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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / Stuffy

Stuffy Çeviri Fransızca

605 parallel translation
" It's gettin'stuffy in here with all this smoke and love...
" On étouffe ici avec toute cette fumée et cet amour.
And dirty, stuffy rooms... Think he's interested in that?
Les tournées en province, dans les wagons pas chauffés, et en 3e classe...
You work all day in some store... and then you rush home to sleep at night in some stuffy tenement.
Vous travaillez toute la journée dans un magasin... et vous vous dépêchez de rentrer dormir dans un immeuble bondé.
But it is stuffy in here.
Mais ça sent le renfermé ici.
It's hot and stuffy here.
Il fait chaud, ici.
He's too busy rushing off to Philadelphia to make stuffy old speeches at stuffy old bankers'meetings.
Il préfère de loin se ruer à Philadelphie pour faire des discours ampoulés devant de vieux banquiers guindés.
Muller's down in the Arab quarter now. Well, if I must give an explanation, it was stuffy in here.
Puisque je dois me justifier, j'étouffais ici.
Well, it's kind of stuffy in here.
Un peu étouffant ici.
Darling, they aren't so stuffy, really.
On n'est pas si collet-monté!
You don't want me to turn out to be a stuffy intellectual, do you?
Tu ne voudrais pas que je devienne une vieille intellectuelle, n'est-ce pas?
Just as stuffy as ever in here.
C'est toujours aussi étouffant ici.
Quite stuffy affair. This puts...
C'est étouffant, ici.
- It's too stuffy here.
- Non. Ça manque d'air, ici.
Well, you won it, Stuffy.
Tu as gagné, Stuffy.
Nice work, Stuffy.
Beau travail, Stuffy.
- He wanted Stuffy to be crooked, eh?
Le malhonnête!
You know he's honest.
Stuffy est honnête.
Gil, why don't you give Stuffy a job. Let him ride Hi Hat.
Faites-en le jockey de "Hi Hat"!
- You didn't get him here any too soon. - Hey, Stuffy!
Il était temps de me l'amener!
You think that's bad? I know something worse than that. - Did Stuffy tell you?
Ça, c'est rien à côté de ce que je sais.
- Sure. Here, ask Stuffy.
Demandez à Stuffy.
Stuffy's right. Hi Hat's too hungry to run.
Stuffy dit que Hi Hat a trop faim pour gagner.
That's fine. You sing, I sell some more books and Stuffy, he's gonna put Hi Hat to bed.
Chantez, je vendrai des livres, et Stuffy couchera Hi Hat.
I laugh. Stuffy's laughing too.
Stuffy aussi rit.
Go on and laugh, Stuffy.
Vas-y, ris.
Go ahead, Stuffy! Go to it. Good luck!
A toi de jouer, Stuffy.
Hey, Stuffy, did you find Hi Hat?
Tu as trouvé Hi Hat?
Stuffy, scram!
- And then, do you have a stuffy nose?
Et alors, vous avez le nez bouché?
Otherwise his talent, like his stomach, grows fat and stuffy.
Sinon son talent, comme son ventre, finit par s'empâter.
It's too stuffy in here.
On étouffe ici.
It's a little stuffy.
Ça sent un peu le renfermé.
- It's awfully stuffy in here.
- Ça manque d'air ici.
Funny. I'd been thinking It was stuffy in here.
Étrange, je trouvais qu'on étouffait ici.
My, it's stuffy in here.
On étouffe ici.
Impossibly stuffy in there. - It was.
- On étouffait là-dedans.
Don't be too stuffy, too much like a teacher!
Ne soyez trop rigide, trop... prof.
It's sort of stuffy in here, isn't it?
On étouffe un peu ici, non?
Yeah, it's sort of stuffy in here.
Ouais, ça manque d'air.
Come on, John. Don't be stuffy.
Ne prends pas cet air-là...
Well, rather stuffy in there, eh? - A little.
- On étouffe là-dedans.
I know I sound stuffy. Gee, I like a good time as well as the next.
J'ai l'air vieux jeu, mais j'aime aussi m'amuser.
Oh, you couldn't have gotten that stuffy in just four years.
Tu n'as pas pu devenir aussi guindé en seulement quatre ans!
It's stuffy in here, I would like to go outside.
On étouffe ici, j'ai envie de sortir.
It was not at all stuffy in the saloon.
L'air n'était pas étouffant dans le salon.
They do not look at all like people who are tired or people who feel faint in a stuffy room.
Rien à voir avec un homme fatigué ou qui souffre du manque d'air.
The average man's day is stuffy with modesty.
La journée d'un homme ordinaire est déjà pleine de modestie.
I find it a little stuffy in an upper.
C'est un peu renfermé sur la supérieure.
- Cest chaud ici, monsieur, n ´ eest-ce pas? - Yes, it is a little stuffy in here, isn ´ tt it?
Oui, on étouffe, ici.
She looks stuffy.
Oui, Madame.
Looks like a wet track tomorrow, Stuffy.
Ça colle entre nous, hein?

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