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Treadstone Çeviri İspanyolca

75 parallel translation
Talking about Treadstone.
Hablando sobre Treadstone.
Was this Treadstone?
¿ Fue Treadstone?
What will I tell them about Treadstone?
¿ Qué les diré acerca de Treadstone?
Treadstone, both of us.
Treadstone, ambos.
- Treadstone?
- ¿ Treadstone?
What is Treadstone?
¿ Qué es Treadstone?
Treadstone said pills.
Treadstone dijo píldoras.
Is Treadstone in Paris?
¿ Treadstone queda en París?
- Are you Treadstone?
- ¿ Tú eres Treadstone?
- Am I Treadstone?
- ¿ Que si soy Treadstone?
The Treadstone project has actually already been terminated.
El proyecto Treadstone ya ha concluido.
- It's Treadstone.
- Son ellos.
- I don't want you to do it.
Es Treadstone. - Jason, no lo hagas.
Acess Denied. - Threadstone Project -
What the hell's Treadstone?
¿ Qué diablos es "Treadstone"?
- Who is it? - What can you tell me about Treadstone?
¿ Quién es?
Project Debreifing Report
Operation Treadstone.
- Operación Treadstone.
That's a warrant granting me unrestricted access to all personnel materials associated with Treadstone.
Es una orden del director Marshall que me da acceso ilimitado a todo lo relacionado con Treadstone.
Nobody wants to know about Treadstone.
Nadie quiere saber nada de Treadstone.
I know Treadstone's not a popular subject here but we found some interesting things.
Sé que Treadstone no es un tema que goce de mucha popularidad aquí pero descubrimos algunas cosas interesantes cuando investigamos más a fondo.
His Treadstone files are bloated with code keys and case files that he had no clearance for.
Sus archivos de Treadstone están llenos de claves de acceso y expedientes de casos que no necesitaba ni para los cuales tenía autorización.
He's killed and eluded every person you've sent to find him.
- ¿ Lo sabes tú? Desde que dejó Treadstone, eludió y mató a todos los agentes que enviaste tras él.
You'd been working at Treadstone 3 years and your cover was what?
- CONFIDENCIAL Trabajó en Treadstone durante 3 años ¿ y cuál era su tapadera?
What exactly did your job in Paris consist of?
¿ Y en qué consistía exactamente su trabajo para Treadstone en París?
So who's running Treadstone now?
¿ Y quién está al frente de Treadstone ahora?
Rerun all Bourne's Treadstone material.
Repasen todo el trabajo de Bourne en el proyecto Treadstone. Cada paso.
Treadstone was closed down 2 years ago.
Treadstone fue cancelado hace dos años.
- Is she running Treadstone?
- ¿ Está al frente de Treadstone?
'They were partial prints that trace back to Treadstone.'
Tienen huellas parciales desde Treadstone. Saben que fuiste tú.
He shut down Treadstone.
Él canceló Treadstone.
- Did he run Treadstone?
- Sí. ¿ Él estaba al frente de Treadstone?
- Did he run Treadstone? - Yes.
- ¿ Estaba al frente de Treadstone?
For Treadstone.
- Con Treadstone.
He also said you were running Treadstone.
También dijo que estabas al frente de Treadstone. ¿ Le creemos?
Are you having a torrid affair?
¿ Tienes un tórrido romance? ¿ Eres- - eres parte de la Operación Treadstone?
Are you part of Treadstone? Wait, don't answer the last question.
Espera, no respondas la última pregunta.
Keating's afraid he may be working for Treadstone, putting the whole plan in jeopardy.
Keating teme que podría trabajar para Treadstone, poniendo el plan en peligro.
Bloody Treadstone.
Asqueroso Treadstone.
Those men think I'm affiliated with someone named Treadstone.
Esos hombres creen que estoy con alguien llamado Treadstone.
Lord Treadstone?
¿ Lord Treadstone?
We need to find out all we can about Treadstone.
Tenemos que averiguar todo lo que podamos acerca de Treadstone.
VOICE :'Keating's afraid that he may be working for Treadstone.'
Keating teme que trabaje para Treadstone.
And Lord Treadstone always travels with tight security.
Y lord Treadstone siempre viaja con fuertes medidas de seguridad.
Yes, it's Lord Treadstone they're after, not the Queen.
- Sí, es a Lord Treadstone a quien persiguen, no la reina.
But, sir, it's Lord Treadstone, I...
- Pero, señor, es Señor Treadstone, yo...
And Lord Treadstone stood in their way.
Y Lord Treadstone se interponía en su camino.
One can only imagine the consequences, not only for Britain, had Lord Treadstone been killed.
No imagino las consecuencias, si asesinaban a Lord Treadstone.
Are you running Treadstone?
¿ Está Ud. al frente de Treadstone?

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