That is a Çeviri İspanyolca
216,933 parallel translation
That is a good one, but I'm not going through hell, Abby, not by a long shot.
Es bueno pero no estoy pasando por un infierno, Abby, ni de lejos.
That is a disappointment.
Qué decepción.
You are very important to me, and that is a lovely name.
Eres muy importante para mí, y ese es un nombre muy bonito.
That is a good looking chicken parm.
Ese es un buen pollo a la parmesana.
That is a very good guess, but you're wrong.
Buena suposición, pero no.
But if that is the case, then that would mean that none of these three women here, who until now have been our only suspects... .. murdered Tom Lewis.
Pero si ese es el caso, significaría que ninguna de estas tres mujeres, que hasta ahora han sido nuestras únicas sospechosas... asesinó a Tom Lewis.
She makes me a packed lunch every day, darling girl that she is.
Me prepara una vianda cada día, es una chica amorosa.
Not ha-ha funny, when I think about my wife and my young daughter, who wouldn't think that this is very funny at all, but if I had to do this all over again... you would definitely be out here on your own.
No gracia de reírse cuando pienso en mi mujer y en mi hija pequeña, que no pensarían que esto tenga gracia en absoluto sino en que si tuviera que volver a hacer esto... estarías aquí solo, por supuesto.
But where I'm right now, with Dr. Mallard and Abby and the rest of our team working for what I really think is a noble cause, why would I want to leave that?
Pero donde estoy ahora, con el Dr. Mallard y Abby y el resto del equipo trabajando por lo que de verdad creo que es una causa noble, ¿ por qué iba a querer dejar eso?
Is that a crime?
¿ Es eso un delito?
Believe me, I said a lot of other stuff, but that boy is his whole world.
Créanme, dije muchas otras cosas pero ese chico es todo su mundo.
Neither one of us is gonna get a second anything if you don't get that to Emma.
Nadie tendrá nada si no le haces llegar esto a Emma.
That place is gonna be crawling with famous people.
Ese sitio va a estar repleto de gente famosa.
This is the creep that's been threatening Rufus?
¿ Este es el cretino que ha estado amenazando a Rufus?
Josephine here is gonna help you find the life that you want.
Josephine te ayudará a encontrar la vida que quieres.
The only logical conclusion is that the defendants burned their bloody clothing after stabbing Trevor Nichols to death.
La unica conclusion logica es que los acusados quemaron su ropa ensangrentada despues de apuñalar a Trevor Nichols hasta la muerte.
The simple fact is that you got a sweetheart deal for killing your friend in a jealous rage.
El simple hecho es que usted consiguio un buen trato por matar a su amigo en un ataque de celos.
Is that why you and Jake killed Trevor?
¿ Es por eso que usted y Jake mataron a Trevor?
I believe this is the result of eating Bo Johns'brain, a man who insisted to me that zombies were the creation of the Shah of Iran.
Espero que este sea el resultado de comerte el cerebro de Bo Johns, un hombre que me insistió en que los zombis eran creación del sah de Irán.
You know, I get that exploiting other people for their fame is a thing, but couldn't you have at least asked me first?
¿ Sabes? , sé lo que es explotar a otras personas por su fama, ¿ pero no podrías haberme preguntado primero al menos?
He knows his political career is over if any of that footage gets out.
Sabe que su carrera política está acabada si algo de esto sale a la luz.
This is just a little difficulty breathing, that's all.
Esto solo es un problema respiratorio, eso es todo.
Uh, this is ten minutes ago downtown, and that parking lot looks like a dead end.
Esto está a 10 minutos en el centro y ese aparcamiento parece un callejón sin salida.
I mean, that's a pretty great grift, but the key to this whole thing, gentlemen, is right there, because while Eddie was cheating,
Bueno, es un gran truco pero la clave de este tema, caballeros, está en esto, porque mientras Eddie hacía trampas,
The training I'm attempting to provide her is an attempt to channel certain residual feelings that she has into a productive skill.
El entrenamiento que trato de proporcionarle es un intento de canalizar ciertos sentimientos residuales que tenía en habilidades productivas.
Now, if Kitty is right about these recent deaths, and there's more to them than meets the eye, it's likely that he's hired someone to do the killing for him.
Si Kitty tiene razón sobre estas muertes recientes y hay más de lo que se ve a simple vista, es probable que haya contratado a alguien para que mate por él.
Is that a problem?
¿ Eso es un problema?
You say you're not waiting for Watson, but that is the third time you've checked your watch in the last 30 minutes.
Dices que no esperas a Watson, pero esta es la tercera vez que revisas tu reloj en los últimos 30 minutos.
All due respect, I don't think there's any way to prove that shooting yourself is easier than jumping off a building.
Con todo respeto, no creo que haya alguna forma de probar que pegarse un tiro sea más fácil que arrojarse de un edificio.
Right, so is it really that crazy to think that the guy was just having a breakdown?
Correcto, entonces ¿ es tan alocado pensar que el tipo estaba sufriendo una crisis?
Actually, I think whatever happened to that surveillance video is our best clue.
En realidad, creo que lo que sea que le pasó a ese video de vigilancia es nuestra mejor pista.
How is that a "T"?
¿ Cómo es que una "T"?
Yeah, I was lucky enough to have dropped out. Because I realized early on that these student loans are basically small business loans, and the business is you, and you're maybe not such a great business.
Tuve suerte de dejar la universidad... porque comprendí enseguida que los préstamos estudiantiles son, en esencia, préstamos para pequeñas empresas.
If you know what ketamine is, it's a horse tranquilizer that's also a party drug, and they've started prescribing it for depression.
Es un tranquilizante de caballos que también se toma como droga recreativa. Empezaron a recetarla para la depresión.
That stuffiness is a choice. "
Él elige tener esa congestión ".
I believe that there is a God and He hears our prayers and most of the time is, like, "Nah, fuck that."
Creo que Dios existe y que escucha nuestras plegarias, pero casi siempre piensa : "A la mierda con eso".
Be, like, "Oh, man, this is just like that time I went to get chips!"
"Se parece a la vez en que fui a buscar papas fritas".
The winner is supposed to be hired for the type of gig that you don't back from with a soul- -
El ganador supuestamente es contratado para el tipo de trabajo del que no regresas con un alma...
Is that a remote code cypher?
¿ Eso es un decodificador remoto?
It's gonna break my heart to put a bullet in his head, but that's what will happen unless you tell me who at your bank is coming after me.
Me va a romper el corazón meterle un balazo en la cabeza, pero eso es lo que sucederá a menos que me digas quién en tu banco está detrás de mí.
When someone you love is sick, you don't need to shoulder that burden alone.
Cuando alguien a quien amas se enferma, no necesitas soportar esa carga solo.
And when we do, you'll realize that this trial you're facing is a small matter when compared to what happens when the full force of the FBI comes down on you and your organization.
Y cuando lo hagamos, se dará cuenta de que este juicio al que se enfrenta es un asunto pequeño comparado a lo que pasará cuando toda la fuerza del FBI se venga encima suyo y de su organización.
And at the moment, it appears to virtually everyone who gives a damn that I killed Smoll. And your failure to retaliate is proof of your weakness.
Y en este momento, parece que virtualmente a nadie le importa un carajo que haya matado a Smoll y tu incapacidad para vengarte es la prueba de tu debilidad.
But the point is, it made me feel a little sorry for myself, that I didn't have someone like that.
Pero el asunto es que hizo que sintiera lástima por mí, de que no tuviera algo parecido.
The only thing that could've made that meal better is if I could have a cigarette right now.
Lo único que podría mejorar esa cena es si pudiera fumarme un cigarro ahora.
Is that a new jacket?
¿ Esa chaqueta es nueva?
That is such a breach of trust.
Eso es un abuso de confianza.
Let's find out who that truck is registered to and get a BOLO on that license plate right away.
Averigüemos a nombre de quién está registrada esa camioneta y solicitemos una orden de búsqueda de esa matrícula de inmediato.
Is she gonna be okay with that?
¿ Ella va a estar de acuerdo con eso?
Well, I've already found a former patient that I think is a viable suspect.
Bueno, ya encontré a un antiguo paciente que creo que es un sospechoso viable.
This creature that you won't talk about has everyone on edge, and P.T. is just... Polishing the silverware.
Esa criatura de la que no hablas tiene a todos al límite, y P.T. está... abrillantando la cubertería.
that is awesome 117
that is an order 68
that is all 319
that is a lie 69
that is amazing 139
that is all that matters 18
that is a shame 39
that is a good idea 37
that is a relief 17
that is a good question 36
that is an order 68
that is all 319
that is a lie 69
that is amazing 139
that is all that matters 18
that is a shame 39
that is a good idea 37
that is a relief 17
that is a good question 36
that is adorable 23
that is absurd 25
that is a terrible idea 16
that is a problem 46
that is awful 28
that is an excellent question 19
that is a fact 29
that is a great idea 54
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is absurd 25
that is a terrible idea 16
that is a problem 46
that is awful 28
that is an excellent question 19
that is a fact 29
that is a great idea 54
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that is right 117
that is not 75
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that is right 117