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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ H ] / He loved her

He loved her Çeviri Fransızca

469 parallel translation
He loved her, Colonel.
Il l'aimait.
His message to her was that he loved her... that if he came out of this alive, he'd follow her to the ends of the Earth.
Son message disait qu'il l'aimait. que si elle partait, il l'a suivrait au bout de la terre.
He was Suellen's beau, and he loved her, not me.
Il était à Suellen.
A husband should have that privilege, and no wife would resent it if she knew he loved her.
Un mari devrait avoir ce privilège, et la femme ne devrait rien dire si elle sait qu'il l'aime.
Well, he told the girl he loved her, and naturally, he married said girl. - Now in...
Il lui a dit qu'il l'aimait et tout naturellement, il l'a épousée.
He loved her so much.
Il l'aimait tant.
But he loved her to death.
Mais il l'aimait à en crever.
" In such a night... did young Lorenzo swear he loved her well...
"C'est par une telle nuit " Que le jeune Lorenzo lui jure son amour
I knew she was out for what she could get, but... when I saw that my son thought he loved her... I nearly broke my back trying to make that marriage work.
Je savais qu'elle était une profiteuse... mais quand j'ai vu que mon fils pensait l'aimer... je me suis pliée en quatre pour que ce mariage fonctionne.
And he never stopped loving her... because he knew that she understood what he was, and he loved her for it.
Et il n'a jamais cessé de l'aimer, il l'aimait parce qu'elle le comprenait.
He told me that he loved her and wanted to marry her.
Il m'a dit qu'il l'aimait et qu'il voulait l'épouser.
She fell asleep and Jim lay awake, knowing she loved him as he loved her.
Catherine s'endormit, et Jim dans la nuit gardait les yeux ouverts.
But he loved her anyway and he couldn't give her up.
Mais il l'aimait quand même... et ne pouvait l'abandonner.
He loved her like a wife and died with her.
Il l'aimait et il est mort avec lui.
- He loved her that much?
Il l'aimait donc tant que cela?
He loved her deeply, and she, him.
Il l'aimait profondément et elle le lui rendait.
He loved her, didn't he?
Il l'a aimée, n'est-ce pas?
But her Dora wasn't Daddy's, and he loved her!
Mais sa Dora n'était pas de mon père, et il l'aimait quand même!
Once upon a time a king had a daughter. He loved her very much.
Il était une fois un roi qui avait une fille qu'il aimait plus que tout.
Manco was grief-stricken for he had loved her very, much,
Manco a eu de la peine parce qu ´ il i ´ avait beaucoup aimée,
" "l couldn't do otherwise because I loved her..." ", then I must hate you, I must curse you since you took from a miserable one like me what he possessed, and you destroyed it.
" "je n'ai pu m'en empêcher, parce que je l'aimais..." " Je ne pourrai que te haïr et te maudire, parce que ce qu'un pauvre homme comme moi possédait, tu l'as pris et détruit.
Did he say he loved her?
Il lui a dit qu'il l'aimait?
He loved his wife, too, but he lost her.
II aimait sa femme, mais il l'a perdue.
And his mother, I guess he always loved her.
Et sa mère. Il a dû toujours l'aimer.
The last time I spoke to Mr. Farnsworth, he told me that he loved Miss Logan... that he wanted to marry her, and asked me to divorce him.
La dernière fois que je lui ai parlé, il m'a dit qu'il aimait Mlle Logan, qu'il voulait l'épouser, et me demander le divorce.
A man knowing he couldn't have the woman he loved and wooing her for his friend.
Un homme qui, ne pouvant posséder la femme qu'il aime, la courtise au nom de son ami.
Yes, she was that sort of monster... a woman who sought to possess everything she loved, who loved only for what it could bring her, whose love estranged her own father and mother, whose love possessed her father until he couldn't call his soul his own,
- C'était un monstre. Elle voulait posséder ce qu'elle aimait. Elle n'aimait que pour elle-même.
Frederic Chopin wrote it for a woman he loved. Her name was George Sand.
C'est de Chopin, pour la femme qu'il aimait, George Sand.
He never loved her.
Il ne l'a jamais aimée.
He loved to have her describe it to him, every time the seasons changed.
Il aimait qu'elle lui décrive le paysage selon les saisons.
She loved Mark, but he didn't love her.
Elle aimait Mark, mais il ne l'aimait pas.
David loved her with an all-consuming passion. Didn't he? !
David était consumé par cette passion.
He's fought with her, worked with her, loved her.
Il s'est disputé avec elle, il a travaillé avec elle.
However much her fiance loved her, he couldn't ignore her background
Car au fond, vous vivez de la prostitution.
She was in love, and he she loved forsook her.
Elle était amoureuse, et celui qu'elle aimait l'abandonna.
From her point of view, if she knew he really loved her, that she wasn't just being used, that would at least be some consolation.
Cela réconforterait Yoshiko de savoir qu'il ne s'est pas juste servi d'elle mais qu'il l'aime sincèrement.
We had a young squire here who loved a Jewish girl so much that when he died he took possession of her soul
Il y avait ici un Juif qui était tellement mais tellement amoureux d'une belle Juive, que lorsqu'il est mort, il est entré en elle!
How he must have loved her
Comment il doit l'avoir aimée
Her son will never know how deeply he is loved.
Son fils ne saura jamais combien il est aimé.
Or did he love her more than she loved him?
Est-ce qu'ils s'aimaient autant l'un que l'autre?
She loved my massages, but then our boss got a thing for her, so he's here every day singing along with his scratchy voice!
Elle aime mes massages. Quand notre patron va la voir, elle chante dans les aigus. J'imagine.
And yet he loved her very much.
Et pourtant il l'aimait beaucoup.
You see, when his mother was alive, she took him on her lap, stroking... And he knew that she loved him.
Quand sa mère était... encore vivante, elle le prenait sur ses genoux... et il savait qu'elle l'aimait.
I think he also loved her, in his peculiar way.
Je pense qu'il l'aimait aussi, à sa façon.
Her husband, who loved her so much that he became her accomplice... died while trying to keep her above suspicion.
Son mari l'aimait au point de s'accuser des crimes et de perdre la vie pour elle.
And when he turned around, his loved one had vanished. As if the earth had swallowed her.
Et quand il se retourna, sa bien-aimée avait disparu, comme si la terre l'avait engloutie.
I think he really loved her.
Je crois qu'il l'aimait vraiment.
He didn't love her, he loved me.
Non pas elle, il m'aimait moi.
He really loved her.
Il l'adorait vraiment.
He loved a girl enough to give her up.
Il aimait une fille assez pour y renoncer.
'Cause he hated my sister. He never loved her. He just used her.
Il détestait ma soeur, il l'utilisait.

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