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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ K ] / Katrin

Katrin Çeviri Fransızca

96 parallel translation
For the grocer, another group of coins for Katrin's shoes to be half-soled.
" Pour l'épicier. Et pour ressemeler les bottines de Katrin.
For Katrin's shoes to be half-soled.
Pour le ressemelage de Katrin...
- Katrin's shoes.
- Les bottines de Katrin.
Katrin's old shoes.
Ses vieilles bottines.
- Will you get the little bank, Katrin?
Va chercher la cassette.
- Yes, Mama.
Katrin could help me.
Katrin pourra m'aider.
Christine, Katrin, you are frightened of me?
Vous avez peur de moi?
Katrin, put the butter in the cooler for me.
Katrin. mets le beurre au frais.
Katrin, why you don't eat your rice pudding?
Tu ne manges pas ton pudding?
No, Papa. Katrin, get your coat. You'll need it.
Katrin. ton manteau!
- I hope Katrin knows her part.
- Katrin sait son rôle?
- But, look, Katrin you wanted your present, and Mama wanted your happiness.
Maman tenait à ce que tu sois heureuse.
But she always meant it for you, Katrin and you mustn't cry.
Elle a toujours compté te le donner. Ne pleure pas. Tu as ta pièce à jouer.
Now, look, Katrin tonight you are not Katrin any longer.
Ce soir. tu n'es plus Katrin.
Look, Martha, tonight after you leave Katrin found out about your brooch.
Ce soir. Katrin a appris la vérité sur ta broche!
Yes, Mama? Did you tell Katrin tonight about my brooch?
Tu as dit à Katrin. pour la broche?
He didn't want to, but Katrin begged and begged him.
Il ne voulait pas. mais Katrin l'a supplié.
- Katrin is the dramatic one. - Yeah.
Katrin est la plus émotive!
Katrin can stay.
Katrin peut rester.
Katrin, who will be writer.
Katrin. tu seras écrivain.
I think best maybe Katrin go away now.
Il vaut peut-être mieux que Katrin sorte.
Farvel, Katrin.
Adieu. Katrin.
You come and see him.
Katrin. viens-tu le voir?
- Goodbye. A horse doctor? Goodbye, Katrin.
Un docteur pour chevaux?
- Katrin. Is your letter makes you say this?
- Est-ce cette lettre qui te le dit?
Say... Say, Katrin, last night, I read an article in the newspapers.
Hier soir. j'ai lu quelque chose dans le journal.
Well, she say... Katrin, you better read it.
Katrin. lis-le donc.
- Oh, yes. - My daughter Katrin wants to be writer.
Ma fille voudrait être écrivain.
Katrin, I've been to see Ms. Moorhead.
Je suis allée voir Miss Moorhead.
Will you listen, Katrin?
Tu m'écoutes?
It helps, Katrin, what I have told you?
Cela t'aidera. ce que je t'ai dit?
- Mama. - Katrin, get the story.
Prends ton histoire.
- What is it? Katrin write story for magazine. They pay her $ 500 to print it.
Un magazine achète l'histoire de Katrin 500 dollars!
I want you be quiet and listen.
Ecoutez. Katrin va nous la lire!
You take Mr. Hyde's chair, Katrin.
Prends la chaise de M. Hyde.
I promised Katrin....
J'ai promis à Katrin de la voir.
- Katrin's getting a divorce.
- Katrin va divorcer.
You're acting like a bumpkin on a village stage.
Tu joues comme une paysanne sur une scène de province. Katrin!
Katrin. You play the part.
Tu vas jouer le rôle.
Kathrine... I zought we had an agreement. That no man is working in ze castle, disturbing my work.
Katrin, nous étions d'accord pour qu'aucun homme ne travaille au château, afin de ne pas me déranger.
So soon, Katherine
Déjà, Katrin?
- Katrin. Katrin De Korsi.
Catherine de Corcey.
That was when you were Katrin De Korsi, superspy.
Mais vous étiez Catherine de Corcey, l'espionne!
Katrin Ottarsdóttir
Katrin Ottarsdóttir
Katrin is sick.
Katrín est malade.
- Katrin!
I wanted to remind Katrin to buy food because my daughter is coming today.
Je voulais dire à Katie de faire les courses, ma fille vient ce soir.
- That's Katrin!
- C'est Katrin tout craché!

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