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You've seen him Çeviri İspanyolca

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Promise me on your love for him you will never tell him you've seen us.
Prométeme por el amor que le tienes que jamás le dirás que nos viste.
You've seen him?
¿ Le has visto?
Karen, you do understand that it's been a long time since you've seen him.
Karen, comprende que hace mucho tiempo que no lo ves.
You should've seen his face drop when she went home with us instead of him.
Deberías haber visto su cara cuando ella se fue con nosotros.
- You've seen him?
- ¿ Le ha visto?
Lo has visto pelear seis o siete veces el año pasado.
But now, Thérèse, now — you've seen him — who is he?
Pero ahora, Thérèse, ahora que lo has visto ¿ quién es él?
- Perhaps you've seen him?
- ¿ Acaso lo ha visto?
If this is true, I know that you've seen him. Well?
Si así es, sé que lo has visto. ¿ Y bien?
Ah it's Alain, and you're gonna tell me you've never seen him before?
Ah, es Alain, y ahora naturalmente dirás que nunca le habías visto.
I've seen Him. - You what?
- ¿ Qué has visto?
I've seen him as close as you now.
como usted ahora.
Would you ask the others if they've seen him?
¿ Podría preguntar a los demás si le han visto?
Ever since you started with him he's shown the fastest improvement I've seen.
Desde que empezó a tratarlo ha mejorado más rápidamente que nadie.
- So you've seen him.
- Entonces, le has visto.
But you said yourself she was an old woman. But i've seen him since, several times.
Pero Ud. misma ha dicho que era muy mayor.
- You've never seen him before either?
¿ No le había visto antes? - No, afortunadamente.
You've seen my brother and listened to him?
¿ Has visto y oído a mi hermano?
But you've seen him?
¿ Pero lo ha visto?
You've seen him tonight.
Usted mismo le ha visto esta noche.
You've all seen him sitting here... a member of this choir.
Todos lo hemos visto sentado allí...
You mean, you've seen him too?
Quiere decir que también lo ha visto?
Man on the radar tower like to see you, al - would've like to have seen you two hours ago when you were supposed to relieve him.
Por lo que vemos ya pasaron dos horas desde que se suponia que lo relevarias. Me quedé dormido, capitán. Disélo a Hank Parker ahí arriba, ¿ quieres?
Then, how are you going to explain what I've seen of him?
Entonces... ¿ cómo vas a explicar lo que le he visto hacer?
But I've just seen him, I tell you.
Acabo de verlo, le digo.
Now, Lily, don't get upset until you've seen him.
Lily, no te preocupes hasta que lo hayas visto.
I've seen you with Him!
Te he visto con él.
You've seen him, sir.
Ya lo vio, señor.
You've probably seen him, Dennis. He usually plays prime ministers or butlers.
Generalmente interpreta a primeros ministros o mayordomos.
All right. I've seen him. But you haven't, Shela.
Yo lo vi.
Now that you've seen me modeling for Cos Erickson, you are dying to know about him, too.
Ahora que me vio modelando para Cos Erickson... también se muere por saber qué pasa con él.
And all the things I've seen him do for me, for you, for all of us, for the whole stupid planet and every planet out there.
Y todo lo que le he visto hacer por mí por ti, por todos nosotros por este estúpido planeta y los planetas de ahí fuera, lo hace solo, mamá.
- You've seen him?
- ¿ Lo has visto?
Quizás Ud. lo haya visto.
You've seen him.
Lo viste muchas veces.
- You've seen him?
- ¿ Le has visto?
I assure you I've never seen him more serious.
Os juro que nunca había visto al Rey tan serio.
Perhaps you've seen him.
Quizás usted lo ha visto.
By waiting for him outside the theater you saved CONTROL $ 1.80. I've seen the picture.
Ya vi la película.
- You've just seen him in the hall.
- Simplemente lo ha visto en el vestíbulo.
Come back to the hotel immediately you've seen him.
Vuelva al hotel inmediatamente después de haberle visto.
- And you've never seen him in person?
- ¿ Y tú no le viste la cara?
Now, you know that because you've seen him yourself.
Lo sabe porque lo ha visto usted mismo.
Maybe you've never seen him. He's Georgette's fiancé
Pues es el novio de Georgette.
- You ´ ve seen him?
- ¿ Lo ha visto?
But you've seen him already.
Pero lo has visto ya.
- Doesn't look as though you've seen him.
- No parece que tú lo hayas visto.
- You've seen him, then?
- ¿ Lo ha visto, entonces?
As a matter of fact, you know what I've seen him do?
¿ Saben a qué se dedica?
He can. You should've seen him pick up glowing embers with his fingers.
Tendría que haberlo visto coger las brasas con los dedos.
I would've given a thousand rubles to have seen with my own eyes how you walked beside that man after he called you a murderer to your face and you didn't dare ask him anything.
Pagaría mil rublos por ver su cara... cuando aquel hombre le dijo : "asesino", y usted no se atrevió a preguntarle nada.

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