Anything like that Çeviri Fransızca
4,003 parallel translation
In all of my years fighting I've never seen anything like that.
De toutes mes années de guerre, je n'avais encore jamais vu un tel exploit.
I had never seen anything like that.
J'avais jamais vu ça.
I don't mean no offense or anything like that, but there's something a little bit whacko about this town.
Je voudrais pas vous offenser, mais... y a quelque chose qui tourne vraiment pas rond dans ce village.
I hear anything like that going on with them...
Si j'entends le contraire, on arrête.
Really, I've never seen anything like that before.
C'est vrai, j'ai jamais vu quelque chose de semblable. - C'est vrai?
Mine didn't look anything like that.
Le mien ne ressemblait pas à ça.
- I've never done anything like that before.
Je n'ai encore jamais fait ça.
I never saw anything like that in my life.
Je n'en ai jamais vu des comme ça.
And if we're to be together, you must never ever do anything like that ever again, if we're to be together.
Si nous devons être ensemble, vous ne devez jamais refaire cela. Eh bien, si. Si nous devons être ensemble.
I hadn't intended to rape her or anything like that.
Je n'avais pas l'intention de la violer.
I mean, it's not packaged in any briefs or anything like that?
Emballé dans un caleçon au moins?
There isn't a priest's hole or anything like that, is there?
Il n'y a pas de cachette secrète?
He's never granted anything like that before!
Il n'a jamais fait ça!
Drew never gave me anything like that.
Drew ne m'a jamais rien offert dans ce genre.
You've never said anything like that before.
Tu ne m'as jamais dit un truc pareil.
It wasn't anything like that.
Rien de tout ça.
He doesn't ever have deep thoughts or anything like that, but suddenly he's in every pie!
Il ne réfléchit pas beaucoup, et soudain, il est partout!
Have you ever done anything like that?
As-tu déjà fait quelque chose comme ça?
I've lived long but, I've never anything like that.
J'ai entendu beaucoup de choses, mais c'est la première fois que j'entends ça!
Have you ever loved anything like that?
Avez-vous déjà aimé quelque chose comme cela?
I hope I never have to send you out on anything like that ever again.
J'espère ne plus jamais avoir à vous envoyer sur le terrain ou quelque chose comme ça une nouvelle fois.
It wasn't anything like that.
Ça n'était rien de tout ça.
I don't wanna be your girlfriend or anything like that.
Je ne veux pas être ta petite amie mais je pensais...
Which is good news, because I would never do anything like that.
C'est formidable parce que je ne lui ferais pas de mal.
Course, it isn't anything like that when you get your hands into...
Bien sûr, ce n'est pas du tout comme ça quand tu fourres tes mains...
- No. He didn't... leave anything like that.
Il n'as... rien laissé de ce genre.
No, I don't remember anything like that from my literature.
Je n'avais rien sur ça dans ma littérature.
Have you ever been in therapy or anything like that?
Tu as déjà fait une thérapie ou un truc dans le genre?
Do you have anything like that?
Vous avez quelque chose comme cela?
For the next 10 minutes if you say anything... that sounds even remotely like guilt, I am going to stab you with this.
Pendant les 10 prochaines minutes, si tu dis quoi que ce soit qui ressemble, même de loin, à de la culpabilité, je te coupe avec ça.
And the husband says, "that was great, that was really great. Is there anything else you'd like to try?"
Le mari dit : "Super, veux-tu essayer autre chose?"
There were rumors that there were people that was fused with the boat, but no one has ever seen anything like this.
Les rumeurs disent que les gens se sont retrouvés fusionnés au bateau, mais personne n'a jamais vu quelque chose comme ça.
And I realized that nobody on Earth in their right mind... would ever do anything remotely like that.
J'ai réalisé que personne sur Terre bien dans sa tête... pouvait faire quelque chose qui ressemble à ça.
Why did you go off like that without saying anything?
Pourquoi tu ne dis rien et tu fais des choses comme ça?
I'd give anything to be able to smell a flower like that.
Ou alors l'hiver avec un peu de jus de viande dessus. Je donnerais tout pour pouvoir sentir une telle fleur.
Well, like I said, the one time you were nice enough to visit me, you are who you are - a blonde, waspy Orange County princess who doesn't care about anything but herself and that's okay.
Comme j'ai dit la seule fois où tu m'as rendu visite, tu es comme tu es... une princesse blonde et riche d'Orange County qui ne se soucie que d'elle-même. Et ce n'est pas grave.
My boy, detectives, has the good fucking sense to know that if he or anyone around me had anything to do with something like this without my knowledge, that they'd lose their balls.
"Mon gars," messieurs les agents, a l'intelligence de savoir que si lui ou n'importe qui d'autre autour de moi avait quelque chose à voir avec une pareille affaire sans que je le sache, il n'aurait plus de couilles.
If anything, I like to be the guy that smiles, plays nicely, you know?
Si quoi que ce soit, je tiens à être le gars que des sourires, joue bien, vous savez?
Not too heavy or anything like that.
Pas trop violent ou dans le style.
Before you say anything, it's not like that.
Avant que tu ne dise quoi que se soit, ce n'est pas comme ça.
I mean that term, like, very loosely, seeing as I'm the only one that did anything anyway, right?
Je dit ça, très lache alors que je suis le seul qui est fait quelque chose de toute façon, c'est ça?
But that's why you like to watch those whores in those videos, because you don't gotta do anything for them, right?
Mais voilà pourquoi tu aimes regarder les putes dans ces vidéos, parce qu'elles ne demandent aucune faveur de ta part.
I went like... You know, you really don't have to try to be anything that you're not.
J'étais genre... tu sais,
Tom, I wouldn't want to contradict anything McNair said, but quite frankly, that sounds like balls.
Tom, je ne voudrais pas contredire McNair, mais pour être franche, c'est des conneries.
I feel comfortable, like I can tell you anything that I wouldn't have the courage to say to other guys, and certainly not so soon.
Je me sens à l'aise comme si je pouvais te dire n'importe quoi et que je n'aurais pas le courage de le dire aux autres, et certainement pas de si tôt.
I allergic to anything that I like.
En fait, t'es allergique à tout ce qui me plaît, je crois.
Like, in this age of technology, where you can simulate or manipulate anything, how do we retain that human element?
Comme, dans cette époque de technologie, où tu peux simuler ou manipuler tout ce que tu veux, comment pouvons nous conserver l'élément humain?
But I need to know that you won't pull anything like this again.
Mais j'ai besoin de savoir que vous ne sortirez pas à nouveau quelque chose de ce genre.
Look, I... I've never been through anything really massive like that, but maybe it takes a while for you to feel normal.
Je n'ai jamais rien vécu de vraiment énorme comme ça, mais peut-être qu'il faut un certain temps pour te sentir normal.
A much more delightful location that isn't shaped like anything.
Un endroit bien plus appréciable qui n'est pas en forme de quoi que ce soit.
I'd like to believe you, but given the physical... improbability of what it is you saw, is there anything you could tell us that could not have been fabricated from any number of newspaper or TV reports?
Je voudrais vous croire, mais étant donnée votre version... et l'invraisemblance de ce que vous avez vu, est quelque chose. vous pourriez nous dire que cela n'a pas été inventé de n'importe quel magazine ou reportage télé.
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19