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It never happened Çeviri İspanyolca

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That it never happened?
¿ Qué nunca ocurrió?
Pretend it never happened, you mean.
Pretender que nunca pasó, quieres decir.
Can not ruin someone's life and pretend it never happened.
No se puede arruinar la vida de alguien y fingir que nunca sucedió.
Thank God, it never happened to me.
Gracias a Dios, nunca me pasó.
Going through it... like it never happened.
Va erguido... Cómo si nunca pasó nada.
What can I do now? I can't pretend it never happened.
No puedo fingir que no ha pasado nada.
As if it never happened.
Como si nunca hubiera pasado.
It never happened.
Nunca sucedió.
No matter what you've done, I'll pretend it never happened.
No importa lo que hayas hecho, voy a pretender que nunca pasó.
But I got the counseling I needed and it never happened again.
Pero tuve el asesoramiento que necesitaba y nunca volvió a pasar.
It never happened.
Nunca llegó a pasar.
Maybe one more chance me and magic get together In the finals, but it never happened. I'm sleeping really, laying down,
Pero es, la competivididad tal vez... una vez más de encontrarme a Magic en las finales,... pero nunca pasó.
Red for "love," pink for "like," yellow for "I jacked you off at church camp, and now I pretend like it never happened."
Rojo para "amor", rosado para "me gustas", amarillo para "ya lo hice contigo, pero pretendo que nunca ocurrió".
We carry on as if it never happened.
Seguiremos como si no hubiera sucedido.
It's like it never happened.
Es como si no hubiese sucedido.
( sniffles ) Damn right, it never happened.
Condene el derecho, esto nunca pasó.
Tomorrow, it'd be like it never happened.
Mañana, sería como si nunca ocurrió.
Tomorrow, it'll be like it never happened, Kyle!
¡ Mañana, será como si nunca ocurrió, Kyle!
When the serial killer died that night, everyone in the hospital cheered and there was even talk of a parade, though it never happened.
Cuando el asesino en serie muerto esa noche, todos en el hospital animado y se llegó a hablar de un desfile, si nunca hubiera sucedido.
She's adamant it never happened.
Dice que nunca existió.
Try to imagine it never happened.
Trata de imaginar que nunca sucedió.
Why don't you just imagine it never happened?
¿ Y por qué no hacer como si nunca hubiese pasado?
It happened, but it never happened.
Pasó, pero nunca pasó.
It happened, but it never happened.
Pasó, ¡ pero nunca pasó!
- It happened, but it never happened.
Pasó, ¡ pero nunca paso!
It just- - it never happened.
Simplemente nunca pasó.
Look, it's best that Emma never knows what happened today.
Será mejor que Emma nunca sepa lo que ocurrió hoy.
Two cars crashing at the same time, well, it just never happened before.
Dos coches chocando al mismo tiempo, bueno, eso nunca sucedió antes.
It's never happened before.
Nunca ha sucedido antes.
It never happened.
No ocurrió.
It's never happened to me!
A mí no me ha pasado.
It was hard on my parents, never knowing what happened to their boy, whether he was dead or alive.
Fue difícil para mis padres no saber nunca qué le había pasado a su hijo, si estaba vivo o muerto.
I feel it's only fair to tell you, it'd never have happened except she looks so exactly like you.
Creo que es justo decirte que nunca hubiera pasado excepto con alguien como tú.
It should never have happened.
Nunca debería haber pasado.
It happened before Miranda was born so he never saw his little girl.
Fue antes de que Miranda naciera, así que
Ok, so you've never heard it before When strange things have happened like today?
Vale, ¿ así que no la habías oído antes cuando han pasado cosas extrañas como hoy?
"It would have been a shame if that never happened again."
"Hubiese sido una pena no hacerlo de nuevo".
All right? It's never happened to us, and every time I try and talk to you about it,
Esto nunca nos ha pasado y cada vez que intento hablarlo contigo
It would never have happened to a white.
Nunca le hubiera ocurrido a un hombre blanco.
We were never told what happened with it after that.
Jamás nos dijeron que pasó después de eso.
Should've never happened, but, you know, It's always just been the three of us.
Nunca debió haber ocurrido, pero, ya sabes, siempre hemos sido nosotros tres.
I can't help but think that if Matt hadn't copied Jessica's research, Danielle never would have read it and none of this would have happened.
No puedo evitar pensar que si Matt no copiaba los archivos Danielle jamás lo habría leído, y esto no habría pasado.
It's never happened to me before.
Nunca me había pasado antes.
I don't know, because it's never happened before.
No se porque esto nunca paso antes.
Actually never happened to me before, and it's kind of awkward.
En realidad nunca me ha pasado antes, y es algo incómodo.
It's best to pretend that this never happened.
Hagamos de cuenta que esto nunca pasó.
It's best to pretend that this never happened.
Es mejor hacer como que nunca pasó.
I never would have believed what just happened If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Nunca podria creer lo que acaba de pasar si no lo hubiese visto con mis propios ojos.
It's never happened.
Nunca ha sucedido.
I mean, it's never happened before.
- Es decir, nunca ha pasado antes.
I think as soon as something happens in your life, You just let it go, forget about it Like it never even happened.
Yo creo que apenas algo sucede en tu vida, simplemente lo dejas pasar, te olvidas de ello como si nunca hubiera pasado.

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