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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / Overlap

Overlap Çeviri İspanyolca

370 parallel translation
They intersect, overlap, twist in and out, to form a jumble of mazes. Some are narrow, others vaulted.
Entre esos escalones hay calles tortuosas que se cruzan, pasan unas por encima de otras, unas estrechas como corredores, otras abovedadas.
Psychiatrists use $ 10 words, but whatever you call them, they run to a pattern and they don't overlap.
Los psiquiatras, extensos nombres, pero... Están todos en rígidos compartimentos.
We know one thing. These psychiatric offenders don't overlap.
Sabemos algo : este tipo de criminal sigue un patrón.
Okay, so they don't overlap, - but we still got a lot of them. - What's the matter with you?
De acuerdo, aceptado, pero tenemos muchos.
How the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere... get all mixed up and overlap.
Que si el hemisferio norte, que si el hemisferio sur... dan la vuelta por aquí y giran por allá.
Though your health hints do sort of overlap sometimes.
Aunque tus consejos de salud sí que se contradicen a veces.
But you must have your guns emplaced so that their fields of fire overlap.
Pero debe Ud.tener sus cañones emplazados de manera que sus áreas de fuego se superpongan.
One degree to overlap.
Un grado para coincidir.
The quadrants still overlap.
Los cuadrantes todavía se sobreponen.
I suppose some form of National Socialism is inevitable after the war. ( voices overlap and distort )
Supongo que es inevitable algún tipo de Nacional Socialismo después de la guerra.
Only the overlap time changed.
Solo ha cambiado la superposición temporal.
noise of train overlap your voice.
El ruido del tren cubre su voz,..
" Check gamma ray effect on DNA overlap.
"Investiga el efecto de los rayos gamma sobre el ADN."
Interests, lobbies, companies that overlap and change all the time. But no faces or identities.
Intereses, grupos de presión... empresas fantasmas... pero nadie en concreto.
The overlap areas are highly unstable, master.
La superposición de áreas es muy inestable, amo.
Area of overlap is highly dangerous.
Zona de superposición, muy peligrosa.
The place to cut through is beyond that overlap.
El sitio por el que podríamos pasar está después del solapamiento.
- Overlap.
- I said, overlap.
- Dije superposición.
Let's start with an overlap of where we left off.
Vamos a empezar en un overlap de lo que quedaron antes.
Would they overlap?
¿ Tienen motivos?
Sir, I can overlap that surveillance photo you just took with this.
Puedo superponer esa foto de control con esta.
They're even, they overlap.
Son parejas.
- I'll give you an overlap.
- Volveré a empezar.
- There was an overlap.
- Hubo un malentendido.
- You get an overlap, you come to me.
- Si hay un malentendido, me ves a mí.
I want to form a small group, like a small clot,... so that they all overlap.
Quiero formar un grupo pequeño, como un coagulo, y que todos se superpongan. Bien.
Once in a while, the two jobs overlap I'd been hired to find a runaway teenage beauty from Oxnard I was hired by the beauty's mother
A veces tengo que hacer dos trabajos al mismo tiempo Me contrataron para encontrar a una joven adolescente. Fui contratado por su madre
The two can overlap.
Una cosa es compatible con la otra.
Switch to VSL overlap.
Cambia al VSL.
- Overlap.
- Abajo.
And the objects, as you can see, they overlap each other.
Y los objetos, como ven, se superponen.
We would need to cross-connect six units so that the fields overlap.
Tendríamos que conectar seis unidades para cerrar el campo.
There even seems to be a strange overlap of astrological charts.
Hasta parece haber una estraña superposición de cartas natales.
As you can see, sometimes they tend to slip and overlap into my spot.
Como pueden ver, a veces entran en mi territorio.
When you go from relationship to relationship there's overlap time.
Claro. Cuando pasas de una relación a otra hay un periodo de solapamiento.
The hands unite to form a single unit by the simple overlap of the little finger.
Las manos se unen, formando una sola unidad con sólo sobreponer el dedo meñique.
Should we separate them, so they don't overlap?
¿ Prefieres separarlas para que no se superpongan?
There's overlap between the needle and slash below the E.
Falta un poco entre la aguja y la línea bajo la E.
- No overlap.
- No se enciman.
Although that can't be confirmed because we don't know what field we're in- - is releasing a similarly-themed product that might possibly have some aspect in common with or overlap in some slight way The Gruntmaster 6000.
Pero eso no podemos confirmarlo porque no sabemos cuál es nuestra especialidad- -... está por lanzar un producto con una temática similar que posiblemente tenga algún aspecto en común con o parecerse en alguna pequeña forma al Gruntmaster 6000.
There can be no overlap.
No puede haber superposición.
Oh, you think there's no overlap?
¿ Oh, piensas que no se traslapa?
Those two worlds overlap.
- Dos mundos que se solapan.
I'm afraid that we're entering overlap now.
Me temo que vamos a entrar en traspaso.
At the end of a scene, another problem would come in and overlap.
Al final de una escena, surgía otro problema.
Good. I think that your activity can overlap with mine.
Qué bueno, tu actividad no se opondría a la mía.
Being a gentleman, Roz, I won't point out the slight overlap there.
Siendo un caballero, Roz, no voy a señalar la leve coincidencia ahí.
It's not an overlap.
No es una coincidencia.
( Voices overlap )
full respect, intelligent, some overlap, but not nadêtego.
- ¡ El asiento está frío! - Respetuoso, inteligente... -...

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