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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ J ] / Just stay calm

Just stay calm Çeviri Fransızca

561 parallel translation
- I'll explain you later. Just stay calm.
- Je vous expliquerai plus tard.
I'll just stay calm and put the whole thing out of my mind.
Je vais me calmer et oublier ce petit malentendu.
Now, just stay calm.
Reste calme.
Just stay calm.
Restez calme.
In the meantime, just stay calm.
En attendant, garde ton calme.
Just stay calm, Mrs. Sacco.
Rassurez-vous, Mme Sacco.
You're safe now, just stay calm.
Tu es en sécurité, maintenant. Reste calme.
Just stay calm, Red.
Du calme, Red.
Okay, just stay calm.
D'accord, restez calme.
Just stay calm.
Tenez-vous tranquille.
Do not worry, just stay calm!
Ne t'en fais pas, reste calme!
Just stay calm and hang on!
Garde ton calme, applique-toi.
As I told you before, all we have to do to win is just stay calm, cool, and collected.
Comme je te le disais, pour gagner, il suffit de rester calmes et sereines.
Now just stay calm, everybody.
- Restez calme, tout le monde.
All right, let's just stay calm, and we'll call Castillo.
Bon. Restons calme.
Agnes, just stay calm.
Agnes, restez calme.
It's all right, David. Just stay calm, boy.
- Tout va bien, du calme.
Just stay calm, keep cool and get some sleep.
Restez calme, relaxez-vous et essayez de dormir.
We're still looking. Just stay calm.
Nous cherchons.
Everybody just stay calm.
Que tout le monde reste calme.
So Obelix, just stay calm, and let him laugh!
Just stay calm.
Restes calme.
Just stay calm. Everything's going to be fine.
Ça va bien se passer.
Just stay calm everyone!
Restez calmes!
Everything will be all right if we just stay calm!
Tout ira bien si vous restez calmes!
Just stay calm.
Reste calme.
Let's just stay calm.
Restez calmes.
Just stay calm, be on your best behavior, and this'll be behind us soon.
Gardez votre calme et tout cela restera un souvenir.
Just stay calm, use your head.
Restez calmes. Gardez la tête froide.
Everybody, just stay calm.
Restez calmes!
Just stay calm, cool, collected, and if anybody asks you anything... just mutter something about Allah.
Restez calmes. Si on vous parle, marmonnez à propos d'Allah.
They have so many new members, how will they tell us from them? Just stay calm
Comment pourraient-ils nous reconnaître, alors?
OK, all right. Just stay calm.
D'accord, restons calmes.
- Just stay calm.
- Calmez-vous!
Okay. Let's just stay calm. We're in the principle's office here.
Restons calmes, nous sommes dans le bureau du Principal.
Now, now, sweetheart, just try and stay calm.
Allons, mon ange, essaye de rester calme.
- Stay calm, it was just an idea.
- Du calme, c'était une idée.
We just need to stay calm...
Sois tranquille...
Marie, just stay calm.
Marie, reste calme.
just stay very cool, calm and collected.
Ne perdons pas notre sang-froid.
No! Just stay calm.
Hell, Ren. Just remember to stay calm. Calm?
Le seul truc, c'est de rester calme.
You know, Diane, the important thing here is just to relax and stay calm.
Tu sais, Diane, le plus important, c'est de te détendre et de rester calme.
Now honey, all we have to do to win is just stay cool, calm and collected.
Si on veut gagner, on n'a qu'à rester calmes et sereines.
Just stay up there and keep calm.
Restez là et gardez votre calme.
All right, all right, just stay cool and calm about this.
Bon, restez calme.
Just keep alert, stay calm.
Restez en alerte et restez calmes.
Everybody just stay calm. Stay calm- -
Mais Vince a tout rassemblé.
Sir, stay behind the line there. Everyone, just calm down, okay?
Tout le monde derrière la ligne.
Don't think, just stay calm.
Je dois maîtriser mon désir.
Just try and stay calm.
Essaie de rester calme.

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