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Returned Çeviri İspanyolca

13,391 parallel translation
But now the prodigal son has returned.
Pero el hijo pródigo ha vuelto.
Reg returned to the flock.
Reg ha vuelto a la manada.
He just returned the favour.
Él nos devolvió el favor.
He returned home from his night shift and he found his curtains were drawn, sir.
Regresó a casa de su turno de noche y encontró que sus cortinas estaban corridas, señor.
You think Mrs. Brooks returned, sir?
¿ Cree que la señora Brooks regresó, señor?
- He never returned from the war.
- Nunca regresó de la guerra.
He returned to the apartment when I was gone.
Regresó al apartamento cuando no estaba.
I found it missing when I returned.
Faltaba cuando volví.
Where was your father when you returned home?
¿ Dónde estaba tu padre cuando regresaste a casa?
( male news reporter ) The Boyfriend singer had just returned home from an overseas concert tour when he began racing his Ferrari through the streets.
( male news reporter ) The Boyfriend singer had just returned home from an overseas concert tour when he began racing his Ferrari through the streets.
I just got a notification that I never returned my vehicle tracker, but I definitely gave it to you last week.
He recibido una notificación de que no he devuelto el localizador de mi vehículo pero se lo entregué la semana pasada.
She has returned from Boston.
Ha regresado de Boston.
- and the hulk of the sub will be returned
- Y el casco devuelto...
He returned from his trip to Jordan to find his entire neighborhood decimated.
Regresó de su viaje a Jordania para encontrar su vecindario entero diezmado.
His half-acre was returned to him.
Su medio acre le fue devuelto.
This is for their attic room returned.
Esto es por la habitación del ático que quieren recuperar.
I thought General Renaude would have returned.
Pensé que el general Renaude habría regresado.
In Catherine's mind, his grief would be short, his child miraculously returned...
En la cabeza de Catalina, su duelo será breve, su hijo volvería milagrosamente...
- But she never returned the egg to Aktaion, did she?
Pero jamás llevó el huevo a Aktaion, ¿ verdad?
He returned from Paris to JFK on February 15th, but there's no record of him leaving the U.S. or even Canada.
Él regresó de París hacia el aeropuerto JFK el 15 de febrero, pero no hay registro de él dejando los Estados Unidos o incluso Canadá.
I just got word that Mr. Hanna has safely returned Mr. Rutnam to the VA hospital.
Escuché que el Sr. Hanna regresó a salvo al Sr. Rutnam al hospital.
But thankfully, Do Hyun changed his mind and returned to the company.
Pero afortunadamente, Do Hyung cambió de opinión... y regresó a la compañía.
Mr. Jackson has just returned from four months suspension- -courtesy of Bea Smith.
El Sr. Jackson acaba de volver de una suspensión de cuatro meses, cortesía de Bea Smith.
We've just returned from the Governor's briefing.
Acabamos de terminar con la reunión informativa de la alcaide.
It returned!
¡ Ha regresado!
Mrs. Florrick, you returned to the practice of law after 12 years...
Señora Florrick, usted volvió a la práctica de la abogacía tras 12 años...
I've returned to resume our "will-they-won't-they" romantic tango.
He vuelto a reanudar nuestro tango romántico "Qué no harán".
Jude, not one person who has gone to this island has returned.
Jude, ni una sola persona que ha ido a esa isla ha regresado.
She'll be returned to you once the interview is complete.
Se la devolveremos cuando la entrevista esté completa.
Evil has returned to Sleepy Hollow.
El mal ha vuelto a Sleepy Hollow.
" I returned to find an old man who smiles and thinks I am a dream.
He vuelto a encontrar un hombre viejo que sonríe y piensa que soy un sueño.
Returned from the Votanis Collective.
De regreso del Colectivo Votanis.
And now that she's returned?
¿ Y ahora que ha regresado?
I am sorry I haven't returned your calls, but you must understand, I have been very busy since taking office.
Siento no haberte devuelto las llamadas, pero tienes que entender que he estado muy ocupada desde que tengo este puesto.
I think he's returned to me as your son, Kyle.
Creo que él regresó a mí como tu hijo, Kyle.
You said she just returned from a trip to Brazil.
Dice que acababa de volver de un viaje a Brasil.
Has General Savoy and his men returned?
¿ Ha vuelto el general Savoy y sus hombres?
Condé had returned to court.
Condé ha regresado a la Corte.
Those poor boys at the monastery, shortage of troops, and now Condé has returned.
Esos pobres niños del monasterio, escasez de tropas... y ahora Condé ha vuelto.
The boy I had once loved enlisted in the army...'and I thought that we had both moved on with our lives until... until he returned on leave, shaken by what he'd seen in combat.
El chico al que una vez conocí se alistó en el ejército... Y pensé que ambos habíamos pasado página con nuestras vidas hasta... hasta que volví a verlo, angustiado por lo que había visto en combate.
They told me you'd returned on the plane.
Me dijeron que regresaste en avión.
Now, unfortunately I have to make you go through each page and sign these forms to register a claim to have the property returned to you.
Ahora, por desgracia tengo que te hacen ir a través de cada página y firmar estos formularios para registrar una reclamación tener la propiedad devuelta.
The prophet's returned.
El profeta ha vuelto.
His remains have been returned to his family.
Sus restos han sido devueltos a su familia.
His unit returned from their most recent deployment, uh, eight months ago.
Su unidad regresó... de su misión más reciente... hace ocho meses.
None of them being returned, obviously.
Ninguno ha recibido respuesta, como es obvio.
And I'm here to make them a promise that justice will be served and the safety of our parishes will be returned to the standard we all deserve.
Y estoy aquí para hacerles una promesa. que se hará justicia... y la seguridad de nuestros ciudadanos retornará... al estándar que todos merecemos.
Since your cancer has returned this aggressively and this quickly,
Debido a que su cáncer ha regresado esta agresiva y esto de manera rápida,
You returned her. Why?
La devolviste. ¿ Por qué?
Send word to the palace that I have returned.
Envía aviso a palacio de que he vuelto.
And now that child has returned to haunt you.
Y ahora ese niño ha vuelto para atormentarte.

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