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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Punch him

Punch him Çeviri İspanyolca

821 parallel translation
If I see that duke again, I'll punch him in the nose.
Si veo a ese duque otra vez, le daré un puñetazo en la nariz.
- Punch him in the face!
- ¡ Actuando como un sátiro!
- Punch him in the face!
- ¡ Golpéenlo en la cara!
Well, I'll go right over there and punch him in the nose.
Me voy para allá y le daré un puñetazo en la nariz.
I'm going to punch him in the nose.
Voy a darle un puñetazo en la nariz.
Tra la la-la la-la la la-a la la-la... Why can't I just punch him in the nose in public... and get it over with?
¿ Por qué no puedo dejarle tieso en público y acabar con todo esto?
Punch him.
- He'll punch him on the nose.
- Le dará un puñetazo. - Exacto, Sr. Findlay.
If he does it again, punch him in the nose, butting in on our honeymoon like this.
Si vuelve a hacerlo, dale un golpe en la nariz. ¡ Entrometerse así en nuestra luna de miel!
Why don't you punch him in the nose?
¿ Por qué no le pega un puñetazo en la nariz?
Punch him in the nose.
Golpéale en la nariz.
¡ Dale un puñetazo en la nariz!
What colossal nerve. I ought to punch him in the nose.
Se está jugando que le dé un puñetazo en la nariz.
Maybe he's worried his father would punch him back. Our future captain!
Quizá le preocupa que su padre pueda devolverle el golpe. ¡ Nuestro futuro capitán!
I ought to punch him in the nose.
Debería darle un puñetazo.
I'd like to punch him in the eye.
Me gustaría ponerle un ojo morado.
Why do you have to punch him?
Pero, ¿ por qué quiere darle bofetadas?
Don't back down. Tell him you'll punch him in the nose.
No retroceder Dígale que usted va a darle un puñetazo en la nariz.
If he did that, I'd punch him on the nose with my dirty hands.
¿ Saben lo que haría? ¡ Restregaría sobre su cara mis manos negras!
- Do I punch him?
- ¿ Le parto la cara?
Punch him!
Punch him in the nose!
Golpéalo en la nariz!
Well, now I got the book to punch him in the nose.
Ahora tengo el libro para romperle la nariz.
I came to beat him up, to punch him into eye and broke his chin.
Vine a darle una paliza, ponerle un ojo morado y romperle la mandíbula.
I tell him you're tough, and you punch like a lily. What's a matter?
Le digo que eres duro, y pegas sin fuerza. ¿ Qué te pasa?
Let him have it right on the chin. But pull your punch, don't hurt him.
Dále directo al mentón.
Set him up for the punch.
Cógele de un brazo.
Now, all Speed has got to do is to give him one good punch... and we collect a cool fortune... minus a few dollars for the Tiger's hospital bills. We ought to pay that. What do you think?
Speed Ie dará un puñetazo y ganaremos una fortuna, menos algunos dólares para Ia factura de hospital de Tigre.
In that case, I give him a punch in the nose.
En ese caso, le doy un puñetazo en la nariz.
But the main thing is you dropped him with one punch.
Pero lo importante es que le tiraste de un puñetazo.
- Punch, slug into him.
- Golpea, atácale.
Go on, punch, slug him.
Vamos, golpea, pégale.
I've perfected the exact punch to stop him cold.
He perfeccionado el golpe para tumbarlo.
I'll give him a punch in the nose.
Le daré un puñetazo en la nariz.
I could beat him to the punch.
Podía sacudirle un puñetazo.
We gotta beat him to the punch.
Tenemos que actuar primero.
I wonder which other one of the gang knocked him off to beat him to the punch.
¿ Qué otro miembro de la banda lo eliminaría para quedarse con el botín?
Look Charlie... keep on top of him like this, see? And then one good punch! I know...
Fíjate, un ataque rápido dándole así y luego, ¡ un buen directo!
Possibly you'll find him at the punch bowl?
Quizá haya ido a por un cóctel.
- Then go in there and take a punch at him.
- Pues enfréntate a él.
$ 300 for a man you were gonna punch in the jaw the next time you saw him!
300 dólares para un hombre a quien ibas a partir la cara.
Pardon, but if I punch that little priest, I'll send him flying meters.
- Disculpe, Excelencia. Si le doy una bofetada a ese curita lo mando a 20 Mt. de distancia.
- Give him a punch on my account! - You would be better doing housework!
- ¡ Pégale una hostia de mi parte!
Punch him!
If he ever puts forward this request I'll give him a punch on the hea..
Si nos lo pide, le arreó un golpe en la cabe...
I laughed at him and he took a punch at me.
Me reí y me dio un puñetazo.
Got him a lucky punch and ran.
Le dí un golpe con fortuna y corrí.
I know better. When I stopped him, he tried to take a punch at me.
Cuando le detuve, trató de pegarme.
- I gave him a punch on the jaw and he calmed down.
- Le di un puñetazo en la mandíbula.
Punch-drunk. We let him sit in for a couple of hands every Wednesday.
Por los golpes, le dejamos jugar un par de manos.
He didn't defend himself so I gave him a punch.
No se ha defendido, y le ha dado de puñetazos.

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