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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ N ] / No wife

No wife Çeviri İspanyolca

23,486 parallel translation
Got no wife, no kids.
Sin esposa, sin hijos.
- You don't say my wife's name.
- No menciones a mi esposa.
If we don't heal the sheriff's wife, Hap goes to prison.
Si no curamos a la esposa del alguacil, Hap irá a prisión.
Why don't we just get you a new wife?
¿ Por qué no te conseguimos una nueva esposa?
He will pay his wife.
Quiere castigarla por no depender de él.
She's not your wife.
- Ya no es tu mujer.
My wife and I have no secrets between us.
Mi esposa y yo no tenemos secretos entre nosotros.
- Mm-hmm. Those encounters excited me, and to get into bed with my wife no longer did.
Esos encuentros me excitaban, y para volver a acostarme con mi mujer no lo hice más.
You listened to us, and you said, "Why don't you just pay your wife?"
Nos escuchó y nos dijo, "¿ Por qué no paga a su mujer?".
I'm not paying my wife $ 700 a pop.
No voy a pagar a mi mujer 700 dólares por un polvo.
Don't wait until your daughter gets thrown out of school or your wife gets sent to the factory.
No esperéis a que se lleven a vuestra hija del colegio o a que envíen a vuestra esposa a La Fábrica.
He doesn't trust his wife, and, uh, his parents aren't sophisticated investors.
No confía en su mujer, y sus padres no son inversores sofisticados.
My wife, not so warm.
A mi esposa, no tan caliente.
It's gonna be colder tonight, and my wife's not well.
Esta noche hará más frío y mi esposa no está bien.
There's no reason to be rude to my wife.
No hay ninguna razón para ser rudo con mi esposa.
I don't know if you and your wife had ever planned on having children...
No sé si usted y su esposa habían pensado en tener hijos...
No, your clumsy wife managed to knock it off the wall and break the glass.
No, tu tonta esposa la tumbó y el vidrio se rompió.
He's competent, driven, funny... And so in love with his wife that... he doesn't see her for what she is.
Competente, motivado, divertido... y tan enamorado de su esposa que... no se da cuenta de lo que es.
I'm proud of the NHS and... not sure I want to be stuck on the other side of the world, being just a wife.
Estoy orgulloso del SNS y... No está seguro de que quiere ser atrapado por otro lado del mundo, siendo sólo una esposa.
There is no need to tell my wife.
No hay necesidad de decir a mi esposa.
No, Mr. Jarvis, you need to be with your wife.
No, Sr. Jarvis, tiene que estar con su esposa.
No, I'm- - I'm his ex-wife.
No, soy su exesposa.
- So you must be the wife. - No, no, I'm-
- Así que usted debe ser la esposa.
- I'm his... ex-wife.
- No, soy- - Soy su... exesposa.
Hey, isn't this your wife's place?
¿ Este no es el sitio de tu mujer?
At least I didn't try to steal my wife!
¡ Al menos no intento robar a mi mujer!
So, in the meantime, keep your hands off your wife's phone.
Mientras tanto, no toques el teléfono de tu esposa.
It is a pity that his wife is not able to join him, but still...
Es una lástima que su esposa No es capaz de unirse a él, pero aún así...
We are delighted you could spare the time from your innumerable duties and we are only sorry your dear wife is unable to come with you on this occasion.
Estamos encantados de que usted podría ahorrar el tiempo de sus deberes Y sentimos que tu querida esposa no pueda estar contigo en esta ocasión.
You know I literally haven't heard from you since you told me you never loved me and that I was "a spoiled brat whose life would never amount to being anything other than someone's wife."
Lo último que supe de ti fue que dijiste que nunca me amaste que era una niña mimada y no lograría nada salvo ser esposa de alguien.
But you also have a daughter... and I a son, who will one day be king and has yet to take a wife.
Pero también tienes una hija... y yo un hijo, quien será rey algún día y todavía no ha tomado esposa.
You will not disrespect my beautiful wife to her face.
No le faltará ¡ s al respeto a mi hermosa esposa en la cara.
My wife is not an industrialist.
Mi mujer no es industrial.
Your wife did not say a word.
Tu esposa no dijo ni una palabra.
And do not forget that I have a wife and five children to raise.
Y no olvides que tengo mujer y cinco hijos para criar.
Hardly seemed fair for you to sacrifice your wife in order to save mine from Savage's future.
No se veía justo para ti que sacrificaras a tu esposa para salvar a la mía del futuro de Savage.
Actually mom, not husband... he wants to be my wife
En realidad mamá no quiere ser mi esposo Él quiere ser mi esposa
If I don't impress my wife with my service, she will kick me out!
Si no impresiono a mi esposa con mi servicio Va a terminar echandome
In fact, this is not a husband-wife, man-woman... or... what is that... not even a "he-she" problem...
De hecho, esto no es un esposo-mujer o un hombre-mujer ¿ Como es? Ni siquiera un él-ella es el problema
My wife cannot read this.
Mi esposa no puede leer eso.
Well, you don't have to worry about me, because I stayed in the same bed with my ex-wife for... four years and I don't think we touched toes once.
No te preocupes por mí. Compartí cama con mi ex durante 4 años y no nos tocamos ni los dedos de los pies.
You're not my wife.
No eres mi esposa.
I don't know what my wife has to do with this.
No sé qué tiene que ver mi esposa con esto.
I'm guessing that your wife knows nothing about Ana?
Supongo que tu esposa no sabe nada sobre Ana.
Now, it's your wife owns this place, isn't it?
Su esposa es la dueña de este lugar, ¿ no?
- No, my wife and I invest in property together.
No, mi esposa y yo invertimos juntos en propiedades.
No sign of your wife and daughter.
No hay signos de tu esposa e hija.
I can't imagine it's easy being married to someone as in demand as your wife.
No me imagino que sea fácil... estar casada con alguien tan ocupada como su esposa.
You put it on to play "the chief," and then you take it off when you go home to your wife, or maybe you don't.
Lo usa para interpretar al "jefe", y se lo quita al llegar a su casa con su esposa, o quizá no.
It's an old saying, but it's true... the walls have ears, and we can't afford any more assumptions about who's a friend and who isn't, not your oldest acquaintance, not your husband, wife, or lover.
Es un viejo dicho, pero es verdad las paredes tienen oídos y no podemos permitirnos más el suponer quién es amigo y quién no lo es ni un viejo conocido ni tu marido, tu esposa o amante.
I mean, everyone tells you it's gonna be completely different, but you don't really understand until you hear the words "husband and wife."
Todos te dicen que será completamente diferente, pero no lo entiendes realmente hasta que escuchas las palabras "marido y mujer".

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