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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You could have called

You could have called Çeviri İspanyolca

424 parallel translation
- You could have called.
- Podrías telefonear.
- Miss, you could have called me.
- La señorita ha encontrado el camino sola, podía haber llamado.
You could have called.
- Podrías haber llamado. - Tenía un asado estupendo.
Well, you, uh... you could have called a doctor.
Pudieron haber llamado a un médico.
You could have called yesterday and saved yourself grief.
Podías haberme llamado ayer y evitarte la pena.
- You could have called.
- Podrías haber llamado.
- You could have called before I left.
Pudo llamarme antes de que me fuera.
Whatever it was, you could have called me.
Sea como fuera, podrías haberme llamado.
You could have called.
Podrías haber llamado por teléfono.
Well, instead you could have called yourself Curly.
Bueno, si no te podrías haber llamado "rizos".
You could have called me.
Podrías haberme llamado.
You could have called if you needed something.
Podía haberme llamado si necesitaba algo, ¿ no?
- Pudiste llamar diciendo que estabas bien.
You could have called, Ménard.
Gracias por venir, Ménard, pero podría haber telefoneado.
You don't just enter someone's home like that. You could have called.
No se entra en casa de la gente sin avisar.
You could have called me.
Podías haberme llamado.
You could have called me or dropped by.
Me podrías haber llamado o pasado por casa.
- You could have called.
- Podías haber llamado.
He's a kid, but you're a grownup man, you could have called.
Él es así, pero ¿ tú no podías llamar?
You could have called me.
Pudiste haberme llamado.
You didn't have to come here. You could have called.
No tenías que venir, pudiste haber llamado.
You could have called. You could have checked in. We never know where you are.
Pudiste haber llamado.
You could have called.
Hubiese podido llamar.
- You could have called.
- Pudiste haber llamado.
You could have called a medical officer.
Debió haber llamado a un oficial médico.
- You could have called. - I did call.
- Podrías haberme llamado.
But, you could have called.
Estaba ocupada.
- You could have called me...
- Podrías haberme llamado...
Rather than use psychology, you could have made sure by having my room searched when I called on you.
En vez de jugar a psicólogo, si quería estar seguro, ¿ por qué no mandó registrar mi habitación?
You were downstairs the first time he called but you could have been here.
Estabas abajo la primera vez que llamó. Podrías haber estado aquí cuando... llamó de nuevo.
I should have called to warn that it could not pose for you.
Debería haberlo llamado para avisar que no podría posar para usted.
In a different reality, I could have called you friend.
En otra situación, podríamos haber sido amigos.
If you called me first, I could have met you at the train station
Si me hubieses llamado, habría ido a buscarte a la estación.
I could have called you... without running any risks.
Podría telefonearle... sin correr riesgos.
That proves you're talking nonsense - how could he have called him up in the first place except by sorcery?
Eso demuestra que estás hablando sin sentido. ¿ Cómo podría haberlo llamado en primer lugar, excepto por la brujería?
You called me a bit late I'm afraid. An hour earlier I could have saved him.
Me temo que me llamaron un poco tarde.
If you'd done it earlier, we could have called for help.
Si lo hubieras hecho antes, hubiéramos podido pedir auxilio.
You could have simplified things and called the character by my real name.
Y no le importa que sea puesto bajo condena.
Is it true or false that you have sacrificed your virginity to Satan and that you could be called a paramour?
¿ Es verdad que diste tu virgindad a Satán y te volviste seguidora de él?
Later, when you were called from your cabin, you could have picked up the gun while you were tending Monsieur Doyle.
Después, cuando lo llamaron desde su camarote pudo recoger el arma mientras atendía al Sr. Doyle.
I would have called you but how could I?
Iba a llamarte, ¿ pero cómo lo hubiera hecho?
- You could have called her.
Usted tampoco la llamó.
You could have just called.
Para eso, podias haber llamado.
How could you have called Ugo?
¡ ¿ Qué haces, idiota? ! El tipo no es ningún tonto.
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I want to see everything you have on a heart disease called cardiomyopathy.
Quiero ver todo lo que tenga sobre... una enfermedad del corazón llamada cardiomiopatía.
Maybe ifyou'd called and told me you were going to be four hours late... I could have planned my dinner better.
Si me hubieras llamado para avisarme que llegarías tres horas mas tarde... podría haber planeado mejor la cena.
You know, you could have just called me.
Ya sabe, me hubiera podido llamar.
I too could have called you a donkey? But did I?
Yo tambien pude haberlo llamado burro, pero lo hice?
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"sí, yo soy Daniel", y se entabla, ¿ eh? , "mucho gusto", y se entabla lo que puede llegar a ser... bueno, siempre y cuando se llame Esther, si se llama Alicia sigue viaje, tampoco se entera, por más que uno le diga Esther....... una vez venía caminando una, le dije "Esther" se dio vuelta y me dijo "yo me llamo José Luis", y no se entabló nada porque a mí no me va ese tipo de, ese tipo de ni ese tipo ni ningún tipo, quiero decir, no es lo mío, a mí me educaron mis padres de una manera y yo he sabido responder a esa educación, honrando, honrándola, digamos, me educaron en la libertad de poder pensar lo que me dé la gana, pero sí, las cosas se hacían de una forma ; también había que poder respetar a los demás, porque cada cual podía hacer de su vida lo que se le diera la gana, ¿ no?
You could just have called.
No debió molestarse, haberme llamado.
The only way you could have obtained this so-called information, Superintendent, is illegally.
La única forma en que podría haber obtenido esta supuesta información, Jefa de Detectives, es ilegal.

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