That's that Çeviri İspanyolca
1,726,293 parallel translation
That's all a bit of a mystery.
Es un misterio.
That's because the statute of limitations on alleged assaults that occurred more than 20 years ago has long since expired.
Es porque el estatuto de limitación de las presuntas agresiones que ocurrieron hace más de 20 años ha vencido hace tiempo.
And it's very important that we, uh... we don't equivocate on this matter.
Y es muy importante no equivocarnos en este asunto.
In my mind he has a blind spot, and I will say that with all due deference when you're criticizing somebody who's that powerful.
¿ Tiene una certeza razonable? Creo que tiene un punto ciego no aceptado generalmente y lo digo con el debido respeto cuando criticas a alguien que es tan poderoso.
Whether an event occurred, whether an individual's description of that event is reliable...
- Haya ocurrido algo o no, sea la descripción confiable o no...
It felt as if at some point... that terrible terror of doing this... s... turned into something else.
Sentí como si, en algún momento, ese terror terrible de hacer esto se convirtió en otra cosa.
You ask me anything you want because this happened, and now the world's hearing it and that's a good thing. "
Pregúntenme lo que quieran porque esto ocurrió, y ahora el mundo se entera y eso es algo bueno ".
And later... That's all he said to people.
Es todo lo que le dijo a la gente.
That's the type of individual he was.
Es el tipo de individuo que era.
And, uh... that's when Maskell's name...
Ahí fue cuando el nombre de Maskell...
That's when I started getting inquiries... about Sister Cesnik.
Fue cuando empecé a recibir indagaciones sobre la hermana Cesnik.
It's just that we now know so much more about memory.
Es solo que ahora sabemos mucho más sobre la memoria.
It's scientifically accepted that memories can be compartmentalized and... And not known to the conscious ego.
Se acepta científicamente que lo recuerdos se pueden compartimentar y que el ego consciente puede no conocerlos.
And that's what I did... until now... 20-some years later.
Y eso es lo que hice hasta ahora. Veintitantos años después.
It's been so many years since that...
Han pasado muchos años desde ese entonces.
In your middle or late 40s, that's not an easy thing to do.
No es algo fácil de hacer cuando tienes más de 45 años.
I realized that there's a lot of people in the police department that are good and are laying their lives on the line, and I very much thank them for that.
Hay mucha gente en el departamento de policía que es buena y que arriesga su vida, y les agradezco mucho eso.
And how do you explain that to a young... a young boy, not to look suspicious, you know? And... It's just really not fair at all.
¿ Cómo le explicas a un joven que no parezca sospechoso?
Even though it's a positive, legitimizing community, I'm actually very scared to be in that conversation.
Aunque es una comunidad positiva y legitimadora, tengo demasiado miedo de estar en esa conversación.
And there's an awful lot that I still don't remember.
Y todavía hay mucho que no recuerdo.
And he tells me it's my fault that she is dead, that she was the good person, I was not.
Y me dijo que era mi culpa que ella estuviera muerta, que ella era la buena persona, yo no,
There's so many foggy memories, so many questions that I have about what happened, which is why I didn't, uh, say anything for so long.
Hay demasiados recuerdos borrosos, demasiadas preguntas que tengo sobre lo sucedido, por lo que no dije nada durante mucho tiempo.
Now, he's not that old, you know, he's 60.
No estaba tan viejo. Tenía 60 años.
And then, you know, shortly after that, Ed came home and he said he had stopped at Montgomery Ward's.
Y entonces, poco después de eso, Ed llegó a casa y dijo que había pasado a Montgomery Ward.
He said, "Well, I just felt that wintertime's coming and we should have new tires."
Él dijo : "Pensé que se acercaba el invierno y que deberíamos tener neumáticos nuevos".
So, I started putting that as another piece to the puzzle and thinking, "I wonder if that's why he got the tires changed,'cause of tracks?"
Entonces empecé a poner eso como otra pieza del rompecabezas y a pensar : "¿ Me pregunto si fue por eso que cambiamos los neumáticos, debido a las pistas?".
I called the police about that newspaper article, which eventually did lead to Ed's arrest in November of'71.
Llamé a la policía acerca de ese artículo del periódico, lo cual llevó al arresto de Ed... LISTA DE CASOS PENALES... en noviembre de 1971.
What's that mean?
¿ Qué significa eso?
That was the Schmidt Family, the niece of a man who had been Sister Cathy's neighbor shared with us a very similar story.
Era la familia Schmidt. La sobrina de un hombre que había sido vecino de la hermana Cathy nos compartió una historia muy similar.
That she felt like her uncle had been involved in Cathy's murder.
Que ella sentía que su tío había estado involucrado en el asesinato de Cathy.
That's a little scary to have to go talk to people, but we will...
Da un poco de miedo tener que hablar con la gente, pero lo haremos.
We had Edgar's family, who believed that he was involved with her murder.
Teníamos a la familia de Edgar que creía que estuvo involucrado en el asesinato.
That's basically the same as it was, and my brother and I would play out here.
Es básicamente igual a como estaba, y mi hermano y yo jugábamos aquí.
And Sister Cathy's apartment is directly through that partition, which was not there at the time.
Y el departamento de la hermana Cathy está cruzando esa división, que no estaba ahí en ese entonces.
As a matter of fact, if you... When you pull the... The first newspaper clipping that announced this, when they show where her car was parked, you actually will see my uncle's apartment in the same newspaper clipping.
De hecho, cuando miras el primer recorte periodístico que anunció esto, cuando mostraron dónde estaba estacionado su auto, de hecho se ve el departamento de mi tío en el mismo recorte periodístico.
And I think that's where the blood came from.
Y creo que de ahí venía la sangre.
She only likes one person and that's me.
Solo le agrada una persona y esa soy yo.
Ronald Schmidt, my ex-husband that I was married to for 24 and a half years, my children's father.
Ronald Schmidt, mi exesposo con el que estuve casada 24 años y medio, el padre de mis hijos.
And that's how I discovered it was up there, because I wanted to prove to him there's no woman in the attic.
Y ahí fue cuando descubrí que estaba ahí, porque quería demostrarle que no había ninguna mujer en el ático.
There's somebody named Bob in this whole mix, according to Jane Doe, that is also significant... in Cathy's murder.
En todo este revoltijo, hay alguien llamado Bob. De acuerdo con la Estudiante Desconocida, también es relevante... "Hermano Bob"
There's no sense that this is something that she enjoys or that she wants to do.
No tiene sentido que esto sea algo que disfrute o que quiera hacer.
That's swallowing an awful lot of what he was hearing and what they were saying to me.
Tuvo que tragarse mucho de lo que estaba escuchando y de lo que me estaban diciendo.
It's very possible that in referring to someone, Brother Bob, that could have been anybody.
Es muy posible que al referirse a alguien, el hermano Bob, pudo haber sido cualquiera.
I don't know if it's designed like that or got bent, you know, in terms of the one going up and the one going down.
No sé si está diseñado así o se dobló porque uno va hacia arriba y el otro, hacia abajo.
And probably in the'60s, that would have been a lot of money on a teacher's salary.
Y probablemente en los 60, eso habría sido mucho dinero en el salario de una maestra.
I'm an armchair researcher that's working on this Sister Cathy Cesnik story.
Soy un investigador externo que trabaja en la historia de la hermana Cathy Cesnik.
Look, this is all a child's memory that's in an old man's mind.
Todo esto es el recuerdo de un niño en la mente de un anciano.
That's the best I can give you.
Es todo lo que puedo decirle.
And, of course, I learned that after my brother's death, so, that, to me, was pretty hard to take.
Por supuesto, me enteré después de la muerte de mi hermano, así que para mí fue muy difícil de aceptar.
What's doing that? What's smoking like that?
¿ Qué está haciendo eso?
So, I hope that that's a nugget of information that will be new for us, and that she will contact me when it... When she feels comfortable with it, probably after the holidays.
Así que espero que sea una perla de información nueva para nosotras, y que se pondrá en contacto conmigo cuando se sienta a gusto con ello, probablemente después de las vacaciones.
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16