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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / They're right there

They're right there Çeviri Fransızca

490 parallel translation
- Well, right there they're gonna have the Mahoney Sisters.
- Un jour, ce sera les Mahoney Sisters qui seront là.
There's fish there, all right, but they're making jokes about the bait.
Le poisson manque pas. Mais il se fiche pas mal de l'appât.
They're there right now. Ma!
Ils y sont en ce moment.
You're right there. They're all the same.
Tu as raison, tous pareils.
- Oh, they're right there.
- Juste là.
There are no "excepts," and they're right. - It'd look good to me. I might do it again.
Il n'y a pas de mais, je peux recommencer.
All our hopes, all our plans, they're all right there beneath you!
Tous nos espoirs, tous nos projets, ils sont tous sous tes pieds!
But if you'd have been watching the dust swirls to the south like most of us you'd see that they're right there.
Les nuages de poussière vers le sud indiquent qu'ils sont là!
They're hitting it hard right from the start, really traveling out there.
Ça va très vite dès le début.
They're in every other floor, right there.
Il y en a à chaque étage, juste là.
I like to get right in there with those people... and find out what they're thinking and feeling.
J'aime savoir ce que pensent et ressentent les personnages.
They're right, there's no gambling here. Nobody in Phenix City has a chance.
Ce qui est vrai, il n'y a aucun jeu de hasard à Phenix City.
They're right there on the table.
Elles sont sur la table.
There's no time. They're right behind me.
Pas le temps, ils ne sont pas loin derrière moi.
They're right over there.
Ils sont là-bas.
They're out there, all right.
ils sont là, d'accord.
Yes, but they're cutting a new street through right down there.
Oui, mais ils sont en train d'ouvrir une nouvelle rue là-bas, tu la vois?
I tell you, there are such things and they're right here in New York.
Ces choses-là existent, et en plein New York.
Do you think they're gonna be all right down there? Grenades, gas and bullets have failed to stop the beast, but perhaps it can be electrocuted.
Les grenades, le gaz, les balles n'ont pas pu arrêter la bête, mais on peut peut-être l'électrocuter.
Oh, yes. Yes. They're up there all right.
Oui, ils sont bien là-haut.
They're used to seeing where I belong. They have a right to expect me there.
Ils ont l'habitude de me voir à ma place.
They're not telling anyone yet. But other countries, certainly other observatories have a right to know. Not if there's the slightest possibility of a leak.
Il y a risque de fuite si l'on communique l'information.
They're out there looking for us right now.
KERT : Ne te méprends pas.
Where should I look? They're sitting right there.
C'est dur, ils sont en face.
they won't know we're there. Yes, yes yes, you may appear to be right, but it's dangerous... it's very risky!
Oui, oui, vous semblez avoir raison, mais c'est dangereux et très risqué!
There's no question that the Boers also have a right to this wealth even if they're white Africans.
Il ne fait aucun doute que les Boers ont droit eux aussi à cette richesse car les Boers sont Africains, eux aussi, même s'ils sont des Africains blancs.
The Loser's in the hospital, - and they're gonna take him from there right into prison.
Le Loser est à l'hôpital, et de là ils vont l'emmener directement en prison.
Y-You're so right. There's a tribe in... in Africa who never say a word. They just touch each other.
Je connais une tribu d'Afrique où le toucher remplace le langage!
They're right over there on the hat rack.
Elles sont sur le porte-chapeaux.
Well, they're kinda rough, you know, around the edges, but if you're ever in a jam, wham, they're right there.
Ils sont pas forts sur les chatteries mais... quand on a des ennuis, ils sont là.
We have to go to those projects up there with the silent middle class, in those projects, where they're sitting with their pipes right now, in their chairs, reading the New York Times... you have to go up there, and you have to blow their minds.
Il faut qu'on aille dans les HLM, là-bas, toucher la classe moyenne muette, assise, pipe au bec, en train de lire le New York Times... Il faut aller leur secouer les neurones!
There's this continual flow of people just right in the street. They're going along and it...
Et puis, il y a ce flux incessant de jeunes...
- Right after the funeral... there's going to be a board of directors meeting... and probably a proxy fight... and I'll have to spend a week in Washington... because they're investigating the Armbruster Foundation.
- Aprês les funérailles... le conseil d'administration va se réunir... et se disputer le poste de fondé de pouvoir. Je devrai passer une semaine à Washington... car ils sont en train d'examiner la Fondation Armbruster.
They're out there, all right, camped in the shelter of some trees.
Leur camp est bien là. Daniel!
They're on the desk right there. There.
Sur le bureau, là.
And, you know, there's, uh... these girls. They're absolutely all right.
Tu sais, euh, c'est fille, elles sont vraiment superbes.
That's right. They're for the three men out there.
- Oui, pour ces trois gars là-bas.
They're right up there in the car waiting for you.
- Ils vous attendent dans cette voiture.
They're right down there in a can across from the coffee, a little round can.
Ils sont là-dessous, dans une petite boîte brune.
They're down there, all right.
Ils sont en bas, j'en suis sûr.
They're sittin'in there right now waitin'on me.
Ils m'attendent à l'intérieur.
They're there, all right.
Ils sont là-bas, c'est sûr.
Right there in the photographs. They're the very same scratches.
Sur ces photos... il y a les mêmes rayures.
Pumpkins of witches are there to roast. You may think, they scare me. You're probably right.
Veille de la Toussaint 1963.
All right, okay, they're up there somewhere. Spread out.
Ils sont là-haut, déployez-vous.
they're right there on the tape and they're fabulous.
Ecoute la bande. Il est fabuleux!
they're right there.
Il est là.
There's a gangster in the lobby. They're right here in the building.
Il y a un tueur dans le hall de l'immeuble!
They're even out there right now, digging in the garden.
Ils sont là, dehors, en ce moment, à creuser dans le jardin.
They're there, on the right.
Elle est là, à droite.
It's them, Carl, they're right there!
C'est eux, Carl, ils sont là!

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