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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / Overlapping chatter

Overlapping chatter Çeviri İspanyolca

147 parallel translation
[Overlapping Chatter] Come right in and sit down, Uncle Gilbert!
- ¡ Tío Gilbert! Ven aquí a sentarte, tío Gilbert.
( Overlapping chatter )
- Sr. presidente...
Come on, ( overlapping chatter ) ( hair dryers blowing )
Vamos. ¡ Echemos una ojeada!
[Overlapping Chatter]
Vamos hombre, tengo cosas que hacer.
But now I just don't care. [Overlapping chatter] Hey.
pero ahora no me interesa estas loca?
[overlapping chatter]
- Will we be losing more scrub nurses? - [Overlapping chatter]
¿ Perderemos más enfermeras?
[overlapping chatter] - Day one, 20 grand, until I knew the sewer line,
Día uno, 20 mil, hasta que supe de la linea.
- Did you see that naked dude? [sirens ] [ indistinct police radio chatter ] [ overlapping chatter]
¿ Has visto a ese tipo desnudo? Señora, aléjese del edificio.
- The knicks suck. [overlapping chatter] - We need to talk about your harris problem.
los knicks apestan necesitamos hablar sobre el problema de harris no se nada de su coche, vale?
- Mom. [overlapping chatter] - Texting and driving.
- Mama. mandando mensajes y conduciendo le va a dar tan fuerte que su cabeza dara vueltas mi mujer es mucho mas agradable que yo ella dice que estoy furioso, pero, es que realmente odio a los tontos
It usually beats the crap out of somebody else. [overlapping chatter and laughter]
Normalmente es mejor que la mierda de alguien más.
[overlapping chatter]
[Superposición charla]
An equitable division. ( overlapping chatter, phones ringing ) PETER ( on TV ) :
Una división equitativa.
Yes, Captain. [overlapping chatter]
Si, Capitan,
[Overlapping chatter] Everyone calm down.
Que se tranquilice todo el mundo.
Did you not go to school? [Overlapping chatter] And they would dream about things.
¿ No fuiste a la escuela? Y soñarían cosas.
My nails in the air- - [overlapping chatter and giggling]
Con las uñas en el aire...
[Overlapping chatter]
[Charla Superposición]
[dramatic music ] ♪ ♪ [ engine roaring ] [ overlapping chatter ] [ man groans]
Éste es...
[overlapping chatter] Ggod!
¡ Dios!
[Overlapping chatter] There's all elite Chefs that are here- - owners and execs, and it's a tough lineup.
Son todos chefs de elite acá- - dueños y ejecutivos, y es una alineación difícil.
♪ Feelin'so fly like a G6. ♪ ( overlapping chatter and whooping ) ( all exclaiming )
â ™ ª sintiendo volar como un G6. â ™ ª Santana : ¿ saben qué?
So... ( overlapping chatter and whooping ) You know what this is not? Hey, honeys.
Así que... ¿ Sabes lo que esto es, no?
I demand That all of you get your butts out there and watch me sing. ( cheering, overlapping chatter )
Pido que todo el mundo ponga sus culos allí y me vea cantar. ¡ Aleluya!
I'd be happy to. [Overlapping chatter]
Me encantaría.
Here we go. [Overlapping chatter] Hey, coach.
Aquí vamos.
Go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go. [Overlapping chatter]
Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos.
It's sort of not what you would expect. - No, not at all. [overlapping chatter]
- no, no del todo.
[Overlapping chatter] I--I mean, yeah.
Quiero decir, sí!
They are strong swimmers. [Overlapping chatter]
Son fuertes nadadores
[overlapping chatter]
Bienvenido al club. [Superposición charla]
So go take a look. [muffled conversation ] [ overlapping chatter] - you're my inspiration.
Vayan a verla.
[Overlapping chatter] What are we talking about?
¿ De qué están hablando?
[overlapping chatter]
[overlapping chatter]
[overlapping chatter ] [ clanging] oh!
[overlapping chatter ] [ clanging] oh!
I am the victim here! [Overlapping chatter] What are you doing?
¡ Yo soy la víctima aquí! ¿ Qué haces?
[Overlapping chatter, clapping]
[Superposición de charla, aplausos]
[Overlapping chatter] Ooh, so are you bringing
Ooh, ¿ entonces traerás a Laura?
[overlapping chatter]
[Superposición de charla]
[Overlapping chatter] What did I say?
¿ Qué fue lo que dije?
[charla superposición]
[Overlapping chatter] Yeah, we got him here now.
Sí, lo tenemos aquí ahora.
[Overlapping chatter] outside the home of John and Brenda Fareri, whose daughter Maria has died after contracting rabies, her death caused by a silver-haired bat.
Fuera de la casa de John y Brenda Fareri, cuya hija Maria ha muerto luego de contraer rabia. Su muerte fue causada por un murciélago canoso.
[Overlapping Chatter] - No, it doesn't!
- No es cierto.
- [Overlapping Chatter ] - [ Homer] What happened?
¿ Qué pasó?
{ Overlapping Shouts, Chatter ]
- ¿ Cómo? ¿ Yo me tengo que calmar?
( overlapping chatter ) As soon as we get back start practicing your opening.
En cuanto lleguemos empieza a practicar tu apertura.
[overlapping chatter] - What?
¿ Qué?
[Overlapping chatter ] [ Laughter] Hey, guys.
Hola, chicos. Aquí tienen.
[Overlapping chatter] Yeah.

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