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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ P ] / Prove it to me

Prove it to me Çeviri Fransızca

614 parallel translation
Prove it to me.
Prove it to me in black and white.
Donnez-m'en la preuve, noir sur blanc!
Prove it to me.
You don't have to prove it to me, curtis. I know that.
Pas avec moi.
"Then prove it to me."
"Prove it to me."
Something so incredible that I do not trust my own eyes... and I want you to help me prove it.
Quelque chose de si incroyable que je n'en crois pas mes yeux... et je veux que vous m'aidiez à le prouver.
I brought it along with me. Just to prove to myself that the Swami is bogus.
Je l " a ¡ pr ¡ se avec mo ¡ s ¡ mplement pour me prouver que ce Swam ¡ est b ¡ don.
Then why are you afraid to let me prove it?
Tu as peur que je le prouve?
You want me to prove it?
Des preuves'?
You want me to prove it?
Vous voulez des preuves'?
Well, why don't you give me a chance to prove it?
Donne-moi donc une chance de le prouver.
No matter what they do to me, I'll survive and prove it.
Quoi qu'on fasse, je survivrai pour me réhabiliter.
Maybe I can show you better. Let me prove it to you in black and white.
Si j'arrive à vous convaincre, à le prouver noir sur blanc.
I'II get on. - please give me the chance to prove it, sir.
Je reussirai, Iaissez-moi faire mes preuves...
As I don't know much about this sort of thing... but it just occurred to me that maybe you could prove to your brother-in-law... that you've got an in with the cops by warning him that there's gonna be a raid.
Je ne m'y connais pas très bien là-dedans... mais j'ai pensé que vous pourriez prouver au beau-frère... que vous êtes au parfum avec les flics en le prévenant qu'il y aura un raid.
You want me to prove it?
Je le prouverai.
And get me 15 eyewitnesses to prove it.
Trouve-moi quinze témoins qui le confirmeront.
Would you want me to prove it?
Me laisserez-vous le prouver?
It will give me a chance to prove certain theories of mine.
J'aurai l'occasion de prouver certaines de mes théories.
- Why don't you try it? - Oh, you want me to prove it to you?
- Pourquoi n'essayez-vous pas?
I didn't know what it meant when Mr. Joppe came to see me and asked me to help him prove that Jarnac had been killed.
J'ignorais ce que ça signifiait quand M. Joppe est venu me demander de l'aider à prouver que Jarnac avait été tué.
I know you don't believe me and you're trying valiantly to humor me... but I'm going to prove it to you.
Je vais te le prouver.
But it's time for me to prove to be warrior.
Je veux prouver que je suis un guerrier.
I've got the Indian sign on me. It seems I can't win. I got to start out, prove who killed them.
J'ai le mauvais œil, je n'arrive à rien mais je dois découvrir l'assassin.
But try to prove something against me. Try it!
Et essayez d'avoir une preuve contre moi!
I have many years behind me to prove it.
La vie n'a cessé de me le prouver.
I keep saying to myself that I'm just the same as everybody else, but I wanted to prove it.
Je n'arrête pas de me dire que je suis comme les autres, mais je voulais le prouver.
Please, give me a chance to prove it.
Pitié, laissez-moi vous le prouver.
Who'd he prove it to? - Not to me, he didn't.
Ça ne prouve rien pour moi!
How many times do you want me to prove it? All right, I'll prove it again.
Combien de fois je dois le repeter ca va, je le démontrerai encore.
Is't come to this? Make me to see't, or at the least so prove it that the probation bear no hinge nor loop to hang a doubt on or woe upon thy life!
La preuve visible, ou du moins une preuve sans gond.
Perhaps it's the name that's confusing you. If you let me work for a couple of hours, - I'll be better able to prove what it will do.
Donnez-moi encore quelques heures et on aura une meilleure idée des effets.
I can prove it if I can get you to help me dig it out of there.
Je peux le prouver si vous m'aidez à le déterrer.
Now prove to me it's not too high.
Prouve-moi qu'il ne l'est pas.
I'll prove it to you if you'll let me.
Alors, laissez-moi vous le prouver.
I only bought it to prove, to have something he couldn't duplicate.
Je l'ai achetée comme preuve. Pour me distinguer.
Don't sit there and prove what I say! I don't like to hear it!
Ne me prouve pas ce que je disais!
give me 30 seconds with him and I'll prove it to you.
Donnez moi 30 secondes pour le prouver
I've made a career studying it... maybe just to prove one thing... that I'm not a superstitious sucker like about 90 percent of humanity.
J'ai passé ma vie à étudier ces choses... peut-être simplement pour me persuader... que je ne suis pas superstitieux comme les 90 % de l'humanité.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Si je pouvais faire en sorte qu'iI ne se mette jamais entre nous, si je pouvais te prouver que je n'envisageais pas de te voler, tout serait pareil entre nous, si je pouvais Ie faire, tu m'aimerais de nouveau, n'est-ce pas?
You've got to say "I couldn't have been there because here is where I was, and these are the people who were with me to prove it."
Il faut dire : "Je n'étais pas là parce que j'étais à tel endroit et voici les gens qui peuvent confirmer ce que je dis."
- Like me to prove it isn't nonsense?
- Tu veux que je te le prouve?
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it.
J'étais bon. Très bon.
I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Chaque jour, je commençais à boire un peu plus tôt.
Mr. Bracket, please give me more time and I'll prove it to you.
M. Bracket, donnez-moi un peu de temps et je vous le prouverai.
This is your chance to prove it.
Voilà ta chance de me le prouver.
Unfortunately, the only way i can prove it or disprove it is going to put me in considerable jeopardy.
Messieurs, j'ai une théorie. Malheureusement, la seule façon que j'aurai de la prouver va sérieusement me mettre en danger.
That thing inside and I are in touch. Want me to prove it?
La chose à l'intérieur, je peux entrer en contact avec elle, laissez-moi vous le prouver.
You give me your help and you'll find that I'm just as anxious to prove it as you are.
Aidez-moi et vous verrez que j'en ai autant envie que vous.
Just that... prove it. Take me down to the crypt and show me his body. I can't.
Emmenez-moi dans la crypte... et montrez-moi son corps.

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