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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Wale

Wale Çeviri İspanyolca

30 parallel translation
Jim, wale up.
Jim, despierta.
It's going to be called : A Child's Christmas with a Whale
Se titulará : "Charle's business whit a wale".
We found the wale again, and proceeded to come closer ; closer than we had ever come before.
Encontramos a la ballena de nuevo, y nos acercamos, más cerca de lo que nunca estuvimos antes.
Landon Wale, 45.
Landon Wale, de 45 años.
Well, either he didn't kill Landon Wale, and he wants me to help him catch the real killer, or he did kill Landon Wale, and he wants me to help him elude justice.
- ¿ Por qué? - O él no mató a Landon Wale, y quiere que yo le ayude a coger al verdadero asesino, o sí asesinó a Landon Wale, y quiere que yo le ayude a eludir a la justicia.
Mrs. Wale, what was your husband's connection to K-Ram Investments?
Sra. Wale, ¿ cúal era la conexión de su marido con K-Ram Investments?
Did Mr. Wale ever speak to you about a brokerage in Sacramento called K-Ram Investments? Sacramento?
Sí, señora. ¿ Alguna ver el Sr. Wale le habló acerca de un buffet de corredores de bolsa en Sacramento llamado K-Ram Investments?
Mrs. Wale, did your husband ever wear jewelry?
Señora Wale, ¿ alguna vez su marido llevaba joyas?
He may have killed Mr. Wale.
Quizás ha matado al Sr. Wale.
You didn't want to share with Danny, so you called Wale and met him early.
No querías compartir con Danny, así que llamaste a Wale y quedaste con él pronto.
Then tell me what happened with Landon Wale last night- - honest and quick.
Entonces cuéntame qué pasó con Landon Wale la última noche... Sé sincero y rápido.
Tell me what happened with Landon Wale.
Cuéntame lo que ocurrió con Landon Wale.
Detective Reece has some concerns about the Landon Wale case.
- El detective Reece tiene algunas dudas sobre el caso Landon Wale.
It's Agent. Uh, we're reinterviewing a number of Mr. Wale's associates.
Estamos volviendo a entrevistar a algunos de los asociados del Sr. Wale.
Well, this policy's less than three months old.
Bueno, está poliza es de hace menos de tres meses. ¿ Lo descubrió la Señora Wale?
Landon Wale.
Landon Wale.
Yeah, well, I'd like to speak to Ms. Wale alone, please.
Sí, bueno, me gustaría hablar con la Sra. Wale a solas, por favor.
Hell, maybe you even knew that he was headed off to Brazil with her, but what you didn't know, Mrs. Wale, is that Landon was being played.
Demonios, quizás siempre supiste que él se marchó a Brasil con ella, pero lo que no sabías, Señora Wale, es ese Landon el que ha estado jugando.
Concetta Wale, you're under arrest.
Concetta Wale, quedas arrestada.
SAC PD want to talk to you about Landon Wale and K-Ram.
SAC PD quiere hablar contigo sobre Landon Wale and K-Ram.
So does that make you Welsh, or Wale-ish?
¿ Entonces usted es Galés o Galicio?
Folks, you've just been witness to history.
- Temporada 2 Capítulo 2 Ua Lawe Wale ( Taken ) Si, señor. Amigos, acabáis de ser testigos de historia.
They took my daughter! ♪ Hawaii Five-O 2x02 ♪ Ua Lawe Wale ( Taken ) Original Air Date on September 26, 2011
¡ Se llevaron a mi hija! Hawaii Five-O
Now, there's no way that you can beat that Marco, but if you wale on him like you just did out there in the first round, maybe the closed circuit will get picked up by the local sports feed.
Ahora, no hay manera de que se puede superar eso Marco, pero si Wale en él como tú acabas de hacer por ahí en la primera vuelta, quizás el circuito cerrado va ser recogido por la alimentación deportiva local.
"Power-Wale Danda" ( The Power Stick ).
"Power-Wale Danda" ( El poder del bastón ).
So says Archie Wale?
¿ Eso dice Archie Vale?
- It means the only reason they were able to wale on him for as long as they did is'cause they didn't have enough of us on duty that night,'cause the prison doesn't give a shit about anything
La única razón por la que lo golpearon tanto tiempo como lo hicieron es que no somos suficientes.
Dr Wale has retired.
- El Dr. Whale se retiró.
Did Mrs. Wale take it out?
¿ Connie?

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