, se le programa con instrucciones simples y en un punto, si su mente se desarrolla correctamente excede todo lo que se le enseñó, piensa independientemente.
... of the students'battle, and we can promise here our commitment, because independently of this repression, this international coordination of battles between all the revolutionary students of Europe...
En esta lucha estudiantil, mantenemos el compromiso de que... independientemente de la represión... esta coordinación de lucha... entre estudiantes revolucionarios de Europa...
The stoutiest efforts by my sisters and i, quite independently, of course, has not yielded grand progeny.
Los intensos esfuerzos de mis hermanas y míos, independientemente, claro... no ha proporcionado nuevos Grand.
Lieutenant Columbo, unlike my uncle, I am not independently wealthy.
Teniente Columbo, a diferencia de mi tío, no vivo de rentas.
Surely such a sophisticated household gadget Could not have been generated independently
Un artefacto tan sofisticado no se puede inventar dos veces.
I think I remember the Doctor said it works independently, even without the crystal.
Creo recordar que el Doctor dijo que trabaja de forma independiente, incluso sin el cristal.
No, fortunately, I'm independently wealthy.
Por suerte, tengo una posición desahogada.
He acts independently of the council.
Actúa sin aprobación del Consejo.
Urko has acted independently of the council on too many occasions.
Urko ha actuado independientemente del Consejo en demasiadas ocasiones.
The chameleon, whose eyes move independently so he can see where he's going and where he's been.
El camaleón, de ojos independientes así puede ver adónde va y de dónde viene.
Reflex movements are those which are made independently of the will, but are carried out along pathways which pass between the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.
Los movimientos reflejos son aquellos que se realizan involuntariamente, pero se realizan siguiendo un camino que pasa entre el sistema nervioso periférico y el sistema nervioso central.
We will search independently.
Buscaremos por separado.
Rates rise independently of tight money.
La tasa sube aparte del ajuste bancario.
If it please the Emperor, the wife of Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso has asked that her defence be conducted separately from her husband's, and that she be tried independently from him.
Con el permiso del Emperador, la esposa de Gneo Calpurnio Piso ha pedido que su defensa sea conducida por separado de la de su marido, Y que sea juzgada independientemente de él.
Dr. Patterson, these auxiliary panels are only used as the backup mechanism, and operate independently.
Estos paneles auxiliares se utilizan... Es cierto, doctora.
You will no longer think independently.
No pensarás más independientemente.
# It's such a change for us to live so independently #
# Es un gran cambio para nosotros vivir independientemente #
If a thing that size takes a nap every couple of centuries, its feeding processes must continue independently,
Si una cosa de ese tamaño se echa una siesta cada par de siglos,... sus procesos de alimentación deben continuar de forma independiente,...
They also make it possible to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile, carrying several atomic warheads, each one of which can be independently guided to within 100 yards of its target point.
También hacen posible lanzar un misil balístico intercontinental, que lleve varias cabezas atómicas, cada una de las cuales puede ser guiada independientemente hasta dentro de las 100 yardas del punto de impacto.
the british fleet was blockading all the supply ports, and suddenly, this appeared to be a marvelous way of keeping french ships independently provisioned.
la flota británica había bloqueado todos los puertos de suministro, y de repente, esto parecía ser una manera maravillosa de mantener a las naves francesas independientemente aprovisionadas.
Besides, the instructions say that if the commander keeps quiet he permits the first pilot to act independently.
Además, las instrucciones decían que si el comandante callaba permitía al primer piloto actuar independientemente.
See, if I recall, the American and English Air Forces worked independently.
Mire, si mal no recuerdo, las FF. AA. de Estados Unidos e Inglaterra trabajaban en forma independiente.
Is to fix it so that you're independently wealthy and don't even need employment.
¿ Vino?

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