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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Piã

Piã Çeviri İspanyolca

19 parallel translation
Take this into consideration.
Pià © nsalo.
Ooh, look - - here come my imaginary pià ± a coladas!
Oh, mira, vienen mis piñas coladas imaginarias.
You want first crack at the pià ± ata?
¿ Quieres darle el primer golpe a la piñata?
She loves the idea- - the four of us on a beach sipping pià ± a coladas.
Ella adora la idea- - de nosotros cuatro en una playa, sorviendo piñas coladas.
She's never even had a pià ± a colada, and the only Spanish word she knows is "nachos."
Ella nunca se ha tomado una piña colada y la única palabra española que conoce es "nachos".
My mother made piã'atas. My grandmother painted them.
"Madre hizo Piñatas y la abuela de las pintó."
Hey, Evan, let's go see that piñata I've heard so much about.
¡ Eh! , Evan, vamos a mirar aquella pià ± ata Me he puesto al tanto sobre eso.
( Bells jingling ) Hey, so your Christmas piã ± ata needs for the next two years...
Oigan, ¿ vieron las piñatas de Navidad para los próximos dos años?
And now the piਠce de r੠sistance.
Y ahora el Pièce de résistance.
It's the gutappotamus in his natural flabitat!
Es el panza de hipopà ³ tamo. - En su hà ¡ bitat natural. -  ¡ Pià © rdete!
Think about that.
Pià © nsalo.
Frig off! ( Laughing )
 ¡ Pià © rdete!
You have a little bit of a think about that and get back to me, okay?
Pià © nsalo bien y dame una respuesta,  ¿ sà ­?
The pià ¨ ce de résistance.
El plato principal.
Frig off!
Pià © rdete.
Frig off!
-  ¡ Pià © rdete!
You know I would never fucking ask you to do something with your wedding money normally, but... Let's just think about this.
Pià © nsalo.

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