Get on him Çeviri Fransızca
10,857 parallel translation
I have to get to the lawyer after this, to try to get my father out of jail, since you all bailed on him, so can we make this quick? Please?
Je vais voir l'avocat après ça, pour essayer de sortir mon père de prison, vu que vous l'avez tous abandonné, alors pouvons nous faire ça vite?
As a matter of fact, why don't you get Thirsty on the line and tell him to dig up some dirt on Jago Locke so I can have him under my control as well.
Comme une question de fait, pourquoi pas vous avoir soif sur la ligne et lui dire de creuser un peu de terre sur Jago Locke donc je peux l'avoir sous mon contrôle ainsi.
Oh, do me a favor, don't get him started on that one, all right?
Fais-moi une faveur, ne le laisse pas commencer sur celui là, ok?
Let's get him on the bed.
Sur le lit.
Because we're trying to get him to stay.
Car on essaye de le faire rester.
Look, you guys, what we really need to do is bring him back to Quahog where we can get him some help.
On doit le ramener à Quahog et lui trouver de l'aide.
Get him on the table?
Mis sur la table?
Listen, I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt Danny, but if he's been shot, we got to get him some help.
Ecoute, je suis sûr que tu ne voulais pas faire de mal à Danny, mais si on lui a tiré dessus, on se doit de l'aider.
We're gonna get him to talk.
On va le faire parler.
Actually, we need to get him on a table.
On doit le mettre sur une table.
If they can convince Lepke to turn himself in on lesser drug charges, the feds will hand him over to Dewey for murder, giving Luciano the leverage he thinks he needs to get out of prison.
S'ils arrivent à convaincre Lepke de se rendre pour des accusations de trafic moins importantes, les fédéraux le livreront ensuite à Dewey pour meurtre, offrant à Luciano l'arrangement dont il a besoin pour sortir de prison.
We got to get him out of there.
On doit le sortir de là.
We have to get him before the bus comes.
On doit le trouver avant l'arrivée du bus.
Come on, get him out of here.
Aller, sortons le de la.
We get a positive ID on him?
On a eu une identifiation?
- Come on, get him!
- Attrapez-le!
Get him on oxygen and start cutting off the jacket, but wait to uncover the wound.
Mets-le sous oxygène et coupe sa veste, attends pour découvrir la plaie.
We captured the Osela operative, but before we could get anything out of him, the Malian army blew the place wide open.
On a capturé le mercenaire d'Osela mais avant qu'on puisse en tirer quoi que ce soit, l'armée malienne a fait sauté toute la place.
I should have said no, but I get the distinct impression that my position in this clinical trial is contingent on doing him favors.
Je devrais dire non, mais j'ai la nette impression que ma place dans cet essai clinique dépend des services qui lui sont rendus.
Get him on a monitor!
Mettez-le sous moniteur! Sous oxygène!
We need to get him to talk.
On a besoin de le faire parler.
And I'll bet that escort will get first crack at interrogating him on the carrier.
Et je parie que cette escorte, à la première occasion, lui fera subir un interrogatoire sur le porte-avions.
We'll get him.
On va l'avoir.
All right, let's get him to Sam and Callen now.
Ok, on va le ramener à Sam et Callen maintenant.
Nick him on suspicion of assault, criminal damage... Get a female officer down here, talk to her, try and get a statement.
On le coffre pour suspicion d'agression, de vandalisme... on fait venir un policier féminin, on lui parle, on essaye d'obtenir une déposition.
Europe, Jordan- - we cannot let him get off the island.
On ne peut pas le laisser quitter l'île.
- I'd get out. - Even if we never let him out, he could know what he's done.
- Même si l'on n'a jamais le laisser sortir, il ne pouvait savoir ce qu'il a fait.
Our civil case isn't designed to get him off, but we want the makers of these obscene games to take some responsibility and help stop other police officers from being killed in the same way that James and Arnold and Ace were.
mais nous voulons que les créateurs de ce jeu obscene soient jugés responsables et aider à ce qu'on arrête les meutres de policiers comme James et Arnold et Ace.
I'm more worried he'll be dead before we have a chance to turn him in and get the reward.
Je m'inquiète plus qu'il soit mort avant qu'on puisse avoir une chance de le remettre pour obtenir la rançon.
Now all we got to do is wait for him to get in the elevator.
Maintenant on n'a plus qu'à attendre qu'il monte dans l'ascenseur.
We, um, we found him, so as soon as you get this...
On l'a trouvé, - donc dès que t'as le message...
We'll get him.
On l'attrapera.
I told him we'd get him in and out.
Je lui dis qu'on ferait vite.
- We'll get him.
On l'aura.
We're gonna get him.
On va l'attraper.
To get revenge, she put a curse on him and all of his descendants.
Pour se venger, elle lui jette une malédiction, à lui et à toute sa descendance.
We think someone paid him to get Nikki's prints on that screwdriver and then kill her.
Quelqu'un a dû le payer pour mettre les empreintes de Nikki sur ce tournevis puis la tuer.
Get him to go into his own mind, cast out Croatoan, and destroy him.
On l'envoie dans son propre esprit, chasser Croatoan et le détruire.
Now we just got to get him to talk.
On doit juste réussir à le faire parler.
I'm willing to get up on a Sunday morning to work with him,
Je me lève un dimanche matin pour travailler avec lui,
How will we get him into the Inner Sanctum?
Comment on va le faire entrer dans le sanctuaire?
He'd get gassed up and there was nothing you could do, and he had lungs on him like a bloody trombone.
Il avait des gaz et il n'y avait rien à faire, et il avait des poumons de trompettiste.
We should get him upstairs.
On devrait le monter.
Then why did you give him a pass to get on?
pourquoi lui avez-vous donné un laissez-passer?
I've got to get him away from Mendez and her family before he realizes that I'm on to him.
Je dois l'éloigner de Mendez et de sa famille avant qu'il ne réalise que je suis là pour lui.
Okay, get him out, let's chat.
OK, fais-le sortir, on va parler.
We estimate we have less than three minutes to get him from car to O.R.
On estime qu'on a moins de trois minutes pour l'emmener de sa voiture jusqu'au bloc.
Now how are we gonna get him through the restaurant without the blogger noticing?
Comment on va le faire rentrer sans que la blogueuse ne le remarque?
Look, all you need to know is that without him, the entire witches'plan falls to nothing, but if we don't get the devil out of him...
Tout ce que vous devez savoir c'est que sans lui, le plan des sorcières est reduit à néant, mais si on ne fait pas sortir le Diable de lui...
We'll get a full statement from him once he's been treated.
On prendra sa déposition lorsqu'il sera en état.
A friend was trying to help him get back on track.
Un ami a essayé de l'aider à revenir dans le droit chemin.
get on the bus 30
get on the plane 30
get one free 25
get on with it 358
get on your knees 244
get on board 38
get one 32
get on the ground 258
get on the floor 76
get on your feet 76
get on the plane 30
get one free 25
get on with it 358
get on your knees 244
get on board 38
get one 32
get on the ground 258
get on the floor 76
get on your feet 76