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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ M ] / Mrs powell

Mrs powell Çeviri İspanyolca

163 parallel translation
- Mrs Powell.
- No. Ésa es mi esposa.
- Thank you, Mr and Mrs Powell and Jack.
- Gracias, Sr y Sra Powell y Jack.
I'm Mrs Powell.
Soy la Sra Powell.
Bye, Mrs Powell.
Adiós Sra Powell.
Yo, Mrs Powell!
Sra Powell!
Hey, Mrs Powell!
Sra Powell!
Mrs Powell!
Sra Powell!
- Mrs Powell?
- Sra Powell?
- Mrs Powell!
- Sra Powell!
If I'd known Mrs Powell took dogs, I'd have thought twice before coming.
Si hubiera sabido que la Sra. Powell tenía perros, no hubiera venido.
Mrs Powell, through there.
La Sra. Powell.
YOU are in luck, Mrs Powell.
Tiene suerte, Sra. Powell.
You wanted the stove cleaning, Mrs Powell.
- Usted quería limpiar el horno.
I think your memory's playing you false again, Mrs Powell, cos I was definitely here.
Haga memoria Sra. Powell. Estuve aquí.
Mrs Powell. I wonder if I might have a word with you.
- Sra. Powell, ¿ podemos hablar?
When did you decide to turn your home into a guesthouse, Mrs Powell?
¿ Cuándo decidió tener huéspedes en su casa, Sra. Powell?
Is that right, Mrs Powell?
¿ Es así, Sra. Powell?
Thank you, Mrs Powell.
Gracias, Sra. Powell.
No, I gave them to Mrs Powell.
- Se la di a la Sra. Powell.
Misappropriated food. If I were you I'd start with Mrs Powell... a decidedly untrustworthy person.
En su lugar hablaría con la Sra. Powell.
He's not in here, Mrs Powell.
- No está aquí.
You haven't seen him, Mrs Powell?
- ¿ Lo ha visto?
I'm sure this must be very distressing for you, Mrs Powell, but we do need to know... if he was able to say anything.
Estoy seguro de que esto es muy difícil para usted, Sra. Powell. Pero tenemos que saber si se las arregló para decir algo.
Well, Mrs Powell.
- Bueno, la Sra. Powell.
I might have mentioned it to Mrs Powell.
- Entre un montón de cosas robadas.
Apart from Mrs Powell, nobody else knew.
Sólo la Sra. Powell lo sabía.
I'm afraid I'm not, Mrs Powell. I can't work here with all this disruption.
Yo no, no puedo trabajar con toda esta interrupción.
Mrs Powell, when I interviewed Miss Reece, she made allegations about you.
Cuando interrogué a la Srta. Reece, ella la acusó de algo.
I brought Dr Powell, Mrs. Hughes.
He llamado al doctor Keller, señora Hughes.
Yes, of course, Mrs. Fisher.
¿ Y cómo está la Sra. Powell?
And how is Mrs. Powell?
No muy bien, temo.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Powell, shot her, then shot himself.
... le disparó a ella, después a sí mismo.
- Mrs. Powell.
- Soy tu madre.
Mrs. Powell?
¿ Sra. Powell?
I copied it off Mrs. Powell's desk.
Lo saqué del escritorio de la señorita Powell.
- Mrs. Powell said there was no point.
La Sra. Powell dijo que no tenía sentido.
Ask Mrs. Powell.
Pregunte a la Sra. Powell.
That would be Mrs. Powell.
La Sra. Powell.
Well, Mrs. Powell is not going to take me seriously, but you do.
La Sra. Powell no me va a tomar en serio. Pero tú sí.
- Yes, Mama. Well, I'm going to Mr. Rickman, and you go to Mrs. Powell.
Yo iré con el Sr. Rickman y tú con la Sra. Powell.
Mrs. Powell is... integrity incarnate.
La Sra. Powell es la integridad personificada.
Mama, I have no idea. Mrs. Powell is integrity incarnate, but... today, I think... she was trying to get rid of me.
La Sra. Powell es la integridad personificada, pero creo que hoy quiso librarse de mí.
while Mrs. Powell is away. Please.
Luego, consigue la llave y revisa las historias médicas mientras la Sra. Powell esté fuera.
Or medical records while Mrs. Powell is away?
¿ O ver las historias mientras la Sra. Powell no está?
Mrs. Powell, just calm down.
Sra. Powell, tranquilícese.
Did you see the direction your son was headed, Mrs. Powell?
¿ Sabe en qué dirección se fue su hijo, Sra. Powell?
- Okay, Mrs. Powell.
- Está bien, Sra. Powell.
No, he must be in class right now, Mrs. Powell.
Debe de estar en clase, Sra. Powell.
I wouldn't worry too much, Mrs. Powell.
No se preocupe mucho.
Here you go, Mr. And Mrs. Powell.
Aquí tienen, Sres. Powell.
Powell called mrs. butchik
Poweel ha llamado a Mrs. Butchik

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