I know it Çeviri Fransızca
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I don't know what women rub one out to, but I know it ain't me!
J'ignore ce qui fait de l'effet aux femmes, mais c'est pas moi!
Ma'am, I know it hurts, but if you don't lay still, you're gonna hurt yourself a lot more... please.
Madame, je sais que ça fait mal, mais si vous ne restez pas immobile, vous allez vous blesser encore plus, s'il vous plait.
I know it was her idea!
Je sais que c'était son idée!
I know it doesn't change anything, but he's 16, and he is open on a table.
Je sais que cela ne change rien, mais il a 16 ans, et il est ouvert sur la table.
I know it wasn't you that did this.
Je sais que ce n'était pas ta faute.
I don't know what it is.
Je ne comprends pas.
I know, it's probably mean to do this stuff, but, like, you can only have so much sympathy.
C'est peut-être méchant de faire ça, mais on ne peut pas toujours avoir pitié.
Right? I know what it is.
Je sais ce que c'est.
Dude, I know they think about it.
Je sais qu'ils y pensent.
I know they think about it, because I think about it.
Je sais qu'ils y pensent, car j'y pense.
I don't know. Like, how do you not fucking bring it up?
Pourquoi ne peut-on pas en parler?
You don't know what's going on unless I want you to know it, right?
Vous ne savez que ce que je veux que vous sachiez.
Then I was convinced, because one day I came walking in, she was listening to him do an interview, and I didn't know it was him.
Et puis, un jour, j'en ai été convaincu. Elle écoutait une interview.
I don't know. It's something that's always bothered me.
C'est quelque chose qui me perturbe.
I know you knew it, all of it, for fucking 20 seconds.
Je sais que vous l'avez connu pendant 20 secondes.
I don't know if it was dead instantly, like if it drove right over its head and that was it.
J'ignore s'il est mort sur le coup, s'il s'est fait rouler sur la tête ou pas.
They built it a house. I don't know why.
On lui avait fait une maison.
I tell you right now, you get a couple of gorillas on a bareback horse with a single bolt action rifle, that is the end of society as we know it. "
Sérieusement, deux gorilles qui montent à cru sur un cheval, avec un fusil à verrou simple, et c'est la fin de notre société.
I... I know his name because it's on
Je connais son nom comme il est sur
You know, your mom says the difference between the two of us is that you were born with money and I had to earn it.
Tu sais ta mère dit que la différence entre nous deux c'est que tu es né avec de l'argent alors que moi je l'ai gagné.
I'm sorry, it's just, my brain is going a little... you know?
Je suis désolé. C'est juste que mon cerveau est un peu... tu sais?
Kurt, I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was a trap.
Kurt, je suis désolé, je ne savais pas que c'était un piège!
Because I know you better than anyone, and I know exactly what you're going through right now, and it's hell.
Parce que je te connais mieux que personne, et je sais ce que tu ressent en ce moment, c'est un enfer.
I know you're gonna kill me, so just do it already.
Je sais que tu vas me tuer, fais le maintenant.
It's like, this morning, I knew what my future was, you know?
C'est comme si, ce matin, je savais ce qu'allait être mon futur.
And I know that that's not fair to say to you, but it's true.
Et je sais que ce c'est pas juste de te dire ça, mais c'est vrai.
Now, I know that's not something you want to hear, but it's true.
Je sais que ce n'est pas ce que tu veux entendre, mais c'est vrai.
I know you thought this program had problems, but it sure as hell has them now.
Je sais que tu pensais que ce programme avait des problèmes, et bien il en a maintenant, c'est sûr.
I mean it. I know.
Je sais.
Or maybe it's just that I don't know how to get rid of them.
Ou je ne sais pas comment m'en débarrasser.
I know, but can't it wait just another minute?
Je sais, mais ça peut attendre juste une minute de plus?
I do not know how you do it.
Je ne sais pas comment tu fais ça.
I know, but if we could, she'd say give it to her son.
Je sais, mais si nous pourrions, elle voudrait le donner à son fils.
It's the one thing I know how to cook.
C'est la seule chose que je sais cuisiner.
I know when flap coverage is warranted and when it isn't.
Je sais quand une greffe de peau est nécessaire ou non.
It's just, I'm on a case with two attendings who want different treatments and have given me competing instructions, and I don't know what to do.
C'est juste que je suis sur un cas avec deux titulaires qui veulent des traitements différents et qui m'ont donné des instructions contradictoires, et je ne sais pas quoi faire.
This stitch that I just did no one else does it like this, and do you know why?
Cette suture que je viens de faire personne d'autre ne le fait comme ça, et tu sais pourquoi?
It's... You know that's not what I mean.
Tu sais bien que non.
I know I was against it, but it looks like you were right.
Je sais que j'étais contre, mais on dirait que t'avais raison.
I don't know how to make it.
Je ne sais pas les faire.
No, I haven't, but I just, you know, I can't do it on my own.
C'est le cas, mais je n'y arriverai pas tout seul.
Calm down. Jesus, just because I know her name doesn't make it a swoop.
C'est pas parce que je connais son nom que je vais te la piquer.
Yeah, I know. I figure I can come by one night, we can finish it up.
Je pense que je peux venir un soir, et nous le finirions.
I know you get frustrated when I take steps backward, but I don't mean to do it ; I just do.
Je sais que tu es frustrée quand je fais des pas en arrière, mais je ne veux pas le faire, je le fais.
Well, I'm sure she's mad at me for disappearing, but you know, when opportunity arises, you just have to reach out and grab it.
Je suis sûre qu'elle est en colère car j'ai disparu, mais vous savez, quand l'occasion se présente Il faut la saisir, et s'y accrocher.
It's faint, but I'd know that sound anywhere.
C'est faible, mais je reconnais ce son.
Okay, but if you need to inspect other sections of pipe, you let me know and I'll accompany you,'cause it could be dangerous.
Ok, mais si vous devez inspecter d'autres sections du tuyau Vous me le faites savoir et je vous accompagnerai. Car ça peut être dangereux.
I want to know how you did it.
Je veux savoir comment tu as fais ça.
Yeah, I know what it is, thank you.
Je le sais bien, merci.
If she answers truthfully, that is correct and I know you will. Because it's a felony to lie to a, um, federal agent.
Si elle dit la vérité, c'est exact, et je sais que ce sera le cas... car mentir à un agent fédéral est un crime.
There's no way you could know, but I don't really call it that.
- C'est quoi?
i know it's been a while 32
i know it sounds crazy 192
i know it will 43
i know it's hard to believe 34
i know it is 226
i know it's hard 216
i know it hurts 85
i know it's crazy 66
i know it's not much 34
i know it's late 129
i know it sounds crazy 192
i know it will 43
i know it's hard to believe 34
i know it is 226
i know it's hard 216
i know it hurts 85
i know it's crazy 66
i know it's not much 34
i know it's late 129