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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ R ] / Repeatedly

Repeatedly Çeviri İspanyolca

1,517 parallel translation
- Indeed, he has called repeatedly, has dined with us once.
- Efectivamente, Ha pedido en repetidas ocasiones, ha cenado con nosotros una vez
Repeatedly choosing to sleep with women like the defendant, Sandra Panitch.
Repetidamente escogiendo dormir con mujeres...
Yeah, I've gone over that case file repeatedly.
Sí, he repasado ese caso repetidamente.
Hippies, Yippies, and just plain kids have wanted to sleep in this park during the Convention, but the city has repeatedly said no, and police have enforced that order.
Hippies, Yippies, y niños normales han querido dormir en este parque durante la Convención, pero la ciudad lo ha negado repetidamente.
I asked them repeatedly... when he was speaking with them from Baghdad... that had to come... because there were the people waiting for them... and, in particular, to a man... so that it was taking decisions and it was starting it.
Les pedí una y otra vez... cuando hablaba con ellos desde Bagdad... que tenían que venir... porque había gente esperándolos... y, en particular, a un hombre... para que tomara decisiones y lo pusiera en marcha.
Matters as political of detention... to hood the prisoners, there were topics that Sergio... it was treating repeatedly with Bremer and with general Sánchez... but Bremer was not interested in.
Asuntos como políticas de detención... encapuchar a los prisioneros, eran temas que Sergio... trataba una y otra vez con Bremer y con el general Sánchez... pero a Bremer no le interesaban.
In fact, I think I said repeatedly it'd be crap.
De hecho, creo que lo repetí varias veces que sería una mierda.
Mrs. Dubois, as my staff has repeatedly explained to you, hospital hours are for surgeries and follow-ups.
Sra. Dubois, como mi equipo le ha explicado reiteradamente, las horas de hospital son para cirugía y seguimientos.
Also, because while you slept, I violated you repeatedly.
Ademas porque mientras estabas dormido te viole repetidamente
Yes. And you had sex with her repeatedly?
- ¿ Y estuvo con ella reiteradamente?
You claimed to have drawn my client's nude body, and to have made love to her repeatedly, and yet you haven't seen her tattoo until this moment.
Afirma haber dibujado el cuerpo de mi clienta desnudo y haberle hecho el amor repetidas veces. Y aún así no había visto su tatuaje hasta este momento.
If it is a murder, you'll be asked for it repeatedly.
Si es un homicidio, se lo preguntarán muchas veces.
Miss Butler, you testified that the man who attacked you repeatedly ran his hands through your hair.
Señorita Butler, declaró que el hombre que la atacó recorrió su cabello repetidamente con sus manos.
Think her killer grabbed her repeatedly all along her arms.
Creo que el asesino la tomó varias veces a lo largo de todo sus brazos.
According to the declaration of Lawyer McCoy, Flake and Rush violated repeatedly to a 15 year-old girl.
De acuerdo a la declaración de Lawyer McCoy, Flake y Rush violaron repetidamente a una niña de 15 años.
- She was raped repeatedly.
- Fue violada repetidamente.
- Burton Underhill's assailant... knocked him to the ground, struck him repeatedly, probably would have killed him, if somebody else hadn't come along and scared him away.
Burton Underhill ha sido atacado, le han encontrado tirado en el suelo, golpeado repetidamente y probablemente le hubieran asesinado si alguien no hubiera asustado al agresor.
LAPD matched the prints to those of Frankie Peña, the felon who repeatedly threatened to kill the Bennetts.
La policía corroboró que las huellas correspondían con las de Frankie Peña. El criminal que amenazó de muerte varias veces a los Bennett.
A murder weapon has been found with prints on it, matching an ex-convict who repeatedly made threats against my client and the deceased, his wife.
El arma homicida fue encontrada con huellas en ella que pertenecen a un ex convicto que hizo varias amenazas a mi cliente y su esposa.
These are rolled oats repeatedly cut, twice steamed, and processed extensively.
Son hojuelas de avena cortadas repetidamente, cocidas dos veces, y cocinadas mucho tiempo.
We repeatedly told you that you were running over budget.
Te dijimos repetidas veces que estabais sobrepasando el presupuesto.
The same cop's been cited repeatedly for excessive force.
El mismo policía fue citado numerosas veces por fuerza excesiva. Por supuesto.
Your best friend violently disses our marriage every chance she gets, publicly, repeatedly.
Tu mejor amiga no respeta nuestro matrimonio cada vez que puede en público y en reiteradas ocasiones.
The bodies were moved repeatedly.
- Lo que significa... - Los cuerpos fueron movidos.
He used the phone repeatedly for two days as the call logs indicated.
Usó el teléfono repetidamente como los registros señalan.
When someone repeatedly refuses to take back his umbrella... know that his time to get wet is here.
Cuando alguien se niega repetidamente a recuperar su paraguas... sabemos que su tiempo de mojarse está aquí.
Intruder grabbed that poker and struck Mr. King repeatedly.
El intruso cogió el atizador y golpeó al Sr. king varias veces.
Mom, I'm going to give you life the way I imagineyou gave me life- - by pressing alt-F-5 repeatedly.
Mamá, voy a darte vida de la forma que me supone que tu me las diste Por presionar Alt-F5 repetitivamente
I don't have to tell you that the husband of the victim has shown up in this courtroom repeatedly only to learn that the defendant has yet again fired his lawyer at the last second.
No tengo que decirles que el esposo de la victima ha comparecido a esta corte repetidamente, solo para enterarse que el acusado otra vez despidió su abogado en el ultimo momento.
If you read the text, Mr Washington shouted out in frustrated defiance repeatedly.
Si ud. lee el texto, el Sr. Washington grito en un frustrante desafío repetidamente.
- I have told you repeatedly, I do not want to hear this shit.
- Te lo he dicho... varias veces, no quiero escuchar esta mierda.
It's not an option for parents to be repeatedly late.
No es una opción que los padres lleguen tarde regularmente.
Is it by chance that everyone says you repeatedly protected Sindona?
¿ Es azar que todos digan que usted insistentemente protegió a Sindona?
Why did she go to your house, get inside, and stab you repeatedly?
¿ Por qué fue a tu casa, entró y te apuñaló repetidamente?
Not so much break as put on her stilto heels and impale it repeatedly.
No demasiado romper como ponerla todavía en los talones y clavarle repetidamente.
But the important is to notice that different registrations exist, as I have statement repeatedly, everyday, for you, and to know to alternate among them :
Pero lo importante es percibir que existen diferentes conceptos, como lo he dicho repetidamente, todos los días a ustedes, y saber alternar entre ellos :
I told you that. Yeah, you did, repeatedly.
Sí, lo hizo repetidamente.
There was a scene with a murderous Russian spy who was referred to as an agitator repeatedly, and this led into a Maytag spot, the title of which is "The Amazing Agitator."
Hubo una escena con un espía ruso asesino a quien se referían repetidamente como un agitador, y esto llevó a un spot de Maytag, cuyo título es : "El agitador increíble".
You repeatedly hacked into our weather arrays, piggy-backing our techs, some of which was classified. You did that? Technically yes, but that's irrelevant.
me parece que no debiste dar es clasificación... tu lo hiciste... técnicamente si... pero quiero aclararle.. que..
It's easier to wire, and, frankly, Probably better suited For repeatedly running somebody over.
Son más fáciles de arrancar con un puente, y francamente, mejor preparados... para atropellar a alguien repetidamente.
As I have explained repeatedly, unlike you, I don't need validation from lesser minds.
Como te expliqué repetidas veces, a diferencia de ti no necesito la validación de mentes inferiores.
Because in this life where I have repeatedly allowed you to fuck me over a fence whatever I do, you keep coming back.
Porque en esta vida donde te permití una y otra vez que me cogieras de parada cualquier cosa que hago, siempre te tengo detrás de mí.
Let the record show Agent Booth is taunting my client, repeatedly showing footage of his traumatic accident.
Que quede anotado en el registro que el agente Booth se burla de mi cliente al mostrarle repetidamente imágenes de su traumático accidente.
I may not be foolish enough to consider us friends, but we do have a history... And even though you've betrayed me repeatedly, you're still the only one, human or Wraith, who's ever come close to understanding what I've been through.
No soy tan tonto como para considerarnos amigos, pero tenemos una historia y aunque me has traicionado repetidamente sigues siendo la única, Humana o Espectro que está cerca de entender por lo que he pasado.
I had repeatedly asked him, please do not contact the media.
Le había dicho repetidamente, por favor, no avises a los medios.
He says for three years he was repeatedly drugged, beaten and raped, all part of a sex slave operation involving dozens of missing children.
Dice que durante tres años fue repetidamente drogado, golpeado y violado, que fue parte de una operación de esclavitud sexual que involucra a docenas de niños desaparecidos.
She won't change even if you say that repeatedly, you fool.. .. so what if she's a taxi driver..
No cambiará aunque lo digas muchas veces, idiota y que si es una taxista...
"Air Skinner" brings it up. He bounces the ball repeatedly in a dribbling type motion.
La lleva hacia el aro, danza con él balón repetidamente.
To hear you say "broads" repeatedly.
Para oírte decir "tipas" una y otra vez.
Why are you looking here and there repeatedly?
¿ Por qué estás mirando aquí y allá?

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