You're dead to me Çeviri İspanyolca
425 parallel translation
Well, now, if you're going to take us through the next 1,200 years, by the time we find the trumpet, we'll all be dead.
Bueno, si me va a contar los siguientes 1.200 años... para cuando encontremos la trompeta, ya estaremos muertos.
You're already dead to me!
- ¡ Para mí ya estáis muerto!
Okay, I'll get off your ship, but if that man was aboard, you and most of your crew will be dead before you're halfway to Santiago!
De acuerdo, me bajaré de su barco... pero, si ese hombre estuvo a bordo, usted... ¡ y la mayoría de la tripulación morirán a mitad de camino a Santiago!
Because, to me, you're as dead as Bill is.
Porque, para mí, estás tan muerto como Bill.
You're trying to make me an assassin, but it won't work, because if I hadn't killed my wife, I'd be the one who'd be dead,
Tratan de hacerme pasar por asesino pero eso no va a funcionar. Porque si yo no llego a matar a mi esposa, ella me habría matado a mí.
Soon you will be gone, and a stranger will come to tell me you're dead.
Pronto te marcharás y un extraño vendrá anunciando tu muerte.
Hold on to that ammo. You're no good to me dead.
Un soldado muerto no sirve de nada.
To me you're already dead, Gianni
- Ya verás. - Para mí, ya estás muerto, Gianni.
Even if you tie me, you're going to be dead.
Aunque me ate, acabará muerto.
You know, when I woked up and seen that gun pointing right at my mouth and you standing at the other end of it, I said to myself, "Miller, you move one inch and you're a dead man."
Cuando desperté y vi esa pistola apuntando a mi boca y a usted detrás de ella, me dije : " Miller, si te mueves un centímetro, eres hombre muerto.
That annoy me have to complain too when you're dead.
Es muy peligroso. No quiero sentir pena por ti dos veces. Vivo y muerto.
George Rockwell comes back from the dead, and he gives you a quick hump, and you're going to be telling me that they should send the Negroes back to Africa?
¿ Si George Rockwell resucita de entre los muertos, y te sugiere un cambio drástico y rápido, me vendrás diciendo que los negros deben regresar a África?
You try to take the girl or me along, you're dead.
Eres hombre muerto si intentas algo.
You're gonna make him a dead hero, but you figure, knowing what I do, you gotta kill me first to make it stick.
Va a convertirle en un héroe muerto. Sabiendo lo qué hago, tiene que matarme antes para que encaje.
I'd like to embrace you until we're both dead.
"Me gustaría abrazarte hasta que la muerte nos llevara a los dos."
Don't think you can fool me - I know every trick in the book, like the pig's blood in the bladder to make it look as if you're dead.
No crean que pueden engañarme. Conozco cada truco del libro... Ha habido mucho de eso, últimamente.
A little bird whispered in my ear... That you're going to write about my dead cousin.
Un pajarito me ha dicho... que vais a escribir sobre mi primo muerto.
Y si el mundo se volviera morado... y los niños tuvieran que suicidarse... sólo por desear ver a sus madres muertas... ya no quedaría nadie en la Tierra.
Well, I certainly hope you're up to it, old-timer, because there are a lot of people out there that would like to see me dead.
Bueno, yo ciertamente espero que esté a la altura, viejo, porque hay un montón de gente ahí fuera que le gustaría verme muerto.
Listen to me, Galen Bradwardyn, sorcerer's apprentice... you're going to be dead... the dragon will be worse than ever, there will be more lotteries...
Escúchame, Galen Bradwardyn, aprendiz de hechicero vas a morir el Dragón estará peor que nunca, habrá más Sorteos...
- to do with me, pet, do you? - You're dead right I don't.
- que quiera algo conmigo, ¿ no?
Joyce, I got three people dead, a gang of monsters are running around out there... and a guy just tried to hang himself downstairs, and you're giving me Freudian analysis.
Joyce, hay tres muertos, una pandilla de monstruos anda suelta... un tipo acaba de intentar colgarse... y tú me haces un análisis freudiano.
I just called to tell you what a monster you are, Mr. Pratt and how I will rejoice when you're finally dead!
Sólo llamé para decirle que usted es un monstruo, Sr. Pratt ¡ y yo me alegraré cuando acabe muerto!
If you're going to write about me and my personal life, wait till I'm dead.
Si quieres contar mi vida, espera a que esté muerta.
If you're lying to me, you're dead.
Si me estás mintiendo, la mato.
You're telling me that if someone wanted to appear as if they were dead... they could take some of this toxin, and....
¿ Estás diciendo que si alguien quisiera aparentar estar muerto... podría tomar un poco de esta toxina y...?
We're dead meat now, skank! You listen to me.
Ahora estamos perdidos.
Rimmer, look, I know it's wrong of me to speak ill of the dead and all that but you're still a smeghead.
Rimmer, ya sé que no está bien hablar mal de los muertos, - pero sigues siendo idiota.
Once you're dead, what happens to me doesn't matter.
Cuando estés muerto, lo que me pase a mí no importará.
Is this what you're assigning me to, this boondoggle? Dead end?
¿ Es esto lo que me asigna, un despilfarro sin sentido?
I said to myself, you know something... you're never gonna be free, you're never gonna get your book published, unless people think that you're dead.
Me dije a mí mismo, sabes algo nunca vas a ser libre, nunca vas a publicar tu libro a menos que la gente piense que estás muerto.
And when they're all dead, you come back to me and all three of us will turn our badges in.
Luego volved y los tres entregaremos nuestras placas.
You're sitting there, you're talking to me, but you're dead!
Estás ahí sentada... hablándome, ¡ pero estás muerta! ¡ Voy a buscar ayuda!
But let me tell you, little Jenny. If he ever gets to me, you're dead.
Pero déjame decirte, pequeña Jenny, si alguna vez me encuentra, estás muerta.
You're dead if you ever take me to a kids'party again!
¡ Eres hombre muerto si me vuelves a llevar a una fiesta de críos!
I've had a lot of time to think about this, and don't tell me it's the war when I've waited months to hear if you're dead or alive, and you waltz into a nightclub.
He tenido mucho tiempo para pensar, y no me digas que es la guerra cuando hace meses que me pregunto si sigues vivo y apareces en un club nocturno.
You're dead to me!
¡ Usted está muerto para mí!
Listen to me... they're worth more to us alive than dead. - Quiet! - What is it you want, justice?
Llora como un hombre
You're asking me to hand my body over to a dead person?
¿ Me está pidiendo que le preste mi cuerpo a un muerto?
I mean, the only reason that you're not already... dead is, as you can see, we appear to have an opening... and I was wondering if you'd like to come and work for me.
Puedes ver que la única razón por la cual no estás muerto Como puedes ver, tengo una posición y quiero saber Si quieres venir a trabajar para mí.
See, anything happens to me, and you're dead.
Como me ocurra algo a mí, eres hombre muerto.
And you haven't said you're gonna slash me dead with a razor, and do sex to my dead body neither.
No, y tampoco ha dicho que me va a degollar y tener sexo con mi cuerpo muerto.
Don't swing that motherfuckin'thing at me, or I swear to God you're dead!
Y no trates de pegarme con eso o te juro que te mato.
I woke up happy, I'm going to bed happy...'cause you're gonna be dead.
Me desperté feliz, me voy a acostar feliz, porque vas a morir.
- He's dead! And if you don't let me out to finish my work, you're all dead!
¡ Y si no me dejan salir y terminar mi trabajo, todos estarán muertos!
Look, if you're receiving this message, that means you went and plumped back up to your usual, fat, sorry, stuff-my-face-till-I'm - almost-dead self.
Si me estás viendo eso quiere decir que te inflaste otra vez y estás hecho una ballena panzuda.
If I find out you lied to me, you're a dead man.
Si me entero de que estás mintiendo, eres hombre muerto.
Tell me what I want to know, or you're dead.
Dime lo que quiero saber o mueres.
Now, I got 3 people dead in this town, and you tell me you're coming to pick up the only man that seems to know what the hell is going on?
Tengo tres personas muertas en este pueblo ¿ Y me dice que viene a llevarse al único que sabe qué carajo está pasando?
No one knows if you're alive, you're dead, then you pop up out of nowhere, and you want me to get the Watchers to help you?
Nadie sabe si estás vivo estás muerto, de repente apareces de la nada. ¿ Y quieres que consiga que los Observadores te ayuden?
Maybe you're right. What I sensed wasn't the Captain. It was me wanting to believe she wasn't dead.
Quizá quisiera creer que la capitán no estaba muerta.
you're dead 1119
you're dead wrong 17
you're dead meat 37
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're dead wrong 17
you're dead meat 37
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
you're cute 195
you're welcome 5601
you're right 14205
you're awesome 166
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43
you're so pretty 112
you're so stupid 85
you're not my type 58
you're so handsome 35
you're so sweet 212
you're sorry 317
you're 4202
you're so cute 124
you're so welcome 43