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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Who was that guy

Who was that guy Çeviri İspanyolca

1,068 parallel translation
- Who was that guy back there? - Oh.
- ¿ Quién era ese tipo de ahí?
Who was that guy?
¿ Quién era ese, joder?
Who was that guy?
¿ Quién era ese tipo?
Who was that guy?
- ¿ Quién era ese tipo?
Who was that guy who was chasing you?
¿ Quién era el hombre que te estaba persiguiendo?
Who was that guy with the two girls?
¿ Quién era el tipo con las 2 chicas?
Hardest dive I ever saw in my life. - Who was that guy?
El clavado más difícil que he visto. ¿ Quién era él?
- Who was that guy'?
- ¿ Quién era ese tipo?
Who was that guy back there?
¿ Quién era ése?
- Who was that guy?
- ¿ Quién es ese hombre?
Who was that guy at the end of the bar drinking imported beer?
¿ Quién era ese chico en el extremo de la barra beber cerveza importada?
¿ Quién era?
Who was that guy?
¿ Quién era ese tío?
Who was that guy?
¿ Quién era ese tipo? Perdedor.
Better than when she was with that what's-his-name that guy who used to eat all her medicine.
Mejor que cuando estaba con ese fulano el tipo que le sacaba los medicamentos.
You know who that guy was?
¿ Sabes quién era?
That's pretty retarded, considering who was sick... all over that guy's car last night.
Eso es bien tonto, considerando quién estaba enferma... y vomitando anoche.
It was Mike who killed the guy. But before Mike got him, he shoved his pig sticker into me and you showed up right after that.
Mike lo mato, pero antes de tomarlo el me envenenó con una lámina y ustedes aparecieron después de eso.
He wasn't really listening to the guy who was interviewing him... but he was smiling malevolently at his friends, and I looked at that guy and I thought...
No escuchaba al entrevistador, sonreía a sus amigos.
Anyway, if you'd known Kaz you would understand that he was just a cheerful, lovely guy who loved life, drinking vodka, girls
En todo caso, si hubiera conocido a Kaz usted entendería... él era un tipo jovial, alegre, que amaba la vida, beber vodka... las chicas.
Uh, are you absolutely certain... that the guy who attacked you was Mikis Kalenda?
¿ Estás segura de que el que te atacó era Mikis Kalenda?
- Take care. That's the same guy who was just on television.
Es el mismo tipo que acaba de salir ahora por la tele.
And then that's when I really got loose,'cause then niggas was saying, "Yo, who's that guy?"
y fue entonces cuando realmente me solté, ya que esos negros decían "¿ Quién es ese tipo?"
The guy I filmed — who was smashing up the hierarchy with an enviable energy — confided in me that for him the game was not at all allegorical, that he was thinking very precisely of his superiors.
El tipo al que filmé, el que estaba golpeando a toda la jerarquía con una energía envidiable, me confesó que para él el juego no era en absoluto alegórico, que él pensaba muy concretamente en sus superiores.
Who the fuck was that guy?
¿ Quién carajo era ese tipo?
Isn't that the guy who wrote the book that Lydecker was filming?
¿ Como el tipo que escribió el libro que estaba filmando Lydecker?
Well, it's not Mildred's fault that the guy who owns this wagon... was too superstitious to chauffeur a coffin.
Bueno, no es culpa de Mildred que el hombre de quien es este carro... era demasiado supersticioso como chofer de un ataúd.
- Yeah... - That was the guy who hired you?
- Sí- - - ¿ Ese fue el tipo que te contrató?
We got a call that one of your 912s was not functioning, and I'm... I wanna know who this guy is.
Nos llamaron porque un 912 no funcionaba, y... quiero saber quién es él.
It seems to me, if you'll pardon the presumption, that this guy Marta was working for is more than likely the guy who beat her to death.
Me parece, si me disculpa la presunción que el tipo relacionado con Marta es el mismo que la mató a golpes.
All I know is that... the cops tell us... the guy who got snatched the day they did the number on the cops wife... was in big business with the Prizzi family.
Y yo sólo sé una cosa. La policía dice que... el tipo que secuestraron el mismo día que mataron a la mujer del poli... estaba metido en negocios con la familia de los Prizzi.
Who was that delivery guy anyway?
¿ Quién era el de entrega?
That's the guy who came into the kitchen this morning, the one who was pokin'around where he didn't belong.
El que entró en la cocina y husmeó donde no debía.
Jesus, Mitch, you don't mind my saying so, but for a guy who was a major in the Air Force, decorated in Korea, and now a successful businessman, you got fucking rocks in your head to let yourself get put on film like that.
Joder, para un comandante de las fuerzas aéreas, condecorado en Corea, y ahora rico empresario, tienes pocas luces. ¿ Cómo has dejado que te pillen así?
The guy who was driving that car back there.
El que conducía el otro auto.
Who was the guy that shot at us?
Quién era el tipo que nos disparó?
Once upon a time, there was a lonely kind of a guy... who'd resigned himself to the fact that love was blind.
Había una vez un chico solitario que se había hecho a la idea de que el amor era ciego.
Once upon a time... there was a happening guy, who'd stumbled onto a girl... who embodied all that love should be.
Había una vez un chico sabio que conoció a una chica que personificaba al amor.
Oh, that was some guy who used to work for the company.
Oh, eso fue un tipo que trabajaba para la compañía.
The guy who was in that accident in the old city is a friend of mine!
¡ El sujeto del accidente en la autopista es un amigo mío!
Do you remember that guy who was on all the talk shows?
¿ Recuerdas a ese tipo que iba a todos los programas?
I never did find out who that guy was.
Nunca averigüé quien era aquel muchacho.
Every guy who told you that banged his bookkeeper. - How much was it?
Cada tipo que te dijo que se acostaba con su contadora.
Figuring that the thug who dropped my watch... was the guy who stole it at the morgue didn't take Sherlock Holmes.
No necesitaba ser Sherlock Holmes... para saber que el que tiró mi reloj fue el de la morgue.
who was the other guy, the one that got lucky and rode off?
¿ Quién era el otro tipo, el que tuvo suerte y se escapó?
Hey, that's the guy who was With Buzz that night.
Ese es el tipo que estuvo con Buzz esa noche.
Then who was that? Some guy!
- Entonces, ¿ quién ha sido?
That guy was Jack who is today a conservative democrat whatever the hell that is.
Ése tipo era Jack, quien es hoy un demócrata conservador... o lo que sea que signifique eso.
Who was that big guy at the house?
Hey, quien era el grandote en la casa?
But for a guy like me who was raised on the sidewalks of a city that never sleeps it's a living hell.
Pero, para alguien como yo que creció en la calles de una ciudad que nunca duerme es como vivir en el infierno.
Maybe it was that weird guy who did it.
- Quizás fue el tipo raro.

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