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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He loved you

He loved you Çeviri Fransızca

1,085 parallel translation
He loved you.
Il t'aimait.
I could tell he loved you very much.
Il vous aimait beaucoup.
Then do you think he loved you because he knew it would kill him?
Tu penses qu'il t'aimait car il savait que ça le tuerait?
- No, Charlotte, he loved you.
- Non, il t'aimait.
If you should discover that your god loved others as much as he loved you, would you hate him for it?
Si tu venais à découvrir que ton dieu en aime d'autres, autant qu'il t'aime, tu le détesterais?
- He loved you after all.
- Je crois qu'il t'aimait.
I'm telling you, he loved you.
Il a adoré, je t'assure.
I thought he loved you, that it'd be real on screen.
Je pensais qu'il t'aime et que ça aurait fait plus vrai sur l'écran.
- He loved you all.
- Tous. Et moi aussi.
Perhaps he loved you and everything you told me about him was a lie.
Peut-être qu'il t'aimait. Que tu m'as menti.
"Bending at your knees" he loved you "for a very long time".
Qui, à tes genoux T'aime à tout jamais?
He loved you, but I love you now!
Il t'aimait. Aujourd'hui c'est moi qui t'aime!
He loved you to the very end.
Il t'aura aimé jusqu'à la fin.
I'm the one who screamed that he loved you.
Je suis celui qui criait qu'il t'aimait, toi.
Not because he told you he loved you.
Pas parce qu'il t'as dit qu'il t'aimait.
Well, maybe he loved you too much to involve you. Oh.
Il vous aimait peut-être trop pour vous impliquer.
He loved you.
Il t'aimait comme un fils.
You've gotta understand, he loved you!
C'est à toi de comprendre. Il t'aimait.
Is he the first man you ever loved?
Est-il le premier homme que tu as aimé?
Honey, he's always loved you.
Chérie, il t'a toujours aimée.
You loved him and he's dead.
Tu l'aimais, et il est mort.
- He loved life too much. - But he was killed here, so you can stop the eulogy for now.
Il a quand même été tué chez vous alors, arrêtez l'oraison funèbre, on la reprendra plus tard
My father loved to travel simply because he couldn't stand to be here with you.
Il aimait ça parce qu'il supportait pas d'être avec toi.
Once again, he's the wonderful boy you both loved.
Il est redevenu le fils formidable que vous aimiez.
You just loved it when he spilt the s?
Vous avez adoré le passage où je... où il renverse la s...?
You know I've always loved you, and you're just as black as he is.
Tu sais que je t'ai toujours aimée, et tu es aussi noire que lui.
You imagine that he's only ever loved one woman : you.
Tu t'imagines qu'il n'a aimé qu'une seule femme au monde : toi.
Thomas... he said that you and the boss loved each other.
Thomas, il dit que le patron et toi vous vous aimez bien.
You see, when his mother was alive, she took him on her lap, stroking... And he knew that she loved him.
Quand sa mère était... encore vivante, elle le prenait sur ses genoux... et il savait qu'elle l'aimait.
If someone like you were to come along and carry me off and he really loved me, I think I'd go with him.
Si quelqu'un comme vous se présente, m'enlève, et qu'il m'aime, en plus, je crois que je le suivrai.
I don't remember if we met because I loved you, or because I wanted to have a secret he didn't know
Mais je n'ai pas eu le courage, et j'ai couché avec vous. Hypocrisie toute masculine, sans doute.
He knew how much I loved you.
Il savait que je t'aimais.
I wouldn't blame you for it. He wanted to take away the only thing you ever loved.
- Vous vouliez défendre votre bien le plus cher.
Lieutenant, he is not the man you loved.
Ce n'est pas l'homme que vous aimiez.
And if you loved him, you were patient with him, and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about himself personally,
Et que tu l'aimes, que tu sois patiente avec lui. Même si lui, il n'ose jamais se confier à toi...
even though he may have loved you, would you...
Bien que peut-être, il t'aime, est-ce que...
And if you loved him, you were patient with him, and even though he didn't dare ever tell you anything about himself personally, even though he may have loved you, would you...
Et que tu l'aimes, que tu sois patiente avec lui. Même si lui, il n'ose jamais se confier à toi... Hé, touché, Harry.
From the way I love this child you ought to know how I would've loved his elder brother had he proved worthy of any mother's affection.
Tout comme j'aime cet enfant, j'eusse aimé son frère, s'il s'était montré... digne de l'affection d'une mère.
Wait a minute, Columbo Back off Maybe he loved you more than you thought, baby
Il est passé devant les gardes-côtes en bateau jusqu'à l'océan et a fait croire à un accident.
Didn't you see how he loved that?
- Vous voyez?
The girl also loved you but when this was known to Uncle - he couldn't tolerate it
Il paraît que tu lui plaisais aussi. Mais quand l'Oncle l'a su, il s'est fâché. Sa fille ne devait pas aimer un tueur.
And he sees something in you that reminds him of his daughter, who he loved very much, but he lost her.
Et il voit en toi quelque chose qui lui rappelle sa fille, qu'il aimait beaucoup, mais qu'il a perdue.
- He's a boy you've loved for seven years.
- C'est le garçon que tu as aimé sept ans.
Is this what makes you think he loved them?
En es tu sûr? il les aimait?
- He always loved you.
- Oui, je sais.
He loved his boys and you felt safe with him.
Il adorait ses hommes, il était rassurant.
He never really loved you.
Il ne vous aime pas, c'est clair.
He never loved me. You knew him as well as I did.
Il ne m'a jamais aimée.
If this guy loved you, he would have shown up sooner or later. You know?
S'il vous aimait, il allait forcément se manifester.
He loved Suwa's daughter, and you are the result.
Vous êtes né de l'amour entre notre seigneur et la fille de Suwa.
Did he tell you about the defendant's heart-rending testimony in which he swore under oath that he loved his children, his daughter and his son?
Vous a-t-il parlé du touchant témoignage de l'accusé dans lequel il jure qu'il aime ses enfants, sa fille et son fils?

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