Restrain him Çeviri Fransızca
108 parallel translation
First this little planet and its winds and ways, and then all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him.
D'abord, cette petite planète, ses vents et ses voies, puis toutes les lois de l'esprit et de la matière qui le retiennent
- No! - I ask you to restrain him.
- Je demande à la cour de le maîtriser.
Teach him to restrain himself.
Enseignez à contenir.
When we're no longer here to restrain him who knows what crimes even murder.
Quand nous ne serons plus là pour le retenir, qui sait quels délits, quels crimes même...
We have no right to restrain him.
Nous n'avons pas le droit de le retenir.
We had to restrain him, sir.
Il a fallu qu'on le contienne.
It's clear Roberts is a dangerous fellow, but if you ever have to restrain him again, I don't want him looking like a battle casualty, understand?
Oui, Roberts est dangereux, mais si vous devez encore le contenir, qu'il n'ait pas l'air de revenir du combat.
Restrain him!
This is a restraint curse. They must restrain him spiritually and physically.
C'est un sort qui doit emprisonner à la fois son âme et son corps.
" Rope restrain him, Gretel, behave
" Corde, retiens-le, Gretel, tais-toi
Restrain him!
We had to restrain him.
On a dû l'en empêcher.
Counselor, it took five men to restrain him and he took apart half the transporter room in the process.
Il a fallu cinq hommes pour en venir à bout! Avant ça, il a saccagé la salle de téléportation.
That'll restrain him. Especially the mouthpiece.
Il est bien ficelé, il ne bougera pas.
Restrain him!
If he refuses, do we restrain him and give it by injection?
Si il refuse, est-ce qu'on doit l'attacher et lui donner par injection?
Don't restrain him.
Ne le bloquez pas.
Should we restrain him? Yeah.
- Est-ce qu'on doit l'attacher?
Restrain him!
- You can't restrain him with drugs.
- Tu ne peux pas le droguer.
I had to restrain him so he wouldn't find the bodies in the backyard and take our baby away.
Je ne voulais pas qu'il découvre les corps dans le jardin et qu'il arrête Stan.
They're trying to restrain him.
Ils tentent de le ma îti riser.
To restrain him, President.
Sergeant, restrain him!
Brigadier, surveillez-le.
We're going to have to restrain him.
Il va falloir l'attacher.
I had to restrain him. I thought it best not to sedate him till you speak to him.
Je l'ai attaché, mais j'ai jugé préférable de ne pas lui donner de sédatifs.
I thought you had to restrain him.
Tu m'as dit que vous l'aviez attaché.
A new chip might restrain him should the First attempt to activate him again.
Une nouvelle puce pourrait le maîtriser si le Premier tentait de le manipuler à nouveau.
Restrain him.
When he gets irritated, even I can't restrain him.
Quand il est énervé, personne peut l'arrêter.
It takes three men to restrain him and bring him back to our own.
Il faut trois hommes pour le maîtriser et le ramener.
Yesterday, he broke the bonds that were meant to restrain him.
Hier, il a cassé les liens qui le retenaient.
I had to restrain him to get him back here.
J'ai dû le ligoter pour le ramener ici.
Now, without anyone to restrain him,
À présent que personne ne le retenait,
Restrain him.
- I stopped him before he alerted anyone, but I had to restrain him.
- J'ai réussi à l'en empêcher, mais j'ai dû l'attacher.
- Bailiff, restrain him and keep him...
- Huissier, restreignez-le et empêchez-le...
They can restrain him. If I must, I'll call Nicolas.
- S'il le faut, j'appelle Nicolas.
- Then restrain him.
- Alors, empêchez-le.
Nurse, help me restrain him.
Aidez-moi à le maîtriser.
You must at least restrain him.
Tu dois au moins le contenir.
He shattered both legs and broke the nose of an attendants... who was trying to restrain him.
Il a cassé les deux jambes et le nez d'un des aide-soignants... qui essayaient de le maitriser.
Seems the girls are trying to restrain him.
Il semble qu'elles soient en train d'essayer de le maîtriser.
The captain says we should restrain him, but I've only...
Le commandant veut qu'on le maîtrise, mais je n'ai que...
And If you would please restrain from talking to him,
Et si tu pouvais t'abstenir de lui parler,
Ms Matsuga, restrain your witness or I'll hold him in contempt.
Mme Matsuga, contenez votre témoin, ou c'est outrage à la Cour.
Restrain him.
- Attachez-le.
We had to restrain him.
On a dû le calmer.
Restrain the Commander and return him back to the witness chair.
Empêchez le commandant de partir et faites-le asseoir à la barre.
Crowley, restrain him.
Crowley, retiens le.
- Do you want us to restrain him?
Voulez-vous qu'on l'enferme?
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
restraint 44
restroom 22
restraining order 19
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
restraint 44
restroom 22
restraining order 19