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Withdrawn Çeviri İspanyolca

1,171 parallel translation
¿ Por qué te muestras tan frío y distante?
For many years now, I've withdrawn from my business.
Por muchos años, he sido reservado con mis negocios.
Our investigation shows that she hass withdrawn that amount from Kane - Cabot over the last, 18 months. Perhaps to deposit elsewhere.
Nuestras investigaciones dicen que ha sacado el dinero durante Ios últimos 18 meses, tal vez para invertirlo en otra parte.
The French have withdrawn their grumbling opposition and while the furred Russian ambassadors mingle on the steps of the Vatican with those of India and Japan, the papal legates prepare their journey to Trent.
el francés ha retirado su oposición refunfuñando y mientras los abrigados embajadores de Rusia se cruzan en las escalinatas del Vaticano con los de la India o el Japón, los legados pontificios preparan su viaje hacia Trento.
- When you have made a place for her, when you have withdrawn yourself to make room for this dear joy.
- Cuando le hayas hecho lugar, cuando te hayas retirado para darle cabida a este gozo querido.
Don Rodrigo, you have for too long withdrawn yourself from the appreciation of your sovereign and the expectations of your comrades in arms.
Don Rodrigo, habéis estado demasiado tiempo alejado del aprecio de vuestro soberano y de la expectación de vuestros compañeros de empresas.
Everything has been withdrawn from you that is not God.
Se ha retirado algo que no era Dios.
In the weeks that followed, The Stuff was withdrawn from distribution. The nation mobilized to collect it and destroy it.
Las semanas siguientes, fue retirada de distribución... y la nación se movilizo para juntarla y destruirla.
Your access has been withdrawn.
- Se le ha negado el acceso.
He's been withdrawn since admission.
Se ha mostrado muy retraído.
They told me it had been withdrawn four days ago, the whole million!
Me dijeron que había sido retirado hace cuatro días... ¡ El millón entero!
A commercial drug kills half a dozen people and we get it withdrawn from sale.
Un medicamento mata a media docena de personas si se prohíbe la venta.
Your Honor, since both defendants have died, I request the charge be withdrawn.
Su Señoría, ya que ambos acusados han muerto, solicito que los cargos sean levantados.
Capt. Harris has withdrawn his rather substantial financial support toward the college mortgage and several of the other Pringle families are threatening to do the same.
- El Capitán Harris ha retirado su considerable ayuda financiera de la hipoteca colegial y varias de las otras familias Pringle amenazan con hacer lo mismo.
Because you've withdrawn you're financial support from the college, we have been attempting to raise the balance of our operating costs through the production of a benefit concert scheduled for this evening.
Porque Ud. retiró su ayuda financiera del colegio, tratamos de recaudar el balance de nuestros costos operativos por medio de la producción de un concierto benéfico previsto para esta noche.
It's just that ever since Morwenna's graphic design studio went down the tubes, I just seem to have withdrawn right into myself.
Es solo que desde que el estudio de diseño gráfico de Morwenna se fue al traste parece que me he encerrado en mí mismo.
Capt. Harris has withdrawn his rather substantial financial support toward the college mortgage and several of the other Pringle families are threatening to do the same.
- El Capitán Harris ha retirado su considerable ayuda financiera de la hipoteca colegial y varias de las otras familias Pringle amenazan con hacer lo mismo. - Ya veo.
He had lost his only son, and then his wife, and had withdrawn into this solitude where he was content to live quietly with his lambs and his dog.
Perdió a su único hijo, y a su esposa y se había retraído a este aislamiento donde le contentaba vivir tranquilo con sus corderos y su perro.
Initially, she was withdrawn... silent, almost catatonic.
En un principio, se mostró introvertida, silenciosa, casi catatónica.
But I've already withdrawn Bayard.
Pero ya he retirado a Bayard.
I should have never withdrawn Bayard.
Nunca debí haber retirado a Bayard.
I see that God... is assisting you... and Kali has withdrawn her protection... because of our transgressions.
Veo que Dios... te está ayudando. Y Kali ha retirado su protección... debido a nuestros abusos.
Withdrawn her protection from whom?
¿ Retirar su protección de quién?
By the time he got downstairs with me he was very withdrawn.
Cuando bajó las escaleras conmigo estaba muy distraído.
He's withdrawn his candidature.
Retiró su candidatura.
Much more withdrawn.
Mucho más retraído.
He's withdrawn. He's very frightened.
Sigue absorto y muy asustado.
Objection withdrawn.
Retiro la protesta.
♪ But they dote and swoon and fawn ♪ On a lady who's withdrawn
Admirada tú serás si callada siempre estás
Never strike a fallen man, an unarmed man, nor a man who had withdrawn from the fray.
Jamás combatir de noche no herir a un caído, ni a un hombre desarmado ni a quien se haya retirado del combate.
Objection withdrawn, Your Honor.
Objeción retirada, Señoría.
The factory had withdrawn nearby.
Trabajaba cerca de Decize.
Retiro la pregunta.
The stuff, the fertiliser, whatever it is, has been withdrawn.
Este fertilizante o como se llame ha sido retirado.
Completely withdrawn.
Completamente inconsciente.
My flight status has been withdrawn.
Me sacaron la licencia.
Warning, reactor control rods have been withdrawn from reactor core.
Advertencia, los controles del reactor fueron retirados del núcleo del reactor.
- Withdrawn.
- Retirado.
But on separating from his wife and long-time research partner... he'd withdrawn his station deeper into the bush.
Pero, tras separarse de su esposa, que fue su colaboradora, llevó su base a un lugar de la selva.
And this money, it will have to be withdrawn from the income of the crown and the Church.
Y este dinero, le sería quitado a los ingresos de la Corona y de la Iglesia.
- Retiro.
- Denegada.
The world becomes a hostile place to be withdrawn from or lashed out at.
El mundo se torna un lugar hostil del que hay que esconderse o defenderse.
Me retracto.
( Lowenthal ) Withdrawn.
- Me retracto.
- Me retracto.
He's always by himself, withdrawn... and now his Silvana's dead...
Además, Silvana ha muerto.
Lo retiro.

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