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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You're getting married

You're getting married Çeviri İspanyolca

1,154 parallel translation
I hear you're getting married.
Me enteré que vas a casarte.
- You`re getting married?
- ¿ Tú vas a casarte?
You're getting married.
Es su boda.
Great Scot, Uncle George, you're not thinking of getting married?
¡ Repámpanos! Tío Jorge, ¿ no estará pensando en casarse?
So you're getting married, are you?
¿ Entonces va a casarse?
You're getting married?
¿ Te casarás?
- You're getting married?
- ¿ Te vas a casar? - Sí.
I remember cold. No, you're thinking of when Irene was getting married.
- Te confundes con el casamiento de Irene.
What do you think about people getting married while they're still in college?
¿ Qué opinas de la gente que se casa estando en la universidad?
You're not getting married, and that's it, and that's final.
No se hable más.
I've even got the month of May You're not really getting married, are you?
- No te vas a casar, ¿ verdad?
Yes. DAVID : You're getting married?
- ¿ Pensáis casaros?
So you're, uh, you're getting married?
Así es.
Wait, you're getting married in one second!
¡ Estás a punto de casarte!
Why you're getting married?
If you're not getting married... that child ought to go to St. Jude's Orphanage in Dublin.
Si no quieres casarte, el niño debería ir al orfanato.
You're getting married?
- ¿ Os vais a casar?
You're getting married because Mel asked you.
Te estás casando porque Mel te lo propuso.
Now that you're getting married, I've got something to tell you.
Ahora que vas a casarte, tengo algo que contarte.
You're not getting married.
¡ Pero no te vas a casar!
Well, you're finally getting married? Now we're free of you at last?
Bueno, por fin te casas y nos libramos de ti al fin.
You're always getting married?
Siempre sí te vas a casar?
You're going out with somebody, "When are you two getting married?"
Sales con alguien y te preguntan, "¿ Cuándo se van a casar?"
You're getting married?
¿ De verdad te vas a casar?
While you're out getting married and taking vacations... and having barbecues in the backyard... and getting all excited about your kid's first tooth...
Mientras tú andas casándote, yéndote de vacaciones... Teniendo parrilladas en tu jardín... Y emocionándote cuando le salga el primer diente a tu hijo...
- So you're really getting married?
- ¿ Así que realmente te vas a casar? - No.
- No. You're not really getting married?
¿ No te vas a casar?
Anyone would think you're getting married.
Ni que fueras tú la que va a casarse.
- Fine I heard you're getting married
- Bien Yo oí que usted se casa
You're getting married?
¿ Vas a casarte?
- You're getting married?
¿ Te casarás?
You're poking fun at the institution by getting married in the tackiest place possible.
Es tu segundo matrimonio... así que decidiste burlarte de la institución... casándote en el sitio más vulgar que existe en el mundo.
I came to congratulate you. I heard you're getting married.
Vine a felicitarte por tu matrimonio.
Well, we're just a couple of simple city boys, Miss Thomas... but we know that you and Edward were planning on getting married... and Florence was standing in the way.
Nosotros somos dos simples muchachos de ciudad, señorita Thomas pero sabemos que usted y Edward se iban a casar... -... y Florence interfería.
You're getting married.
Tienes que casarte.
It's so cool that you're getting married Saturday.
Es genial que se casen este Sábado.
Lucy, you're getting married?
! Lucy, ¿ te vas a casar?
You're getting married tomorrow.
Te casarás mañana.
- Oh, my God. You're getting married?
- Dios mío. ¿ Vas a casarte?
- You're getting married?
- ¿ Vas a casarte?
I know you're not getting married but things are happening?
Sé que no vas a casarte... -... pero qué cosas pasan?
You're getting married.
Vas a casarte.
If you're having second thoughts about getting married, why didn't you just say so?
Si lo que tienes son dudas acerca de casarnos, dilo.
You're talking about getting married?
¿ De veras piensas casarte?
You act like you're getting married.
Ni que te volvieras a casar.
- You're getting married?
- ¿ Te vas a casar?
She told you... we're getting married?
¿ Ella le dijo que nos casaremos?
You see, we're getting married soon... Which means we're in the market for a house slave.
Verá, nos vamos a casar pronto lo cual significa que estamos buscando una esclava doméstica.
You're getting married. Get used to it.
Ve acostumbrándote.
You're getting married tomorrow?
¿ Que te casas mañana?
Because you're not getting married, Phillip.
Porque no te casas.

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