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It never came up Çeviri İspanyolca

119 parallel translation
It never came up.
No ha surgido el tema.
I mean, it never came up so I didn't mention it, but I'm very married, yes.
No lo he mencionado porque no había salido el tema, pero estoy muy casado.
No. It never came up.
Nunca lo dijeron.
It never came up.
No surgió el tema.
No, it never came up.
No, no te mencionó.
It never came up.
Eso nunca salió.
We spent two months, vetting our nominee and it never came up?
¿ Pasamos dos meses investigando a nuestro nominado y no lo supimos?
Uh, I'm afraid it-it never came up.
Uh, No llegamos a hablar de eso.
I don't know. I guess it never came up.
Se os dará un número a cada uno.
I guess it never came up.
Nunca ha salido el tema.
It never came up.
Nunca se habló de ello.
I played dumb, and it never came up again - - not once.
Me hice el tonto y no volví sobre el tema. Ni una vez.
- It never came up.
- No surgió.
It never came up.
- Nunca se acercó.
- It never came up, okay?
- Nunca surgió, ¿ está bien?
I guess it never came up.
Supongo que nunca lo comentamos.
It never came up.
No salió la conversación.
- It never came up.
Nunca surgió el tema.
You made sure it never came up.
Te aseguraste de que nunca surgiera.
Oscar saw it and roared like he was crazy... and I woke up - This ghost never came out of a bottle.
Este fantasma no salió de una botella.
It was supposed to be me, and a big wave came up and washed it away, and he said, "Well, I've lost you", and I said, " You'll never lose me, Frank.
Se suponía que era yo, y una gran ola llegó y se la llevó. Y él dijo : "Bueno, te he perdido",
"Who came up from the bottom, but never really left it"
"El que surgió de la nada, pero que nunca la superó realmente"
- You were going to start up in business with - what's his name - only it never came off!
- Ibas a empezar un negocio con - ¿ cómo se llamaba? - ¡ pero nunca llegó a hacerse!
When I first came up here to paint... it never occurred to me that that adoring wife of mine... was screwing everything she could find.
Cuando primero vine aquí para pintar... nunca se me ocurrió que mi adorada esposa... se encamaba con lo que encontrara.
Well, he was used to it by then. Two months later, he went out to pick up some Chinese food, never came back.
Dos meses después, salió a comprar comida china, y nunca volvió.
And after we cleaned it up, the blood never came back.
Después de que limpiamos, la sangre no volvió más.
Some stupid townie tried it once, He never came up,
Un pijo quiso probarlo una vez, y no volvió a salir.
Gee, George, I guess it just never came up in a conversation.
Gee, George, creo que nunca se había presentado en una conversación.
It wouldn't come up. Never came up?
- No se daba la ocasión.
- It never came up.
- Nunca se me ocurrió.
When I came up to you at graduation, it was like a high, like a drug, When I came up to you at graduation, it was like a high, like a drug, because I had never done something like that before. because I had never done something like that before.
Cuando me acerqué a ti en la graduación, fue una emoción, como una droga, porque nunca había hecho algo así antes.
Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here... and find out that you never came home?
¿ Tienes idea de lo que es despertarme con mi madre aqui... y descubrir que no volviste a casa?
Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here... and find out that you never came home?
¿ Tienes idea de lo que es despertar con mi madre aquí... y descubrir que no volviste a casa?
You never really heard too much about Kelly, but when it came down to it, ended up winning five challenges at the end.
Pasaba desapercibida, nunca oías hablar de ella, pero al final acabó ganando 5 pruebas seguidas.
I never really came up against it myself.
Nunca me topé con eso.
It never really came up.
Nunca se me ha ocurrido.
It just never came up, the opportunity.
Nunca se dio la oportunidad.
She paid me twenty bucks to store it, and never came back to pick it up.
Me pagó $ 20 para que lo guardara, y nunca vino a buscarlo.
It just never came up.
Nunca se dio la oportunidad.
I'd never signed up to be a celebrity and I came to the realization that it was nothing that I was very comfortable with.
Nunca firmé nada para ser una celebridad y me di cuenta que no estaba nada conforme con esto.
So he came up with a solution so simple... he wondered why he'd never told anyone it before.
Así que encontró una solución tan sencilla... que se sorprendió de no haberla pensado antes.
It never really came up.
Nunca surgió el tema.
I expected a call yesterday to set something up for last night... but it never came.
Esperaba que llamara ayer para arreglar un encuentro... pero nunca Io hizo.
- The oppurtunity to play Hyde Park came up, and they said : "You're gonna have this new site, which had never been played before, you can play it for free, and there's no limit to the amount of people you can get there.", which was amazing for us.
Surgió la oportunidad de tocar en Hyde Park, un lugar nuevo donde nadie había tocado antes. Tocaríamos gratis y ante miles de personas, algo increíble para nosotros.
I wanted to tell you in the restaurant but... it... a good time never came up and I...
Quería decírtelo en el restaurante pero... no vi el momento adecuado y yo...
It just never came up.
Nunca surgió.
It just never came up.
Nunca me marche.
It just never came up.
Nunca surgió la plática.
The conclusion we came up with may be the truth... but... it's a conclusion that we never would've reached unless all five of us gathered today.
Hemos llegado a una conclusión que puede ser la verdad, pero... Es una conclusión a la que nunca hubiéramos llegado de no habernos reunido los cinco hoy aquí.
I never had time to show Cusí that I became a world champion. "The Boy comes up to me and she's got spark." "Feed a spark so that it becomes a flame and the flame came to grow." " Feeding the fire so that it becomes CENTURY MATCHES There is a possibility Louis.
Y que quería ser campeón de los pesos pesados " Un niño como tú viene a verme con un brillo de interés. esta brillo se convierte en fuego
what it did was to instead, just continue on collapsing, and never came to rest as the pressure built up.

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