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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ O ] / Overlap

Overlap Çeviri Fransızca

287 parallel translation
They intersect, overlap, twist in and out, to form a jumble of mazes.
Les ruelles, qui se croisent... se chevauchent... s'enlacent... se désenlacent dans un fouillis de labyrinthes...
Overlap it, I pray you.
Chevauchez-le, je vous prie.
Psychiatrists use $ 10 words, but whatever you call them, they run to a pattern and they don't overlap.
Les psychiatres ont d'autres mots, mais quoi qu'il en soit, ils suivent un modèle et ne se chevauchent pas.
These psychiatric offenders don't overlap.
Ces délinquants ne se chevauchent pas.
Get him. Okay, so they don't overlap,
D'accord, ils ne se chevauchent pas,
How the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere... get all mixed up and overlap.
Comment les hémisphères nord et sud... se mélangent, se confondent.
Though your health hints do sort of overlap sometimes.
Tes conseils de santé se contredisent parfois.
But you must have your guns emplaced... so that their fields of fire overlap... then if one gun is knocked out... the next will still cover the same field.
Mais les rayons de tir des canons doivent se chevaucher. Ainsi, si un est détruit, celui d'à côté prendra le relais.
- One degree to overlap.
- Alignement d'un degré.
Only the overlap time changed.
Seul le chevauchement temporel a changé.
- I'll give you an overlap.
- Je recommencerai.
Hundreds. Nevertheless, you and I are beginning to overlap.
Des centaines, mais on commence à se gêner.
I want to form a small group, like a small clot,... so that they all overlap.
Je veux un petit groupe, qu'ils s'imbriquent comme une pelote de laine. - Bien.
The two can overlap.
Les deux sont compatibles.
What's the, what's the overlap, you've got a lot to go there.
C'est quoi, l'empiètement?
We would need to cross-connect six units so that the fields overlap.
Il faudrait connecter six unités pour couvrir une surface supérieure.
There's a big overlap between Your responsibilities In anticrime... And what you'd be Doing in the squad.
Ton travail à l'Anti-Délinquance est proche de ce que tu feras ici.
There's overlap between the needle and slash below the E.
L'aiguille n'est pas encore en bout de course.
No overlap.
Continuité parfaite.
There can be no overlap.
Il ne peut pas y avoir de chevauchement.
Those two worlds overlap.
Deux mondes très similaires.
I'm afraid that we're entering overlap now.
Je crains que nous ayons à faire maintenant.
The bombing locations and the flower locations overlap.
Les fleurs sont placées au mêmes endroits que les bombes.
Good. I think that your activity can overlap with mine.
Je pense qu'on peut combiner nos deux activités.
- No, coverage doesn't overlap.
- Non, la couverture est différente.
This is just an overlap of two connected worlds.
Nos deux mondes ne font que se chevaucher.
Their aim could overlap... but isn't it strange?
Leurs buts peuvent se chevaucher... mais n'est-ce pas étrange?
Ms. Chin, please put all faxes on the board and make sure they don't overlap.
Mlle Chin, veuillez mettre les fax sur le tableau et ne les superposez pas.
Mr. Hayter, when the overlap comes You think about it.
M. Hayter, quand la défense... Regardez le résultat.
It's not bad, but it'll overlap with Keigo's.
C'est pas mal, mais ça dépasse avec celui de Keigo.
Overlap to one.
- Rapproche les
No overlap on the friendlies?
Pas de chevauchement des membres des équipes?
That's assuming that parallel realities occasionally overlap.
Si des réalités parallèles peuvent se chevaucher.
As you can see, sometimes they tend to slip and overlap into my spot.
Comme vous voyez, ils débordent parfois sur mon secteur.
- The cases don't overlap, Monk.
- Monsieur, votre rendez-vous de 10h? - Ces affaires n'ont aucun rapport.
- A cross-reference to check overlap?
Il y a des recoupements?
There were two cameras set up, so we didn't overlap.
Deuxième temps de la première mesure. Il y avait deux caméras, on pouvait parler en même temps.
Check with Secret Service. I don't want any overlap.
Faites le point avec les Services secrets.
In fact, I've never heard of two metas with the exact power overlap.
- Rien En fait, je n'ai jamais entendu parlé de deux métas ayant le même pouvoir.
What should we do? It'll overlap.
Ça ne va pas, elle aurait le même nom.
Can you overlap that line for me?
Tu peux recommencer?
According to theoretical physics, eventually we'll be able to fold space so that the new Glasgow will overlap the old Glasgow enabling us to travel between the two without moving in time or space.
Selon des théories de physique, dans le futur nous serons capables de plier l'espace de manière à ce que le nouveau Glasgow recouvre le vieux Glasgow nous permettant de voyager entre les deux sans se déplacer dans l'espace et le temps.
What she saw and what I see, overlap.
Ce qu'elle voyait et ce que je voyais s'entremêlaient.
She and I, overlap.
Elle et moi, nous nous entremêlions.
It's combining the two and living in that place where they overlap.
vivre là où elles se mêlent.
Don't overlap it. Just make it meet.
et y en a plein que je voudrais garder.
I'm thinking spiral with an overlap. I'll head this way.
Procédons en spirale par chevauchements.
I know when you first slept with that boy, but did you overlap after that?
Je sais quand t'as eu ton 1er amant, mais t'as recommencé?
Not the same website as Linda's... but we have our techs cross-referencing the activity... to make sure there's no overlap.
Pas sur le même site que celui de Linda, mais nos techniciens comparent leurs connexions pour voir si elles se recoupent.
The receiver has to be in the overlap.
Le récepteur est dans la zone commune.
- ( many voices overlap )

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