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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Getting married

Getting married Çeviri İspanyolca

9,772 parallel translation
Oh, only that she'd been to a wedding at the city hall and her husband bumped into a girl from Enniscorthy who was getting married there.
Solo que había ido a una boda en el ayuntamiento y que su marido había conocido a una chica de Enniscorthy, que se estaba casando allí.
Just like when we were getting married.
Como cuando nos casemos tu y yo.
Well, sir, Smoking Fox and me are getting married in a few days, and Screaming Eagle's walking her down the aisle, and I was hoping... you could be there, next to me.
Zorra de Fuego y yo nos casaremos dentro de unos días, Águila de Trueno la llevará al altar, y yo esperaba que pudieras acompañarme.
When are we gonna see you getting married?
- ¿ Cuándo te veré casándote?
Oh, are you guys getting married?
Oh, estás chicos van a casar?
We're getting married this weekend.
Nos casamos este fin de semana.
I'm getting married tomorrow, so I'm really trying to take it easy.
Mañana me caso, así que no debería pasarme.
Yeah, you're getting married for the rest of your life, so why have any fun tonight at all?
Te casas para el resto de tu vida. ¿ Por qué no te diviertes esta noche?
I'm actually getting married tonight, so I can't.
Me caso esta noche, así que no puedo.
Hey, I'm getting married today, guys.
Chicos, hoy me caso.
Don't worry, we're not getting married.
No te preocupes, no nos vamos a casar.
I've been to a Greek Orthodox Easter and I could totally see myself... getting married in that kind of church.
Fui a una iglesia ortodoxa griega y enseguida me vi casándome en un lugar como ese.
But I'm not getting married.
Pero no voy a casarme.
Let everyone know who's getting married!
Que se enteren todos quien se casa.
I'm getting married next month.
Me caso el mes que viene.
I don't remember getting married. I remember getting divorced.
No recuerdo haberme casado, recuerdo haberme divorciado.
You don't cry while getting married.
No se llora cuando uno se casa, ¿ no?
Saturday my aunt is getting married, and she's having a little barbecue beforehand, and I would love it if you were my date, baby.
El sábado se casa mi tía, y van a hacer un asado antes, y me encantaría que fueras mi cita, nena.
Getting married, moving out to the countryside, having a family.
Que nos casemos... nos mudemos al campo, tengamos familia.
- Is getting married.
- se va a casar.
Your sister's getting married..
Casarse de tu hermana..
Is someone getting married?
¿ Alguien va a casar?
He and I hadn't talked in a while and then next thing I know you two are getting married.
Nosotros no nos hablamos durante un tiempo y de pronto, me enteré de que se iban a casar.
He's getting married.
Él se va a casar.
- Getting married is not important.
Casarse es lo de menos.
- Are you getting married?
- ¿ Te vas a casar?
You are getting married!
¿ Te vas a casar?
We thought you were going to tell us you're getting married.
Pensábamos que ibas a decirnos de que te ibas a casar.
- Look, if you've changed your mind about getting married I'm okay with that.
Mira, si cambias de opinión... sobre casarte... estoy bien con eso.
- Why would I change my mind about getting married?
¿ Por qué habría de cambiar de opinión acerca de casarme?
- You're getting married? - Yeah.
- ¿ Te vas a casar?
They're getting married.
Se van a casar.
You and Dad are going to have to make up your mind about me because I am getting married and I'm going to have children.
Tú y papá van a tener que tomar una decisión acerca de mí. Porque me voy a casar... y voy a tener hijos.
We're getting married.
Nos vamos a casar.
You're, you're getting married, but I..
Te, te vas a casar, pero yo...
- What makes you think two women getting dressed up in wedding gowns and prancing down some hotel aisle is the same as getting married?
¿ Qué te hace pensar que dos mujeres vestidas...? En vestidos de novia y caminando por algún pasillo del hotel... es lo mismo que casarse?
- My friend is getting married.
- Mi amiga se casa.
Frieda is getting married and all her friends have come.
Frieda se va a casar y todas las amigas hemos venido.
Do you know who is getting married?
¿ Sabes con quién se casa?
Our friend is getting married.
Nuestra amiga se casa.
Who is getting married?
¿ Quién se casa?
- Yeah? Johnny and I are getting married and I'm going on tour with the band.
Johnny y yo nos vamos a casar y me iré de viaje con la banda.
Remember... my brother's getting married in Mathura.
Recuerda... mi hermano se va a casar en Mathura.
His best friend's getting married.
Su mejor amigo se va a casar.
When are you getting married?
¿ Cuando te casas?
You know, daffodils were just coming up, and days were getting longer, and a foot of snow the day before we were supposed to get married in my parents'backyard.
Los narcisos afloraban, lo días se alargaban, y cayeron 30 cm de nieve el día antes de casarnos en el jardín de mis padres.
This time, I don't mean you and me getting married.
Esta vez no me refiero a nosotros dos.
We're never getting married.
Nunca nos casaremos.
- They're getting married.
Se van a casar.
The kids are getting married.
Los chicos se están casando.
I'm getting you married in 2 days.
Te casarás en 2 días.

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