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He died instantly Çeviri Fransızca

58 parallel translation
He died instantly.
Il est mort sur le coup.
Fractured skull. He died instantly.
Fracture du crâne, mort instantanée.
He died instantly, miss Burroughs.
Il est mort instantanément, Mlle Burroughs.
He died instantly, this explains him falling on his back
Il est mort instantanément, voilà pourquoi il est tombé sur le dos.
He died instantly.
Il est mort sur le champ.
He died instantly from a crushed larynx.
Il est mort instantanément d'une fracture du larynx.
That's Alex Morales, he died instantly.
Lui, c'est Alex Morales. Il est mort sur le coup.
It's a shame he died instantly.
C'est dommage, qu'il soit mort instantanément.
He died instantly.
Il est mort proprement.
A truck... he died instantly, with two passengers.
Un camion... Il est mort sur le coup avec deux clients
He died instantly.
Il est mort sur-le-champ.
He died instantly, as if the life had just been sucked right out of him.
Il est mort sur le coup, la vie a été aspirée hors de son corps.
- He died instantly.
- Il meurt sur le coup.
They said he died instantly.
Il est mort sur le coup.
- He died instantly.
- ll est mort sur le coup.
He died instantly from a crushed larynx.
Déjà à neuf ans, tu avais de l'imagination.
I was told he died instantly from the impact. That he never felt the flames.
On m'a dit qu'il est mort sur le coup, qu'il n'a jamais senti les flammes.
- Got hit by a drunk driver and he died instantly. - Oh, my God.
Un type ivre l'a percuté, il est mort sur le coup.
- He died instantly?
Il est mort sur le coup?
He died instantly.
Il est mort instantanément.
He died instantly, the next day.
Il est mort sur le coup, le lendemain.
- He died instantly.
- qui est mort sur le coup.
With his arteries cut, the blood loss was massive and he died instantly.
Il s'est vite vidé de son sang. Mort sur le coup.
And he slammed right into her and he died instantly.
Ils se sont rentrés dedans, et mon père est mort instantanément.
If it's any consolation, Jimmy, I'd say he died instantly.
Si cela peut vous consoler, je dirais qu'il est mort sur le coup.
- He died instantly.
- Il est mort sur le coup.
Hawes said he died instantly.
Hawes dit qu'il est mort sur le coup.
It was a terrible accident. He must've died instantly.
La mort a dû être instantanée.
He must have died instantly in his chair.
- Vous n'aviez rien remarqué.
He died almost instantly.
Il est mort presque immédiatement.
They say he should've died instantly.
Ils disent qu'il aurait dû mourir sur le coup.
He was hit by a bullet and died instantly.
Par malchance, il fut atteint dans le dos et mourut sur le coup.
He must have died instantly.
Il est mort sur le coup.
They say it's a game of inches... a centimeter to the left or right, and he would have bled out and died instantly.
1 cm de plus vers la gauche ou la droite et c'était l'hémorragie et la mort.
He died almost instantly.
Il est mort presque instantanément.
He probably died instantly.
Il est mort instantanément.
If he were a normal human, he'd have died instantly.
Un humain normal mourrait rapidement.
If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly.
Si la lance avait touchée son cœur, il serait mort instantanément.
Looks like he, uh, hit his head, probably died instantly.
On dirait qu'il, huh, s'est cogné la tête, mourrant probablement sur l'instant.
He must have died instantly.
Il a dû mourir immédiatement.
He would have died instantly from this one.
Il aurait du mourir instantanément avec celui-ci.
He couldn't avoid Sergeant Sanchez, who died instantly
Il a percuté le brigadier Sanchez.

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