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Let it ring Çeviri Fransızca

172 parallel translation
Let it ring.
C'est M. Jaffe.
Let it ring.
Laissez sonner.
- Let it ring.
- Qu'il sonne.
Well, go on, dear. Don't let it ring all day.
Va donc, ne le fais pas attendre.
I'll manage it myself when I'm here and let it ring when I ain't.
Moi, quand je serai là, et il sonnera le reste du temps.
He let it ring for five minutes by the clock and he was in a conference.
- Il a sonné cinq minutes.
On n'a qu'à laisser sonner.
- Let it ring. - Someone might get suspicious.
Laisse sonner.
- You just let it ring?
- Vous le laissez sonner?
- No, just let it ring.
- Non, qu'il sonne.
Let it ring.
Laisse sonner.
Let it ring, have your fling
Jouez le carillon de l'aventure
Let it ring, have your fling...
Jouez le carillon de l'aventure...
Let it ring
Laissez sonner
Let it ring.
Laisse-le sonner.
Let it ring!
Qu'il sonne!
- Oh, let it ring.
- Laisse sonner.
Let it ring!
Laisse-les sonner!
- Let it ring longer.
- Laisse sonner plus longtemps.
I don't want to talk, let it ring.
Je ne veux pas parler, laisse sonner.
Let it ring.
Laisse sonner... Tu as besoin de moi.
Let it ring!
Laisse sonner!
Let's let it ring without answering it.
Laissons sonner.
Let the earth sing Let it ring
" Terre, chante afin que retentisse
Would you try it again, please, and let it ring?
Essayez encore. Et laissez sonner.
I don't care, just let it ring, maybe they'll go away.
Je m'en fous. Laisse sonner.
Leigh, let it ring.
Leigh, laisse sonner.
How long are you going to let it ring?
Tu vas laisser sonner longtemps?
let it ring.
Laisse sonner.
Just let it ring!
Laisse sonner!
let it ring once and hang up.
Vous faites le numéro, vous laissez sonner une fois, vous raccrochez.
Let it ring, Nelly.
Nelly, laisse sonner.
Maybe you didn't let it ring long enough.
Peut-être qu'il fallait laisser sonner.
- We'll call, let it ring...
- Tu laisses sonner...
- What? Let it ring?
- Et laisser sonner?
Let Sam take it out of his hide in the ring.
Sam pourrait s'en prendre à lui dans l'arêne.
- Let me ring it. - No, no, no.
Je vais la sonner.
Let's take our ring and move it over Japan.
Si les bases aériennes étaient proches, ce serait chose simple.
If you wont let him give me the centre ring, I'll take it away from him.
Si vous lui interdisez de me laisser sa place, c'est moi qui la prendrai.
And put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it and let us eat, and be merry.
Mettez-lui un anneau au doigt et des souliers aux pieds. Amenez le veau gras et tuez-le.
Shall she let it ring?
Souffle coupé, le teint blafard.
I am ringing the bell. Well, let me ring it.
Laissez-moi faire, vous ne savez pas vous y prendre.
Well, let me tell you something... That you can't buy respectability... By slipping a wedding ring on it.
- Laisse-moi te dire que tu ne peux acheter une respectabilité en te mettant la bague au doigt.
Let's let it ring.
Laissons-le sonner.
It didn't bother you last week... in the ring, with your hands at your side for seven rounds... and let Clay beat your brains out. That didn't bother you! It didn't bother you that I had every last nickel I have on that table... saying that you wouldn't go four!
Ça ne t'a pas ennuyé de tenir sept rounds dans ce ring contre Clay... quand j'avais tout parié que tu ne tiendrais pas quatre rounds...
Let him ring her right away, then... nobody else will get it.
Qu'il la retienne tout de suite.
What is RI NG, and why were you let go from it?
Qu'est-ce que RING, and why were you let go from it?
We'll show him the ropes... and destroy his hopes... put him in the ring... let him feel the sting... we can make him dance... we'll pound him to bits... then he'll call it quits.
Montre-lui où sont les cordes et ruine ses espoirs Mets-le sur le ring, qu'il essaye. Qu'il souffre, on va le faire danser
I'll ring you up again at 10 to let you know how it went. Fine.
Je te rappellerai à 10 h pour te raconter.
Let's put it this way. I didn't exactly get a ring.
Disons que ce n'était pas le septième ciel.
Just let it ring.
Laisse sonner.

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