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Who was driving Çeviri İspanyolca

376 parallel translation
- The one who was driving got shot.
- Le dieron al que conducía.
Then one day a few years later, he got into a cab. And who was driving?
Y un día, varios años después, se metió en un taxi ¿ y quién conducía?
Who was driving the car?
¿ Quién conducía el auto?
But it wasn't Boris who was driving the coach.
Pero Boris no lo conducía.
If I only knew who was driving that van...
Su supiera quién conducía la camioneta...
But that's not possible  E It was she who was driving  E
Pero eso no es posible... Era ella quien manejaba...
Who was driving?
¿ Quién conducía?
The soldier who was driving.
El soldado que conducía.
The gentleman here is the only person who've said that the man who was driving the car had black moustaches, and that this man is Bartolomeo Vanzetti.
El señor es la única persona que dijo que el hombre que estaba al volante tenia bigotes negros Y que se trataba de Vanzetti
He's the man who was driving.
Es el hombre que estaba al volante
Mr Quincy, who was driving Mr Buckner tonight?
¿ El Sr. Quincy, que llevaba al Sr. Buckner?
authorities found a body, believed to be the remains of a woman who was driving the getaway car.
"que se cree es la mujer que conducía el coche de la fuga."
She obviously remembers me as the man who was driving the car that knocked her down.
Bien, ella obviamente me recuerda como el hombre que estaba manejando el automóvil que la derribó.
Who was driving a Pontiac.
Y conducía un Pontiac blanco
- Who was driving it?
- ¿ Quién lo conducía?
You saw the man who was driving the car. And you saw the man up against the brick wall.
Viste al hombre que conducía el coche y ante la pared, bajo la luz del foco...
Did they see who was driving the general?
Dime, ¿ vieron quién conducía al General?
He wanted to know who was driving her car yesterday.
Quiso saber quién conducía su auto ayer.
- I want to know who was driving it.
- ¿ Quién la conducía?
Now the gal who was driving claimed she was being kidnapped.
La chica que lo conducía gritaba que la habían raptado.
The guy who was driving that car back there.
El que conducía el otro auto.
Who was driving that other car?
Habla. ¿ Quién conducía el otro auto?
I want to know who was driving the car that ran him into kingdome come.
Quiero saber quien conducía el auto que lo mandó al otro mundo.
Timothy, the one who was driving, lived. But Charles died.
- Timothy, el que manejaba, vivió... pero Charles murió.
Did anybody see this guy who was driving my Vette the other night?
¿ Alguien vio al chico que conducía mi Corvette la otra noche?
I'm looking for the freshman dork who was driving my car after Marianne Moore's party.
Busco al de primer año que condujo mi auto después de la fiesta de Marianne Moore.
I was the one who was driving.
Conducía yo.
I'm the one who was driving the car.
El coche lo conducía yo.
Who was driving the car when Henry Lamb was hit?
¿ Quién conducía el coche cuando Henry Lamb fue atropellado?
Who was driving the car?
¿ Quién conducía el coche?
Did you get a look at who was driving?
¿ Pudieron ver a quien conducía?
Okay, so who was driving this car last night?
Bueno, ¿ quién conducía el auto anoche?
Yeah, well, who was driving the car?
Sí, bien, ¿ quién manejaba el auto?
Yeah, he helped the sheriff find the boy who was driving the car.
Sí, él ayudó al sheriff encontrar al niño quien conducía el coche.
- I was driving down the road one day... and who do I see pumping gasoline but my old chum from the old times.
Pasé por aquí un día y, ¿ a quién vi echando gasolina? A mi amigo de antes.
That jibes with the truck driver story. He blew a tire. Who was driving?
Coincide con la versión del camionero.
Haven't you heard about that Cuban sorcerer who they killed on the beach because he was driving women insane?
¿ Tú no has oído hablar de aquél brujo cubano que mataron en la playa, porque enloquecía a las mujeres?
Margaret Elliot, famed Hollywood star who was arrested last night for drunk driving gave the arresting officer...
Margaret Elliot, la estrella de Hollywood que fue arrestada anoche por conducir ebria le dio al oficial de policía...
Who was the one driving it?
¿ Quién conducía?
And lying here day after day brooding about who ever was driving -
Y quedarte aquí acostado todos los días pensando en quién...
And, uh, he was driving with two other people in the car and Al was, like, the guy in the centre who, like, told me.
Y, eh, conducía con otras dos personas en el coche... y Al, llevaba a un tipo en el medio al que, quería, me dijo.
The man who kidnapped the dog was driving a rented car.
El hombre que secuestró a la perra rentó un auto.
Ah, yes, driving like a madman in the Bois de Boulogne... with a girl who was scared to death.
Ah, sí, conducía como un loco. Le acompañaba una chica muerta de miedo.
Agostina began driving her Land Rover in circles on the Torbay beach until that too was forbidden by the police who impounded the vehicle to search it for pornography.
Agostina empezó a conducir en círculos en la playa de Torbay hasta que la policía también se lo prohibió y confiscó el vehículo para registrar si tenía pornografía.
Ok, pal. Time to drain the drug overdose sloshing above your eyebrows and tell me who the dude was driving that other car.
Muy bien, hora de sacarte la sobredosis... y decirme quién conducía el otro auto.
- Who the hell was driving?
- ¿ Quién conducía?
After a party in the Hamptons, they were driving home, someone was drunk but it was never clear who or which car and... after that, we were parents.
Luego de una fiesta en los hamptons, ellos estaban conduciendo a casa, Alguien estaba borracho, pero nunca se aclaró quién o qué auto y... Después de eso, éramos padres.
But driving home, Cherie told me it was her ex-husband Billy, the drunk's brother, who was serving the last couple of weeks of his sentence.
De regreso a casa, Cherie me contó que su exmarido, Billy, el hermano del borracho, cumplía los últimos días de su condena. Y fueron a buscarme.
I had to give a driving test to a woman who was so fat they had to shoot her license photo with the Hubble Telescope.
Le hice una prueba de conducir a una mujer gordísima tuvieron que tomarle la foto con el telescopio Hubble.
well, now you know who really was the driving force behind all this.
¿ Y quién fue el motor de todo el asunto? Eso ahora ya lo sabéis :
Paul, if it wasn ´ t you driving your car with Maria Henry who do you think it was?
Paul, si usted no estaba conduciendo su auto con María Henry ¿ quién cree que fuera?

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