He died in Çeviri Fransızca
2,346 parallel translation
- He died in Australia, three years ago, I put him in the coffin!
- Il est mort en Australie il y a trois ans, je l'ai moi-même mis dans son cercueil!
He died in the bank.
Il est mort à la banque.
He died in the war.
Mort à la guerre.
We know he died in sadr city.
On sait qu'il est mort à Sadr City.
Yeah, he died in prison a few years ago.
Il y est même mort il y a quelques années.
A badly damaged boy named Arlo Slocumb- - he died in that blast, too.
Un garçon fortement traumatisé du nom d'Arlo Slocumb. Il est mort ce jour-là lui aussi.
He died in Iraq when we were fighting Osama bin Laden the first time.
Il est mort en Irak quand on a été combattre Osama Ben Laden la première fois.
He died in Iraq.
- Il est mort en Iraq.
Don't tell me he died in vain.
Ne me dis pas que c'était en vain!
He died in this room, didn't he?
Il est mort ici, hein?
If my boss finds out that he died in my parking garage,
{ \ pos ( 240,235 ) } Si mon patron découvre qu'il est mort dans mon parking,
And it was only just before he died in 2005 that he actually said, " I'm happy with this.
C'est seulement en 2005 juste avant sa mort qu'il a fini par dire : Je crois que j'ai trouvé la bonne combinaison pour l'herbe, je suis content de nos prés. " " Je suis satisfait.
He died in 1970.
En 1970.
The car's first owner was a cardiologist In philadelphia - Drove it till he died in 1972.
La voiture appartenait à un cardiologue de Philadelphie, jusqu'à sa mort en 1972.
Officially, the russian space agency states he died in space.
Officiellement, pour l'agence spatiale russe il est mort dans l'espace.
Your biological father left it to you when he died in Iraq.
Votre père biologique vous l'a légué quand il est mort en Irak.
Two years ago... he died in an accident on Wangan.
Il est mort il y a deux ans dans un crash sur la baie.
When he died, he left you an extremely large amount of money in his will.
À sa mort, il t'a laissé un gros paquet d'argent dans son testament.
He died for our sins in that helicopter crash.
Il est mort pour nos péchés dans un crash d'hélicoptère.
No. When your mother-in-law died, he left and never came back
Non, depuis que ta belle-mère est morte, il est parti et il est pas revenu.
He was born in 1875 and died in 1937.
- Il est né en 1875, il est mort en 1937.
But if Jenkins died in the pit, how could he have...
Mais si Jenkins est mort dans le puits, comment a-t-il pu...
Sir, please, can't we just bring him in here and ask him where he was the night his sister-in-law died?
Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, ne pouvons nous pas juste l'amener ici et lui demandez où il était la nuit ou sa belle-sœur est morte?
A ghost? He died of cardiac arrest a few minutes before Kimberly found herself in the car with her killer.
- Il est mort d'un arrêt cardiaque juste avant que Kimberley ne se retrouve avec le tueur.
He died there right in the hallway, and you couldn't save him.
Il est mort. Il est mort juste là dans le couloir, et vous n'avez pas pu le sauver.
- -Was he was in the car when he died?
- Il est mort dans sa voiture? - Oui.
Send me'before he died. There'a map hidden in the drawings, that matches the plan Instruments of Roark.
Il me les a envoyés avant de mourir, il y a une carte cachée qui correspond au batiment de Roark.
Most likely died in the alley where he was found.
Il a dû mourir dans cette allée.
Howard was a happy kid, a good student, Until his parents died when he was 8 years old - Got killed in a car crash.
C'était un enfant normal, bon élève, et ses parents moururent quand il avait 8 ans.
He died that night in a house fire, saving a couple of kids.
Il est mort dans un incendie en sauvant des enfants, ce soir-là.
You're thinking, "gosh, I hope he can't read my thoughts, " because then he'd know that I was up in the woods " with justin prentiss the night before he died
Là, tu te dis : "Punaise, faites qu'il lise pas mes pensées, sinon il saura que j'étais dans les bois avec Justin Prentiss la veille de sa mort, à bombarder de peinture la porte du vieux fou."
He died that night in a house fire, Saving a couple kids.
Il est mort dans un incendie en sauvant des enfants, ce soir-là.
He died in prison.
Il est mort en prison.
But before he died, He was in the hospital... and I stopped in to see Denise.
Mais avant qu'il meure, il était à l'hôpital... et je suis passé voir Denise.
I know it sounds weird, but the other day, she was talking to me about how I was looking in Lundy's eyes when he died.
L'autre jour, elle a dit que j'avais regardé Lundy dans les yeux quand il est mort.
He's been living up in the arctic colony ever since she died.
Il vit dans la colonie de l'Arctique depuis qu'elle est morte,
He told me he needs a good woman in his life cause his mom just died.
Il m'a dit vouloir une femme dans sa vie car sa maman est décédée.
He died right here in my arms because of me.
Il est mort ici dans mes bras, par ma faute.
Of the nine people originally set to see him on the day he was murdered three have died, cancer. Four are in hospice care.
Sur les neuf personnes qui avaient rendez-vous ce jour-là, trois sont mortes d'un cancer, quatre sont en soins palliatifs.
And it is from them we get the word that the President has died, that the bullet wounds inflicted on him as he rode in a motorcade through downtown Dallas have been fatal.
Ils ont indiqué que le Président est mort, et que les blessures par balle qu'il a reçu à Dallas dans un convoi automobile, ont été mortels.
In fact, not that I owe you an explanation, but before he died, things had gotten better.
En fait, même si cela ne vous regarde pas, avant sa mort, cela s'était amélioré.
In fact, before he died, he tried to be the man that I once loved.
Avant sa mort, il essayait de redevenir l'homme que j'aimais.
Remember that scene in the new Star Trek when Kirk has to take over the ship, so he tells Spock all that stuff he knew wasn't true, like saying Spock didn't care his mom died?
Tu sais dans le nouveau Star Trek, quand Kirk s'empare du vaisseau, il dit à Spock plein de trucs faux, genre : "tu n'es pas affecté par la mort de ta mère"?
He still died in there though.
Pourtant, il est mort dedans.
Our victim was a teenaged boy who died about two months ago... but, according to the data, he grew up in the early 1800s.
Notre victime était un adolescent mort il y a environ deux mois... mais, selon les données, il a grandi au début du 19e siècle.
I'm freaked out by the index card in there that says he died of pancreatic cancer at age 47.
Je flippe à cause de la fiche qui dit qu'il est mort d'un cancer à 47 ans.
When charles was in his twenties, he, he almost died of heroin overdose.
Quand il avait 20 ans, il a failli mourir d'une overdose.
He came in as a John Doe, died in surgery.
Il a été admis en tant qu'inconnu et est mort pendant l'opération.
Two months before he died someone logged him in as a ped stop.
Deux mois avant sa mort, quelqu'un l'a verbalisé pour ne pas avoir traversé sur les clous.
Sebastian hart- - he died off the coast of eastwick in august of'84.
Sebastian Hart- - Il est mort au large des côtes d'Eastwick en août 1984.
Sid's autopsy report said the food in Kevin Carter's stomach was ingested ten to 15 minutes before he died.
D'après l'autopsie, la nourriture de l'estomac de Kevin Carter a été ingérée dix à quinze minutes avant la mort.
he died in my arms 17
he died instantly 17
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died last night 18
died in 24
ines 33
in fact 10253
he died instantly 17
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died last night 18
died in 24
ines 33
in fact 10253
internet 115
india 252
invite 16
invasion 24
inter 39
interior 21
instagram 35
inside 950
indiana 185
indian 84
india 252
invite 16
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indeed 4544
instant 24
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