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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ J ] / Just stay away

Just stay away Çeviri Fransızca

719 parallel translation
Just stay away and leave us alone and die.
Va-t'en, ne reviens pas. Laisse-nous mourir en paix.
Just stay away from her. Forget the whole thing.
Mais laissez tomber.
- Just stay away from him all you can.
Tenez-vous aussi loin que possible de lui.
" Just stay away from her.
" En restant loin d'elle.
You just stay away from me.
N'approchez pas.
- I'm okay! Just stay away from here!
Just stay away from that stuff.
Tu as intérêt à arrêter.
- Steering clear at you. Listen, do me a favor. Just stay away from me.
Ce n "est pas un bon à rien qui profitera d" elle.
So just stay away from me, Johnny Brown, because because because I can't lie.
Alors... M'approchez pas, Johnny Brown! Parce que... je sais pas mentir.
Would you stay away, Molly? Just stay away!
Mais ne reviens pas, Molly, ne reviens pas!
Just stay away from the automobile.
Ne restez pas ici.
You just stay away.
Reste à distance.
Just stay away from that movie crowd, huh?
Ne fréquente pas ces gens, d'accord?
I wonder if he'll come back this time or just stay away.
Je me demande s'il reviendra, cette fois, ou s'il s'abstiendra.
Just stay away from the flour barrels.
N'approche pas des barils de farine, c'est tout.
You just stay away.
N'approchez pas!
Just stay away when we're eating, please?
Mais vous approchez pas quand on bouffe.
Just stay away from me, you hear?
Laisse-moi tranquille, tu m'entends?
Just stay away from him.
Restez loin de lui.
You just stay away, and get out.
Va-t'en. Fous le camp!
- Act your age. Just stay away from him.
Just stay away from the car!
Ne t'approche pas de la voiture.
Couldn't stay away, just had to see this fight.
Juste le temps du match.
I mean, uh... you wouldn't stay away just because he was one?
Vous ne refuseriez pas?
I couldn't stay there all alone so I I just drove away.
Je ne pouvais pas rester seule, alors je suis repartie en voiture.
Well, anything's okay by me, just so long as we stay away from that screwball doctor.
Ça ne me dérange pas, tant qu'on reste loin de ce docteur fou.
You better just leave him to me and stay away from him.
Laisse-moi faire et ne t'approche pas de lui.
But I know I should stay away, and I will just as long as I can.
Mais je sais que je dois rester à l'écart, et Je le ferai aussi longtemps que je peux
Just... stay away from me.
Eloigne-toi de moi.
After my mother passed away, I just didn't want to stay there anymore.
Quand ma mère est morte, je ne voulais plus rester là-bas.
Everywhere else, governments command, scream, shout, but here it just has to ask people politely to stay away and they do.
Partout ailleurs on crie, on tempête, on gronde et ici l'état dit poliment aux gens de ne pas bouger et ils le font.
Stay far away! " I just wanted to tell you I love you, mom!
Mais je t'aime trop, maman!
Just can't stay away, can you?
Tu ne peux pas partir. Tu ne dois pas partir.
She just couldn't stay away.
Elle ne pouvait pas rester loin d'ici?
You just stay put, and if you get any ideas about getting away... if the Indians don't kill you, I will.
Bouge pas, c'est tout. Et si tu penses à t'enfuir... si Ies Indiens te tuent pas, je Ie ferai.
Just keep quiet, and stay away from me, and not do anything?
Nous éviter, ne rien faire?
In the village where I come from... the girls stay away from the men in March and April... just in case.
Dans mon village, les filles devaient éviter les hommes en mars et en avril.
But now she just gives me all the money I ask for, and I can stay away the entire night doing exactly as I please - which happens to be drinking.
Maintenant elle me donne tout l'argent que je demande... et je peux passer toute la nuit dehors... faisant ce qui me plaît... c'est-à-dire boire.
Stay away from him! - Oh, my! Just what is all this commotion, you two?
Qu'est-ce que c'est que toute cette agitation?
Now, just stay away.
Alors ne reviens pas.
Just keep away, that's all. Stay away!
Ne l'approchez plus, c'est tout!
My lawyer just got a court order. So now he's gotta stay away from me.
Mon avocat vient de m'apprendre qu'il doit rester éloigné de moi.
well, just stay away from me.
M'approche pas.
I think you and I ought to stay away from each other for a couple of days just in case she's tagging after me.
On ne devrait pas se voir pendant quelques jours, au cas où elle me suivrait.
I just want him to stay away from my doves.
Je veux juste qu'il reste éloigné de mes colombes.
- Give me the facts, or stay away from me, just the facts!
Donne-moi des faits ou alors oublie-moi, juste les faits!
I just want to ask you... how you people in show business... manage to stay in action when you give it away like that?
Dis-moi. Comment vous tenez dans le spectacle si vous donnez tout?
Just keep to yourself and stay away from the press people.
Eloigne-toi et évite la presse.
I just know you stay away from them.
Je sais juste qu'il faut rester à l'écart.
Now, you just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from reporters.
Alors vous allez la fermer, et vous tenir à l'écart des journalistes.
Nicky, you and Michael, you're going away in a couple of days. I was just wondering if I could use this place to stay?
Comme Mike et toi, vous partez quelques jours, je peux habiter ici?

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