Short of that Çeviri İspanyolca
1,258 parallel translation
Short of that, send her home.
Si no... mándenla a casa.
No teniendo nada mas que discutir, sigamos adelante.
It looks like the Cinderella S.C.L.S.U. Mud Dogs, led by linebacker Bobby Boucher, are gonna fall one victory short of that Bourbon Bowl bid.
Parecen que los Cenicienta Mud Dogs de S.C.I.S.U., guiados por el apoyador Bobby Boucher, estarán a una victoria del intento de Tazón Bourbon.
And how often we fall short of that.
Y cuantas veces fallamos en eso.
Believe me, nothing short of that would've kept me away.
Creedme, sólo algo así me mantendría alejado de vosotras.
Short of that, she's gonna walk.
Si no, saldrá libre.
Adam himself would admit that on a purely mechanical level... his capabilities fall short of what humans are capable of.
El propio Adam reconocería que, en un nivel puramente mecánico sus capacidades son inferiores a las del ser humano.
Your design and your construction are nothing short of genius... but even you must understand... that you're basically a takeoff on the thoughts and feelings... that Dr. Link programmed into you.
Tu diseño y construcción son increíbles pero incluso tú debes entender que eres una parodia de los sentimientos e ideas que el Dr. Link introdujo en tu programa.
And I'm sure that you'll be impressed at what can be accomplished after only a few short days of training.
Estoy seguro de que les impresionará lo que se puede lograr con unos pocos días de entrenamiento.
Well, it varies. When the local medical school ran short of cadavers rumour had it that the snatchers got $ 200 a head.
Cuando la escuela de medicina se quedó sin cadáveres, se dice que los ladrones recibieron $ 200 por cabeza.
You thought that because I am a person of short stature that the only career I could procure for myself would be one in the so-called big top.
Usted pensó que porque soy una persona de poca estatura, la única carrera para mí sería la del circo.
There are two kinds of lies- - lies that have short legs and lies that have a long nose, and yours are clearly the kind that have long nose.
Hay dos clases de mentiras. Las de patas cortas y las que alargan la nariz. Y las tuyas son, evidentemente, de este último tipo.
Short cut! In spite of everything, Jack, I want you to know that I do sincerely apologize for losing Maggie.
A pesar de todo, lamento de todo corazón haber perdido a Maggie.
So that means they were carried from a death scene someplace, unconscious, and brought down to the river, and they had to be killed shortly before they were brought down there, because they all died within a short period of time.
Eso significa que los trasladaron desde el lugar del crimen, inconscientes, hasta el río. Tenían que haberlos matado poco antes de llevarlos allí, porque todos murieron en un corto espacio de tiempo.
Man that is born of woman has but a short time to live and is full of misery.
El Hombre nacido de mujer, Corto de días, Y harto de sinsabores :
We at I.B.S. Hold a special place in our hearts... for that honored handful of news men and women... whose lives and careers, in the course of bringing home the news... have been cut tragically short.
En IBS tenemos un lugar especial en nuestros corazones... para esos hombres y mujeres de noticias... cuyas vidas y carreras, mientras informaban las noticias... tuvieron un trágico final.
The president of Zaire was willing to put $ 10 million of his country's own very scarce, hard-earned currency on the line, not for any short-term economic reason but because he felt that the fight would be good
El presidente de Zaire estaba dispuesto a poner los 10 millones $ de las escasas arcas de su propio país no por ninguna razón económica a corto plazo sino porque sentía que la pelea sería buena en el sentido de promocionar Zaire y a si mismo también,
In short, they are just one sure-fire scheme away from a gold mine and the wise man that decided against popping the possessor of that scheme was you.
En resumen, un intermediario les entregará una mina de oro y el hombre sagaz que decidió salvarle la vida al intermediario fuiste tú.
That's very short-sighted of you, Captain.
- Tiene poca visión de futuro.
" He that is born of woman hath but a short time to live,
'El que nace de la mujer tiene poco tiempo de vida,
Fear not, gentlemen. Nothing'll touch that painting, short of an earthquake.
Con el sistema que hemos colocado, nada podrá tocar esa pintura fuera de un terremoto que tire abajo la galería entera.
But God sent me that cry of joy, that cry that is so short.
Pero Dios me envió ese grito de felicidad, ese grito tan corto.
" Man that is born of woman hath but a short time to live...
" El hombre de mujer nacido tiene una corta existencia...
In short, Brunswick's demands obliged me to consult the town council that, unanimously of course, rejected the surveyor idea.
En cualquier caso, los gritos de Brunswick me hicieron presentar el caso ante el consejo municipal, del que la mayoría, naturalmente, no quería saber nada de un agrimensor.
It is necessary that in some endeavors short-term sacrifice may be required to achieve the long-term goal of an enhanced life for both of our races.
Es necesario que en algunos esfuerzos sacrificio a corto plazo puede sea necesario para lograr el objetivo a largo plazo de una mejorada la vida para nuestras dos razas.
Most of them dropped out after the first corner, but that short one with the pigtails was a regular gazelle.
La mayoría se rindió después de la primera esquina, pero aquella bajita con coletas era toda una gacela.
But to abuse a talented, selfless employee, only because his social skills lack polish, to allow him to work tirelessly under the delusion that he could make partner, a delusion you carefully nurtured, so as to make piles of money off him in the short-term, that's a betrayal, Shirley, not just of Jerry, but of you and your character, which up till now I have considered undeniably decent!
Pero abusar de un empleado talentoso porque su don de gentes no es bueno permitir que trabaje incansablemente con una falsa ilusión que tú nutriste con esmero para que te redituara a corto plazo es una traición, Shirley, no sólo hacia Jerry sino hacia ti y hacia tu carácter que, hasta ahora, había considerado decente.
He's getting the short end of that stick.
Él no se está perdiendo de nada.
Something broke through the terror... flickerings, fragments of his short life, the random events that delivered him to this, his moment of annihilation.
Algo brotó entre el terror. Los recuerdos fragmentados de su breve vida. Las circunstancias imprevistas que lo condujeron a esta hora funesta.
To cut a long story short, here is Salome doing the dance of the seven veils... and getting Herod so excited that he says,
Ya nos veremos. Bueno, resumiendo la historia :
If you do enough of that stuff over a short period of time you get these canker sores on your tongue.
Si tomas bastantes en poco tiempo te salen estas llagas sobre la lengua.
That was nine "short tons" of coal.
Eso eran nueve toneladas de carbón. "
That's the long and short of it.
Esa era toda la historia. "
The leaders were guided by the idea that as there might not be a nuclear war, why spend money which we were so short of?
" A los líderes los guiaba la idea de que como podría no ocurrir una guerra nuclear, para qué gastar dinero si siempre nos faltaba?
Hey, what's that short story of that scientist who spends all that time creating the first computer, the most perfect, complicated machine.
¿ Cómo era ese cuento? Era sobre un científico que se dedicó a construir una computadora, la más perfecta y complicada de las máquinas.
We're short of staff for that, Boban.
Estamos faltos de personal para este proyecto.
Well perhaps that's just because I'm getting old but I think... it's made me beleive that things can't be as bad in the future as they have been in the past I think there are certain short term objectives I have here in Hackney and if I can achieve a few of those then I'll be pleased
bueno, quiza es porque me estoy volviendo viejo pero yo creo... que me ha hecho creer que las cosas no pueden ser tan malas en el futuro como lo han sido en el pasado creo que aqui en Hackney tengo ciertos objetivos de corto plazo
It was a short ride, but the feel of that breeze flowing past my whole body.
Fue un paseo corto, pero la sensación de esa brisa... fluía por todo mi cuerpo.
"Rejoice then, you heavens, and those of you who dwell in them,... but woe to the earth and the sea,... for the devil has come down to you with great wrath,... because he knows that his time is short."
"Por todo ello alegraos, cielos ; y alegraos, los que habitáis en los cielos. Pero ¡ ay de la tierra y del mar, porque el diablo ha bajado contra vosotros rebosante de ira, porque sabe que le queda poco tiempo!"
Short of walking into that room with a bloody magnetron around your neck...
¿ En serio? Solo entrando en ese cuarto con un magnetrón, ¿ sabes lo que es?
The part of the brain that transfers things from short-term memory to long.
El amortiguador es la parte del cerebro que pasa cosas de la memoria de corto plazo a largo plazo.
But the idea of the short term, that draws me.
Pero un coqueteo a corto plazo me atrae. Tah...
That was just the short-term solution to easing all of you out of the building.
Esa era la solución a corto plazo más sencilla para sacarles del edificio.
That's not really a problem. It's short notice, but there's a lot of young ladies who'd give up their plans...
Si quieres seguir vamos directamente al grano. ¿ Cuál es tu peli de terror favorita?
That brings us to our final category. But let's take a short break and we'll be right back with the Man of the Year award.
Esto nos lleva a nuestra última categoria pero vamos a hacer un pequeño descanso y volvermos enseguida con el premio al Hombre del Año.
Bebe told me that I'm on the short list for the voice of Chester "the Yummy Nut" Squirrel.
Bebe me dijo que estoy en la lista para hacer la voz de Chester, la ardilla de "La Rica Nuez".
Well, to make a long story short, I decided the best way to prove that humans were the equal of Vulcans was to challenge him to a wrestling match.
En resumen, creí que el mejor modo de probar que humanos y vulcanos eran iguales era retarle a una lucha libre.
What I'm proposing is the only defence against that, short of murder, and that's an order I prefer not to give.
Lo que propongo es la única defensa que tenemos en contra de esa posibilidad además de matarlo, y esa es una orden que prefiero no dar.
But it turns out... the short, simple definition of a lady or a gentleman... is someone who always tries to make sure... that the people around him or her...
Yo creía que un caballero era alguien que tenía caballos. Pero resulta... que la definición de dama o caballero... Pero resulta... que la definición de dama o caballero... es aquel que siempre trata... que la gente que lo rodea esté lo...
In short, to attract the benevolence of the gods. So that they try to hurry the cure of Caesar. There will be some games organized this same afternoon.
En fin, para atraer la benevolencia de Dios y con el fin de acelerar la cura del César esta noche se organizarán juegos y están... ¡ Todos invitados!
If there were a sympathy in choice, war, death, or sickness did lay siege to it making it momentary as a sound, swift as a shadow short as any dream as brief as the lightning in the collied night that, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth and ere a man hath power to say "Behold!" the jaws of darkness do devour it up.
Si hubo armonía en la elección la guerra, la muerte o la enfermedad la asediaron haciéndola tan momentánea como un sonido tan fugaz como una sombra, tan breve como cualquier sueño tan breve como un relámpago en la noche oscura que en su furia ilumina a la vez cielo y tierra y antes que el hombre diga : "¡ Miren!" las fauces de las tinieblas lo devoran todo.
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19