Must've been Çeviri İspanyolca
4,426 parallel translation
When we think about the origin of life, there must've been a very interesting transition from material that we wouldn't consider living that gave rise to organize what we would call life or biology.
Cuando pensamos en el origen de la vida, debe haber habido una transición muy interesante a partir del material que no consideraríamos vivo que dio origen a organizar lo que llamaríamos vida o biología.
It must've been one of the employees there
Debió ser uno de los empleados.
There must've been something
Debió haberle pasado algo.
He must've been the one that started it.
Debe haber sido el que lo empezó.
You must've been in some pretty intense situations.
Debes haber estado en algunas situaciones bastante intensas.
It must've been hot in this room.
Debe haber hecho calor en ese lugar.
it must've been bad.
Dales tiempo. Dios sabe lo que han visto.
She must've only been about six.
Debía tener sólo seis años.
Must've been the wind in my hair.
Debe de haber sido el viento en mi pelo.
It must've been my mom then.
Debe haber sido mi madre, entonces.
Must've been the way you spooned'em.
Debe haber sido la forma servirlos.
Oh, that must've been another girl... that Kevin dated that Amir is hooking up with.
Oh, debe haber sido alguna otra chica... con la que Kevin salió y que luego Amir se enganchó.
Um, I guess the last time I saw you... must've been when I was creating the dance show.
Hum, creo que la última vez que te vi tu... debe haber sido cuando estaba creando una pieza de danza para un show.
It means, BJ, that if this was all part of your plan, then you must've been the ones to kill the Wolfsons right?
Significa, B.J., que si todo esto era parte de su plan... Uds. deben haber sido quienes mataron a los Wolfson, ¿ no?
I just feel like there must be something that we've been missing.
Simplemente siento que debe haber algo que hemos estado pasando por alto.
You must be strict because you've already been bombed before in the past.
Debes ser estricto porque ya han sido bombardeados antes en el pasado.
Must've been visiting.
Tiene que haber estado de visita.
This must've been buried.
Esto tiene que haber estado enterrado.
That must've been very hard for you to say.
Eso ha debido de ser muy duro para ti de decir.
That must've been very upsetting.
Debió haber sido muy triste.
You've been busy with your "secret missions", that "must be undertaken alone."?
Has estado ocupado con sus \ "misiones secretas \", que \ "se debe emprender por sí solo. \"?
Oh, must've been a box of duds.
Debe haber sido una caja sin pólvora.
Wow, that must've been in there a while.
Debe haber estado allí por un tiempo.
That must've been really hard for you.
Debió ser muy difícil para usted.
Yeah, that must've been real hard.
Sí, eso debe haber sido muy duro.
Kids must've been touched!
Los niños deben haberse conmovido.
Seeing those photos, it must've been hard.
Ver esas fotos debe haber sido duro.
It must've been someone else.
Debió ser otra persona.
- Seeing that must've been...
- Ver eso ha debido ser...
It was inflicted before death, must've been very painful
Esto fue infligido antes de la muerte, debe haber sido muy doloroso.
You've been working all night, you must be very tired.
Has estado trabajando toda la noche, debes estar muy cansado.
That must've been a different Sean King.
Debe de tratarse de otro Sean King diferente.
'The call must've been made while Reed was on remand.'
La llamada tiene que haber sido hecha mientras estaba en prisión preventiva.
They've won their harassment case, the investigation has been closed, so they must feel like they're home free.
Han ganado el caso de acoso, la investigación se ha cerrado, con lo que se sentirán fuera de peligro.
Well, if it wasn't me and it wasn't Steve, then it must've been you, Dan.
Si no fui yo, ni Steve debiste haber sido tú, Dan.
You and my wife must've been separated at birth!
¡ A mi mujer y a ti os debieron separar al nacer!
You must've been tired.
Debes estar cansada.
But a close second must've been an 18th century Beaux Arts marionette theater.
Pero por un segundo debió haber sido un Teatro de marionetas de las Artes de Beaux del siglo 18.
There must've been about 50 to 60 people hanging out and partying.
Debieron haber unas 50 o 60 personas en la fiesta.
And it's like, oh, I must've been mistaken.
Pensé : "Me equivoqué".
Mr. Lone Elk... must've been a difficult job for your son, Ethan to tell people he'd known his entire life they're not getting these high-paying casino jobs.
Sr. Alce Solitario, debió ser un trabajo difícil para Ethan decirle a la gente que conocía de toda la vida que no iban a conseguir ese bien pagado trabajo en el casino.
Must've been even harder on Ethan, when you failed the drug test.
Debió de ser más duro aún para Ethan cuando le descalificó a usted por no pasar el test de drogas.
Although, it must've been nice to have a roof and a cozy bed.
Aunque debe de haber sido lindo tener un techo y una cama cómoda.
Just... at least think about how scared he must've been if it was left in his locker like that.
Simplemente piensa al menos lo asustado que tuvo que estar si se lo dejaron en su taquilla.
To where the other one must've been waiting.
Donde el otro debe haber estado esperando.
It must've been a dream.
Debió de ser un sueño.
She's unlike any other Titan in that regard. She must've been the one who brought the hordes of Titans when the Colossal and Armored Titans destroyed the walls.
Su naturaleza es diferente a los demás. fueron los que atrajeron ese ejército de Titanes.
I can't imagine how hard it must've been on you.
No puedo ni imaginar lo duro que ha sido para ti.
You must've been through a lot together.
Deben haber pasado por mucho juntas.
This is what it must've been like for Nathan watching Audrey walk into that barn.
Así es como debió de ser para Nathan, ver a Audrey entrar en aquel granero.
Your instructions must've been over my head.
Sus instrucciones deben haber estado dentro mi cabeza.
been 112
beene 19
beens 21
been busy 29
been a while 101
been there 278
been a long time 109
been looking for you 27
been here long 28
been waiting long 18
beene 19
beens 21
been busy 29
been a while 101
been there 278
been a long time 109
been looking for you 27
been here long 28
been waiting long 18