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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ G ] / Get your ass down

Get your ass down Çeviri Fransızca

265 parallel translation
Jacob, will you get your ass down here?
Jacob, tu veux bien descendre?
You get your ass down of the wagons and put your shoulders on that wheel!
Descendez vos culs des chariots et poussez cette roue!
It says, " Get your ass down here fast.
Ça dit : "Viens et magne-toi le cul. Notre royaume est venu."
And you get your ass down to that junction. You tell your bo friends... that we got a new king of the road.
Tu retournes à la gare et dis bien à tes amis qu'on a un nouveau Roi de la Route.
Now get your ass down here.
Maintenant le petit, ramène ton cul.
- Get your ass down!
Pose ton cul!
The rest of you, get your ass down the road.
Maintenant le reste d'entre vous, bougez-vous le cul sur cette route.
Come on, Max, get your ass down here.
Grouille-toi, Max. Descends.
If you want to come with us... I suggest you get your ass down to the dock in two minutes.
Si tu veux venir... je te conseille d'amener tes fesses au ponton dans 2 minutes
Price, I don't what you're doin', but you'd better get your ass down here.
Je sais pas ce que tu fous. mais tu ferais mieux de te planquer.
Get your ass down the cliff!
Descends la falaise!
You with your girl? Get your ass down to Mother's now.
Prend ta gonzesse et retrouvez-nous au Mother.
Get your ass down here now.
Amène ton cul là! Vite!
Get your ass down here.
Ramène tes fesses!
Get your ass down, boy!
A terre, bordel!
- OK, dump her and get your ass down here.
- On se démerdera. Laisse tomber, ramène-toi.
- Get your ass down there!
- descends ton cul!
Before you go, why don't you get your ass down to the corner
Avant ça, tu pourrais descendre au coin de la rue
But you get your ass down here pronto!
Mais ramènes tes fesses ici, pronto!
Peoples! Get your ass down here right now!
Peoples, ramène tes fesses ici tout de suite.
"Sonny, goddammit, get your ass down here."
"Fiston, bon Dieu, ramène tes fesses ici."
- Get your ass down!
Get your ass down to Superior.
Filez à Superior.
Get your ass down. Get down.
You better get your ass down here, Adeline.
Amenez-vous, ici, Adeline.
Get your ass down here on the double!
Amène-toi, et que ca saute!
Noel, I don't care. Get your ass down here now. Noel, I don't care.
Noel, je m'en fiche.
Get your ass down here now.
Amène-toi maintenant.
Get your ass down here.
Get your ass down!
A terre!
Sarah, get your ass down here and take my shoes off now.
Sarah, bouge tes fesses et viens m'enlever mes chaussures.
- You get the F.B.I. down on your ass.
- Le F.B.I au cul. - Merci de me l'avoir dit.
Send you to war, you'll get your ass shot down.
On t'enverra au casse-pipe. Tu te feras descendre.
It's gonna be your ass when I get down!
Je vais m'occuper de ton cul, quand je descendrai!
Just get down on your knees and kiss his ass.
Léchez-lui carrément le cul!
Either you break it off, or you get your ass reassigned...'cause I'm not goin'down with you!
Ou tu casses, ou tu demandes à changer de collègue. Je ne partirai pas avec l'eau du bain!
Off your ass, get my dog or I'll stick the magazine down your throat.
Bouge ton cul. et va chercher mon chien ou je te fais avaler ta revue.
If you don't like it, honey, why don't you go down there and wait cocktails and get your ass goosed by the tourists?
Si tu n'es pas contente, va servir des cocktails et te faire peloter le cul par les touristes.
Get your ass back down below!
Retourne en bas!
How about you get down on your knees and kiss my ass for not indicting you as a co-conspirator right now, you chickenshit little Harvard cocksucker!
Tu devrais plutôt me lécher le cul pour pas te faire tomber pour conspiration, sale petit merdeux d'Harvard!
When I get down, I'm gonna kick your fucking ass.
Quand je serai en bas, je te botterai le cul.
You're gonna be somebody's patient if you don't get your ass back down into that chair.
Vous serez la patiente de quelqu'un si vous ne vous asseyez pas.
If you've ever had any feelings for me at all then haul your ass off that bed and get down here and rescue me.
Si tu as un quelconque sentiment pour moi... sors ton cul de ce lit... et rapplique vite fait.
If you've ever had any feelings for me at all then haul your ass off that bed and get down here and rescue me.
A votre avis?
You better get in there and clean that room in the next ten minutes... or else you gonna be walking down the street with three shoes- - two on your feet and one in your ass, sucker.
Si ta chambre est pas propre dans 10 minutes, tu vas te retrouver avec trois pompes dans la rue, deux aux pieds et la troisième dans le cul!
You see any crazy shit go down, you get your ass out of here.
Si tu vois quelque chose qui merde, tu te tires d'ici.
Get your ass down here.
Ramène-toi ici!
Just get your ass upstairs and bring her down will you?
Va la chercher et descends-la tu veux?
Hey, robot, get your fat metal ass down here!
Hé, robot, amène ton cul de métal jusqu'ici.
Finish up and get your ass back down to work.
Finis, bouge-toi le cul, et retourne au travail, Julie.
Get your butt-naked ass down!
A terre, cul nul!

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