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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ V ] / Violently

Violently Çeviri İspanyolca

786 parallel translation
The scheme is approved by many. But one member violently opposes same.
Su plan es aprovado por muchos, pero un miembro se opone violentamente.
Just as they are about to explore, an explosion throws the unfortunate men violently in all directions.
Justo cuando están por explorar, una explosión arroja a los desafortunados hombres violentamente en todas direcciones.
Renfield reacted very violently to its scent.
Renfield reaccionó muy violentamente a su olor.
Young man, I want you to know that I ob j ect violently to this whole affair.
Joven, quiero que sepa que me opongo violentamente a esta aventura.
Next, a beautiful young girl, violently killed as she lay on a hospital bed recovering from an illness.
La siguiente, una joven hermosa asesinada en la cama del hospital donde se recuperaba de una enfermedad.
I've never known a man to detest receptions so violently as the judge.
No había conocido a nadie que odiara las recepciones con mayor fuerza que el juez.
I opposed it violently.
No estoy de acuerdo en absoluto.
There was no one else here, but they were heard quarreling violently.
No había nadie más aquí, pero se oyó que discutieron violentamente.
I don't know what the young man means, but he means it violently.
No sé qué quiso decir el muchacho, pero sonó violento.
He reached out violently.
Llegó hasta ella bruscamente ".
Not now and not so violently.
No. No ahora y no tan violentamente.
After all, Dr. Frankenstein, we have to remember... the patient was violently dementia praecox.
Después de todo, Dr. Frankenstein, no olvidemos... que el paciente tenía una violenta esquizofrenia.
I keep this room ready at all times for the more violently insane.
Esta sala la mantengo siempre lista para los enfermos más violentos.
When your time comes, you'll die violently.
Cuando llegue tu hora, te morirás de repente.
A man who rises from his chair and digs his heels sternly into the carpet is violently opposed to something, and the Admiral being quite distressed by the criticisms of the Press would be most apt to resent my intrusion.
Alguien que al levantarse de la silla hunde los tacones con fuerza en la alfombra, se opone violentamente a algo. Y el Almirante, molesto por las críticas de la prensa es idóneo para lamentar una intrusión.
I do, however, take issue violently when women try to apply that same reasoning to the rights we fi...
Lo que sí debato vehementemente es cuando las mujeres tratan de aplicar el mismo razonamiento a los derechos que fi...
I kept thinking of what you said... that all good things died here violently.
Me quedé pensando en lo que dijo... de que todo lo bueno moría aquí violentamente.
- I protest violently!
- ¡ Protesto!
You know your parents very well, it wouId kill them if I told them that not only haven't you studied in more than two years, but you also violently despise the principles they taught you during your childhood,
Y tú conoces bien a tus padres, sabes que sería matarIes el contarles que no sólo no coges los libros desde hace más de dos años, sino que, encima, desprecias de modo violento aquéllos que son Ios principios en Ios que se arropó tu infancia,
" Education violently interrupted.
" Educación interrumpida.
Their father died in a sanitarium, violently insane.
Su padre murió en un sanatorio. Demencia violenta.
He has just violently and indignantly turned down an offer of $ 200 for his story.
Acaba de rechazar indignadamente una oferta de $ 200.
At about 8 : 00, you heard the bell ringing violently.
Hacia las 8 Vd. oyó sonar el timbre violentamente.
You insisted violently...
So silly, "violently"!
¡ Qué tontería, "insistir"!
Being violently ill to her tummy.
Vomitando con toda su alma.
Thirty-two people had had contact with her, and within four days, before the disease could be correctly diagnosed and contained, twenty-six of them had died, and they died suddenly, violently and horribly.
Treinta y dos personas tuvieron contacto con ella... y, en cuatro días, antes de diagnosticar y controlar la enfermedad... veintiséis de ellos murieron repentina, violenta y atrozmente.
Political passions explode violently... ] [... and the fight is hard, but men are always men... ] [... and what happens here doesn't happen anywhere else. ]
Aquí todo se exaspera. Aquí las pasiones políticas explotan violentas y la lucha es dura. Pero los hombres permanecen siempre hombres...
Their thinking must remain straightforward, or they die violently.
Sus pensamientos deben seguir siendo claros, o mueren violentamente.
Anyone violently opposed?
¿ Estamos de acuerdo?
I think you described it very well, in view of the fact that she was taken violently ill at 3 am, put to bed with a high fever, and has had all her appointments for today cancelled in toto!
Creo que lo has descrito muy bien, considerando que cayó gravemente enferma a las 3 de la mañana, que guarda cama con fiebre, y que han cancelado todos sus compromisos para hoy ¡ in toto!
Nobody's ever been so violently indifferent to me before.
- Nadie ha sido tan indiferente conmigo antes.
That's why the girl reacted so violently.
¡ Por eso la niña reaccionó enseguida!
I object most violently... the suggestion that I suborned this witness.
Protesto enérgicamente ante la insinuación de que yo he sobornado a esta testigo.
[He was trembling so violently that he wasn't sure where to put his hands.]
Temblaba tanto que no sabía dónde meter las manos.
She is headstrong like a spoilt child. She is hot-tempered and gets violently angry.
Es tan obstinada como un niño mimado... tiene un gran temperamento y se pone violentamente furiosa.
They were seen quarreling violently in a public place.
Los vieron discutiendo violentamente en un lugar público.
If you do move the controls violently you will overcorrect.
Si los mueve violentamente hará sobrecorreciones.
In certain circumstances, they react violently. And brutally.
A veces reaccionan con gran violencia... y brutalidad.
They'll all die violently : the spies, the liars all the ones who want me dead.
Todos morirán violentamente Los espías, Los mentirosos todos Los que quieren mi muerte.
I craved you so violently that I could deny you nothing.
Te ansiaba con tanta pasión que no te podía negar nada.
The urban environment proclaimed the orders... and tastes of the ruling society... just as violently as the newspapers.
El ambiente urbano proclamó las órdenes y las preferencias de la sociedad dominante tan violentamente como los periódicos.
In fact, he objected violently to having empty glasses standing around.
Se negaba estrictamente a que hubiera vasos vacíos por ahí.
She's usually sweet and generous, but when she thinks she's not sufficiently appreciated, she becomes terrible and swings violently from one extreme to the other.
Ella suele ser dulce y generosa, pero cuando cree que no... la aprecia lo suficiente, se torna temible. Pasando de un extremo a otro con ataques repentinos.
Clarence said that I would die violently by the hands of a dead man.
Clarence dijo que yo moriría violentamente a manos de un hombre ya muerto.
As it happens to all those who die violently,
Como ocurre con todos los que mueren violentamente,
No, by God, but you've seen them kill violently and hideously.
No, pero has visto sus crímenes espantosos y violentos.
He threw my bike on the ground violently.
Estrelló mi bicicleta contra el suelo.
He protested violently.
Protestó con v ¡ olenc ¡ a.
My family disapproved violently.
Mi familia se opuso violentamente.
President Barbenfouillis makes a dash for the King of the Selenites and lifting him like a feather throws him violently on the ground.
El Profesor Barbenfouillis se acerca bruscammente al Rey de los Selenitas, y levantándolo como una pluma lo arroja violentamente al suelo.

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