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Sander Çeviri İspanyolca

344 parallel translation
At the same time, Professor Sander of St. Luke's Hospital, - published another treatise - on the exactly same subject.
El profesor Sander del Hospital Psiquiátrico San Lucas publicó un artículo sobre el mismo asunto.
Prof. Sander tells today of a strange error in his manuscript. It was found during proofreading and is omitted in the published paper, - but it appears in Lundell's thesis. The public awaits his explanation.
El profesor Sander indica que se corrigió un error matemático antes de publicar su artículo, pero ese mismo error se halla en la tesis de Lundell.
- To the hospital, to talk to Sander.
- Al hospital, a hablar con Sander.
He said never could understand why Sander let me in the hospital.
No entiende que Sander me deje trabajar ahí.
If he were Sander I'd have been out a long time ago.
Él me habría echado hace siglos.
But then I said what I thought... of Sander.
Y le he dicho lo que pensaba de Sander.
When Sander wasn't at the hospital, I went to his home.
Como Sander no estaba, he ido a su casa.
Do you want to listen to Sander?
¿ Vas a escuchar a Sander?
Now we'll listen to a lecture by Prof Albert Sander. He speaks about the treatment of schizophrenia.
Ahora el profesor Albert Sander nos hablará sobre el tratamiento de Ia esquizofrenia.
Prof. Sander has suddenly died.
El profesor Sander ha fallecido.
Surely you've heard of Sander's death.
Ya sabrás que Sander ha muerto.
- Yes, and besides, he can't stand Sander.
- Sí, y no soporta a Sander.
Have you heard that Sander's dead?
¿ Sabes que Sander ha muerto?
Sander was found shot to the head, with a 6. 5 mm Mauser beside him.
Everybody knows how it was between you and Sander.
Teníais una relación mala.
Do you think I killed Sander?
¿ Crees que lo he matado?
Perhaps a last friendly greeting from Sander.
Quizás un último saludo de Sander.
I didn't murder Sander.
No he matado a Sander.
If Sander was the one, it couldn't have been me.
Si Sander era tu tipo, yo no.
Sander's letter.
La carta de Sander.
How was it, Sander and you?
¿ Cómo eran las cosas?
Too bad you don't have Sander now.
Lástima que Sander no esté.
It was a woman who killed Sander.
A Sander lo ha matado una mujer.
It was I who shot Sander.
Yo he matado a Sander.
Why did you murder Sander?
¿ Por qué has matado a Sander?
It started on the day - that Sander came here.
Todo empezó el día que Sander vino aquí.
Sander came here?
¿ Sander vino aquí?
I opened, and it was Sander.
Abrí, y era Sander.
You still haven't told me why you killed Sander.
Aún no sé por qué lo has matado.
You must have wondered - why your and Sander's papers - were similar. Isn't that right?
Te habrás preguntado por qué vuestros trabajos eran similares, ¿ verdad?
Now I'll tell you - about my last... no, my next to last discussion with Sander.
Ahora te contaré mi última... no, mi penúltima discusión con Sander.
¡ Sander!
I didn't know your name was Sander.
Yo no sabía que su nombre era Sander.
The informer is you, Sander Mettila.
El informante eres tú : Sander Mettila.
You'll find me at my castle Andomai in the Sander Valley mountains. I should be waiting for you this friday. Count Frederic Regula.
Venga al castillo de Andomai en el valle del Sanders sobre el Mediterráneo y estaré encantado de satisfacer su curiosidad ".
It is said that he signed a pact with the devil and so caused great suffering and evil above the draw bridge and her towers in the center of the castle.
En el valle del Sander, bañado por las aguas del Mediterráneo, adornado por espléndidas y pavorosas torres, se alzaba el castillo de Andomai, austero, impenetrable, misterioso.
Can you tell him where it is?
Parece que está en el valle del Sander.
It seems that beautiful young girl is going to the same direction.
También esa señora se dirige al valle del Sander. - ¿ Subimos? - En seguida.
Was she from here? Yes, she was born near here.
- Sí, en el valle del Sander.
- Sanders? Sanders's party? - Right, sir.
- ¿ Es ésta la fiesta de Sander?
- How do you spell Sanders?
- ¿ Cómo se pronuncia Sander?
Jil Sander....
Jil Sander...
All right, Sander.
Todo bien, Xander.
They say it's in the Sander Valley.
Me han dicho que está en el valle del Sander.
A procession to drive out the man eating monster in the valley.
Rogamos por que no vuelva a haber víctimas en el valle del Sander.
It must be somewhere in the Sander Valley.
Me han dicho que se encuentra en el valle del Sander.

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